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词汇 Tajiks
释义 TajiksCOCA⁶⁵¹⁶⁹BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
n.大食历史地名位于亚洲西部原型tajik的复数 After he was driven from Kabul in1996, he became the nominal head of the Northern Alliance, mostly minority Tajiks and Uzbeks, who swept to power in Kabul after the Taliban's fall.
1996年拉巴尼被塔利班组织赶下台后,成为“北方联盟”的领导人,该组织成员多为少数民族塔吉克人和乌兹别克人。 ebigear

Mr Fahim is also a leading light of the country’s Tajiks, the largest ethnic group after Mr Karzai’s Pushtuns.
法西姆本人也是这个国家塔吉克族的一个领袖,这是继卡尔扎伊普什图族之后最大的族群。 ecocn

The country risks starker polarisation between Tajiks in the north and Pushtuns in the south.
阿富汗面临着北部塔吉克族人同南部普什图族人的极端分化风险。 ecocn

The Tajiks were successively ruled by Uzbeks and then Afghans until claimed by Russia in the 1860s.
塔吉克族不断的被乌兹别克人和后来的阿富汗人统治,直到18世纪60年代归属于沙皇俄国。 ebigear

There are significant differences between the Hazaras, Tajiks, Uzbeks, and Pashtuns, the most populous and conservative group and the one that has dominated political life since the 1880s.
这一地区生存着哈扎拉人,塔吉克人,乌兹别克人,以及人数最多并且自十九世纪80年代开始统治这一地区的传统民族普什图人。 他们之间存在着巨大的差异。 yeeyan

“ If the Tajiks believe that fraud denied their candidate the chance to compete in a second round, they may respond by simply not recognising the authority of the central government, ” he said.
他说:“如果塔吉克人觉得是舞弊行为使得他们的候选人没有机会进入第二轮选举竞争的话,他们的回应很可能就是不承认中央政府的权威。” yeeyan

Abdullah, of Tajik and Pashtun descent, is backed by Tajiks.
阿卜杜拉受到塔吉克人的支持。 他是普什图和塔吉克人的后裔。 voanews

Before the gradual arrival of the Turkic invaders the area was populated by the Persian- speaking people of Iranian stock who still comprise a large minority in Uzbekistan and are called Tajiks today.
在突厥入侵之前,这个地区主要居住着伊朗世系讲波斯语的人,他们在乌兹别克斯坦组成了一个人数众多的少数民族,今天被称为塔吉克人。 ebigear

Conversely, if Mr Abdullah does emerge as the victor, Pushtuns may feel even more alienated from a government many still regard as dominated by Tajiks.
相反地,如果阿卜杜拉成了胜利者,普什图人会觉得与政府更加疏远,因为大多人认为政府是由塔吉克人控制着的。 yeeyan

Growing up Shafaq heard the stories of where his people came from why they looked different from Pashtuns and Tajiks.
从小到大沙法齐听了许多关于哈扎拉人的故事——他们从何而来、为何与普什图人和塔吉克人长得不一样等等。 yeeyan

Hundreds of Pashtuns were forced to leave their original villages by local Tajiks within Baghlan province.
数以百计的普什图人被迫离开他们原来的村庄范围内由当地塔吉克巴格兰省。 shangdu

I speak some Dari, the language spoken by the Tajiks, but very little.
我会说一些达理语---塔吉克族人的语言,但不是很多。 ecocn

Is a lot of what is going on in Afghanistan a Pashtun rebellion, in the sense that the Pashtuns, who used to rule Afghanistan, feel left out as power has been ceded to the Tajiks and other groups?
目前在阿富汗发生的,能不能理解为是一场普什图人造反?也就是说,以前曾经统治阿富汗的普什图人,感觉到权力被塔吉克和其他民族的人夺走了? yeeyan

ISAF, like the Soviet army, has established solid- looking structures in the north, which is largely inhabited by smaller ethnic groups, such as Tajiks, Uzbeks and Hazaras.
和苏联军队一样,国际安全援助部队在阿富汗北部建立了看似稳固的体系,这些地区居住的大部分是阿富汗的一少数民族,如塔吉克族,乌兹别克族,哈扎拉族; ecocn

Many Tajiks, like Pushtuns, would die before they suffered a slight. But, unlike Pushtuns, they do not fear their peeved neighbours to the extent of living in castles.
象普什图人一样,许多塔吉克人也会在死前遭受一些轻微痛苦,但同普什图人不同的是,他们对其恼怒的邻居不会害怕到需要住在城堡里的程度。 ecocn

Pakistani authorities say that300 foreign militants had been arrested during the offensive. Uzbeks, Tajiks and Afghans are among the detainees.
巴基斯坦当局说,大约300名外国激进分子在这次进攻行动中被捕。被逮捕的人中有乌孜别克人、塔吉克人和阿富汗人。 tingroom

Sometimes the Tajiks buy them from us and we get them from the Chinese.
有时塔吉克人从我们这买它,我们从中国人那里就能搞到。 yeeyan

These three were Tajiks from the northern provinces, sent down south to the Pushtun heartland to lend credence to the sort of wishful-thinking American press releases that tout“ joint operations”.
他们三人是来自北部省份的塔吉克族人,被南派到 Pushtun普什图心脏地带,美国新闻总是一厢情愿地吹捧联合行动,这恰好为此提供了佐证。 ecocn

Uzbeks, Tajiks and Afghans are among the detainees.
被逮捕的人中有乌孜别克人、塔吉克人和阿富汗人。 kekenet




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