

单词 Takayasu
释义 Takayasu
There was significantly lower EDD% in the group ofTakayasuarteritis than that in the normal group.大动脉炎组较正常对照组EDD%明显减低;
In Taiwan, reports on the diagnosis ofTakayasuarteritis based on MR imaging and MR angiography are rare.但在台湾,使用核磁共振影像及核磁共振血管摄影来诊断高安氏动脉炎的例子不多见。
Results There was significantly lower EDD% in the group ofTakayasuarteritis than that in the normal group.结果大动脉炎组较正常对照组EDD%明显减低;
Takayasuarteritis is an inflammatory process of the aorta and its major branches.摘要高安氏动脉炎好侵犯主动脉及其主要分支。区域分布以亚洲为多。
Objective To explore the clinical features ofTakayasuarteritis involving coronary arteries.目的探讨多发性大动脉炎累及冠状动脉的临床特点。
Takayasu's arteritis is an inflammatory disease of unknown etiology that affects the aorta and its branches.什麽是'大动脉炎-炎症的主动脉及其分支'?




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