

单词 taken care
释义 taken care短语⁴⁷¹⁸
At22, being taken care of is a crippling thing. You’ve spent four years at college learning how to live on your own, and suddenly that disappears.
在22岁的时候还被人照顾是一件很伤人的事,你已经在学校花了四年的时间学习怎么独立生存,但忽然之间一切都消失了。 yeeyan

Even animals that we used to this kind of heat do need to be taken care of.
即使习惯了这种热天气的动物也的确需要得到照顾。 http://mysearch.100e.com

Every foreseeable eventuality had been taken care of, or so the organisers thought. Sadly, however, there were a couple of unfortunate incidents that marred the occasion.
任何可能发生的事情都照顾到了,至少组织者是这么认为的,然而,遗憾的是,一些不幸的事件破坏了仪式。 ebigear

Flood victims there did not feel abandoned by authorities, indeed they were quite satisfied with how they had been taken care of.
灾民们并没有感觉到被政府抛弃了,事实上他们对于现在这种被照顾的状态很满足。 yeeyan

If the site is using a hosted analytics solution, most of these things are taken care of for you.
如果站点使用了一个托管的分析方案,那么大部分事情都会帮你照顾到了。 blog.sina.com.cn

If you have a spouse or children, you really need a will to ensure they are properly taken care of.
如果你有配偶或是孩子,你真的需要有一个遗嘱来确保他们受到了关照。 yeeyan

In the unfortunate event that something happens to either you or your spouse, your family will be taken care of financially.
因为当一些不幸的事发生在你或者你的配偶身上,那么你们整个家庭的用钱都将如履薄冰。 yeeyan

Parents have taken care of us and satisfied all our needs.
父母照顾着我们,满足我们所有的需要。 ebigear

She was glad to see her children well taken care of in the nursery.

She did a lot for them in terms of making sure they were taken care of and felt happy and loved and appreciated, and she did the same thing as a wife.
为了确保他们能被照顾好,为了能让他们感到幸福、快乐和被赏识,她付出了许多努力的汗水。作为一名妻子,她同样做的非常棒。 yeeyan

She had always taken care of herself personally, she was slender despite her strong build, and meticulously clean.
她总是关心她个人的事,她变得苗条了,尽管她身体还很强壮,而且还有洁癖。 yeeyan

This is the boy whom she has taken care of.
这就是那个她照顾的非常好的男孩。 hxen

When you have an IDE or a syntax- sensitive editor, issues like indentation are usually taken care of for you.
当您拥有 IDE或语法敏感的编辑器时,像缩进的问题对于您来说常常是要注意的。 ibm




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