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Beacham ˈbiːtʃəm COCA²¹⁰³³⁹BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺⁹ 基本例句 n.比彻姆¹⁰⁰ Susan Beacham, a kids’ financial literacy expert, suggests kicking off the charity lesson by giving your child one week to find a charity or cause they would like to support. 儿童理财知识专家苏珊·比切姆建议让孩子用一周的时间,寻找一项他们愿意支持地慈善活动或者公益事业,以此展开对孩子的慈善教育。 yeeyan “ Money is very abstract to kids, and you have to make it concrete, ” said Ms. Beacham. “钱这个概念对于孩子们来说太抽象了,作为父母,你必须让它变得鲜活起来,。” 比切姆女士说。 yeeyan “A lot of parents just try to take care of it for them, ” Ms. Beacham said, simply making arrangements without consulting the children or explaining the decisions. “许多家长尽力自己处理这些问题,”比彻姆夫人说道,“只是简单地进行安排却并不征求孩子的意见,也不向孩子解释自己的决定。” yeeyan “A lot of parents just try to take care of it for them, ” Ms. Beacham said, simply making arrangements without consulting the children or explaining the decisions. “许多父母都只是替孩子处理钱的问题,”比切姆女士说,“他们在做各种各样的安排时从来都不去征求孩子们的意见或者向他们做出解释。” yeeyan |