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词汇 Tak
释义 Tak
A hardware manufacturer supporting TAK has only to specify the strongest profile it's hardware can decode, because the evaluation level does not affect the hardware requirements.
TAK的硬件支持产家只会标明产品所能支持的最强预设档,这是因为评估值并不影响硬件要求。 erji

Chan Yan Tak, known as Chef Tak, won the only three-star rating for a Hong Kong restaurant in the inaugural Michelin Guide to restaurants and hotels in the former British colony and Macau.
《米其林指南香港澳门版》收录有前英国殖民地香港以及澳门两地的数家餐厅和酒店,主厨陈恩德是获得米其林三星殊荣的第一位中国人。 yeeyan

Dr Fung Tak- yuen, head of obstetrics at Baptist Hospital, said doctors in his department received requests from mainland mothers for fetal sexing, but the hospital denied them.
浸会医院的妇产科负责人 Fung Tak- yuen医生说,她部门的医生收到过大陆妈妈进行性别测试的请求,但是他们拒绝了。 yeeyan

Having risen before dawn to join the daily ritual of Tak Bat, when the women of this ancient town in Laos give rice to Buddhist monks as they file along the street, I am wilting, too.
我感到精神萎靡——为了参加每日的布施仪式,我黎明前就起床了。在老挝这个古老的市镇,妇女们每天早上要向街上排队走过的和尚们分发米饭。 yeeyan

Speaking to the media after the committee's meeting, Secretary for Home Affairs Tsang Tak-sing expressed disappointment at the result.
民政事务局局长曾德成在会议结束后对媒体表示,他对投票结果表示失望。 hjenglish

The favourite dish of Chef Tak, however, is more simple: steamed fish with soy sauce.
而德主厨的心水之选则更为简单:酱油蒸鱼。 yeeyan

Then the applications of TAK in the kinetic study of starch gelatinization, thermal decomposition and drying of foodstuffs were reviewed briefly.
论述了 TAK在研究淀粉糊化,食品或其组分的热分解以及干燥动力学中的应用。 chemyq

Ellen Pau, Johnny Au, Pia Ho, Pun Tak- Shu attended Japan87 Video Television Festival, Spiral at TV spiral.

Enable this option to overwrite already existing TAK files; otherwise they will be skipped. You will not be asked for a confirmation!
激活这一选项将会覆盖已存在的 TAK文件;否则这些文件将会被跳过。在覆盖前将不会有任何确认信息! erji

I don't want another Mr. Hak- Tak in the house. Why did you pull him out? You should have left him in there!

Small countries also need big platform like SIAL to showcase their national features. This is TAK, a brand from Iran.
小国家同样需要食品博览这样的大舞台,图为中东伊朗的一个专门生产面食制品的品牌 TAK。

South Korean Unification Ministry official Kim Young- tak headed Seoul's delegation.

Thailand's authorities, seeking to pacify its troubled Muslim- majority south, freed92 southerners detained over the2004 Tak Bai protest, in which the police and army killed more than80 Muslims.
泰国当局正在试图平息穆斯林人口居多的南部叛乱,释放了在2004年 Tak Bai抗议示威中被拘留关押的92名叛乱分子,在那场平叛当中警察和军队枪杀了80多名穆斯林人士。 ecocn

The qualitative study aimed to identify barriers to the successful implementation of migrant immunization programmes in Tak province, Thailand.
本次定性研究旨在确认在泰国达克省成功实施移民免疫计划所存在的障碍。 who

Two years ago a splinter group of the PKK known as the Kurdistan freedom falcons or Tak was responsible for a series of fatal bombings in Istanbul and some of Turkey's main tourist resorts.
两年前,库尔德工人党的一个分支库尔德自由之鹰组织在伊斯坦布尔和土耳其的一些主要旅游区制造了一系列致命爆炸案。 hxen

With the closure of Hong Kong's Kai Tak a decade ago, Heathrow ranks as the airport that does most harm to people living nearby.
随着十年前香港启德机场的关闭,希思罗成为最骚扰周边居民的机场。 ecocn




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