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词汇 Takaoka
释义 Takaoka ,tɑ:kɑ:'әjkɑ:,tә'kajkә
Castle built inTakaoka, the situation is extremely dangerous.城堡建在高丘上,形势极为险峻。
They took us toTakaokarailway station and, after buying tickets, we went our separate ways.汽车把我们载到高岗,买了车票后,我们就分道扬镳了。
The Miss Magazine contest started in 1982 and has produced many popular youth idols such as Yuki Saito and SakiTakaoka.美少女大赛从1982年开始举办,捧红了齐藤由贵、高冈早纪等著名青春偶像。
Canon floor afterTakaoka, there is a seven-Buddha of where they stand, “Lily Tower”, be smooth and slick, straight Cha fearless.藏经楼后的高丘上,有一座拔地而起的七级浮屠“金针塔”,八面玲珑,直揷霄汉。
Saito N,TakaokaK. New synthetic biodegradable polymers as BMP carriers for bone tissue engineering;. Biomaterials, 2003,24:2287.张森林;毛天球;王会信;等.;重组人骨形态发生蛋白2-珊瑚复合人工骨修复骨质缺损的实验研究;
The monthly inspection of driver's licenses started last year and before that, the firefighter had filed a fake license registration number toTakaokaCity in 1981, Sawasaki added.泽崎茂亦表示,每月检查驾照的制度是在去年开始的,在那之前该名消防员在一九八一年向高冈市政府申报的驾照号码是伪造的。




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