

单词 Taine
释义 Taine 英teɪn, ten美ten, tɛnAHDtān, tĕn COCA¹¹⁰⁶⁴⁴BNC¹¹⁴⁰²⁴⁺
For a long time, studies of Taine, no matter at home or abroad, all fall into a dilemma concerning the exterior analysis limited by“ Three Factors”, and cannot reach the interior of art.
长久以来,无论国内国外,对丹纳的研究都不约而同地陷入三因素所局限的外部分析的苑囿而无法深入艺术内部。 iciba

Taine Randell works in London as a broker. He trades in oil and says while his job is safe, financial positions for others will be scarce.
泰恩·兰德尔是伦敦的一位石油期货经纪人。他庆幸自己还有一份工作,但是他说,金融领域的职位现在是越来越少了。 tingroom

First, the core of Taine's artistic philosophy, that is Three Determinism: Race, environment and the epoch, directly influences Mao Dun's early“ life and epoch viewpoint”.
其影响主要表现在三个方面:首先,作为丹纳艺术哲学核心内容的种族、环境、时代三决定论直接影响了茅盾早期“人生时代观”的形成。 cnki

In preface, it briefly introduces Taine's life, works and individuality, and studies of him at home and abroad, and then, presents my writing purposes.
引言部分简单介绍丹纳的生平、著述、个性特点以及国内外丹纳研究的成果,并阐述本文的写作意图。 cnki

Its influence showed mainly in three ways as follows: The three determinism, as the key part of Taine's art philosophy, had direct effect on the formation of MaoDun's“viewpoint of time”;
其影响主要表现在三个方面:首先,作为丹纳艺术哲学核心内容的三决定论直接影响了茅盾“时代观”的形成; cnki

Mao Dun assimilates the elite of evolutionism and Taine's Three Determinism to re- explain the essence of New Literature;
茅盾吸取了进化论学说中的精华,融合丹纳的三决定论理论,重新阐释新文学的本质; cnki

The artistic sociology of Taine, who is the representative on French positivism aesthetics in 19th century, has great effect on the establishment of Mao Dun's early theory“ art for life”.
十九世纪法国实证主义美学代表人物丹纳的艺术社会学对茅盾早期“为人生而艺术”理论的建构有着不容忽视的影响。 cnki

Third, Taine's syllogistic pure objective critique once was utilized by Mao Dun to revise Chinese traditional subjective literary criticism.
再次,丹纳的三段式纯客观批评法曾被茅盾用以校正中国传统主观文学批评观。 cnki

This is influenced by reasons of the times, and Taine's personal factors as well.
这既有时代原因又有丹纳的个人因素。 cnki

Taine Randell works in London as a broker.
泰恩·兰德尔是伦敦的一位石油期货经纪人。 kekenet




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