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词汇 takers
释义 takers ˈteɪkəz COCA²³⁹⁴⁰BNC²³¹⁷⁸Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
n.接受者¹⁰⁰;购买者taker的复数原型taker的复数 Should we not be thinking of smokers as indulgent risk- takers rather than pariahs?
我们难道不该想想他们是一群纵情的冒险者而不是贱民吗? yeeyan

Test- takers need to develop logical skills, a large vocabulary, and an understanding of sentence structures.
考生需要提高他们的逻辑思维能力、词汇量和对句子结构的理解。 iciba

The National Center for Fair and Open Testing, or Fair Test, believes that standardized tests like the SAT assume all test takers have backgrounds similar to white, middle- class students.
国家公平与开放测试中心简称公平测试认为,像 SAT这样的标准化考试是建立在所有考生都有和白人中产阶级学生相似的背景上的。 yeeyan

The Pilot results did not indicate that test- takers had difficulties finishing the tasks.
试验性考试结果并未表明考生在规定时间答完问题有任何困难。 hjenglish

The students asked only to predict their actions felt calmer—and said they’d cheat more than the test- takers actually did.
曾被要求预测自己行动的学生的情绪更平和,并说自己作弊的次数比考生实际作弊次数更多。 yeeyan

The vast majority of traveling test- takers so far have headed for Nepal, India's neighbor to the north.
迄今为止,大多数出国考生都涌向了印度北面的邻国尼泊尔。 ebigear

There is no specific formula for calculating how many spelling mistakes will affect a test- takers score because there are many factors that are considered in assigning the final score.
没有具体规定多少个拼写错误会影响考生的考试成绩,因为最后的分数是由诸多因素共同决定的。 hjenglish

And it aims at payers of bribes as well as takers.
而且它不仅针对行贿者,也针对收贿者. ecocn

As past exam takers grow up to become parents, their children are now taking the same path.
随着过去的考生长大成为父母,他们的孩子现在也走同一条道路。 hxen

But ministers may nevertheless find some takers.
但部长们还是可以找到接受者的。 yeeyan

But surely most survey- takers, when presented with two extreme options and one that lies in the middle, will instinctively gravitate, like Goldilocks, toward the middle option.
但显然大部分受调查者在看到两个极端和一个中庸的选项时,会本能地受到中庸选项的吸引,这就像是“金发经济”。 yeeyan

ETS will not give a word per minute speed because we believe that all test takers will have enough time to complete the tasks.
ETS相信所有的考生都会有足够的时间来完成考试,所以不给出每分钟打字字数的建议。 hjenglish

For the writing and speaking test, the marking has to be made by qualified examiners to ensure that the marking is reliable and the test takers get the right mark in IELTS test.
就写作和口语考试来说,评分必须由合格的考官给出,以保证所打的分数是可信的,雅思考生的得分是正确的。 ebigear

Fortunately, though, we still have risk- takers who are not paying attention to any of this nonsense, who know what world they’re living in— and are just doing it.
幸运的是,我们还有一些风险家没把注意力放在这些废话上,他们知道我们生活在一个什么样的世界——而且一直在努力行动者。 yeeyan

If you have a group of different people with different proclivities and everyone shares, that's even more adaptive than all people being risk- takers or all risk- averse.
如果有一组人群中,大家具有不同的倾向,但享共同之处,那么这群体肯定比所有人都爱冒风险或所有人都想规避风险更具适应力。 yeeyan

If you have love to give, and no current takers, you can get a whole lot of affection, loyalty and kindness from a new animal in your life.
如果你要寄托自己的爱,而眼下又无人承受,你完全可以从新养的动物身上体会个人生活中的种种感情,忠诚和慈爱。 yeeyan

In pilot and field studies, test takers took both the existing TOEIC test and the new test. Statistical analysis of the results confirmed that the difficulty level of the two tests was equivalent.
在试验研究中,考生同时参加了现行托业考试和新托业考试,考试结果的数据分析表明两个考试的难度是相同的。 hjenglish

Many nations have capital, many nations have smart people, but no nation really compares to the U.S. in terms of its willingness to accept risk takers in society.
许多国家都有资本,许多国家都有聪明人,但没有一个国家真正能在社会对冒险者的接受度方面和美国相比。 yeeyan

The gamblers and risk- takers turned south on the California Trail over the Sierra Nevada, ready to strike it big or not at all.
而赌徒和冒险家却在岔路口拐向南方走上了加州小道,翻越内华达山脉,准备好要么发大财要么一无所有。 ecocn

They are the risk takers who provide us with the necessities of everyday life.
他们是风险的承担着,给予我们日常生活所需要的必需品。 yeeyan

They were able to hold out because Argentina's bonds had no“ collective- action clause” forcing everyone to participate if it reached a threshold of takers.
他们之所以有此主张,是因为阿根廷债券没有“集体行动条款”,该条款可以在达到持有人阈值后迫使每个人都参与行动。 topsage

While test- takers could take the ICFA test in India, many prefer to obtain the CFA's certificate.
尽管考生可以在印度参加 ICFA考试,但多数人都希望获得 CFA证书。 ebigear

With the educational reform going deeper, new requirements for the exam takers are also being established.
随着教育改革的深化,也为考生制定了新的要求。 hxen




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