

单词 tailing
释义 tail·ing 英ˈteɪlɪŋ美ˈtelɪŋAHDtāʹlĭng COCA⁴⁵⁸⁴⁴BNC⁴³⁶⁷⁹iWeb²⁵⁷⁰⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

the act of following someone secretlye-tailing电子零售tail后部tailing reducer尾部减缩剂,减尾剂…flotation tailing浮选尾矿tailing area尾矿场band tailing谱带拖尾tailing spout尾喷口tailing launder尾矿排放槽tailing pond尾矿池tailing pile尾矿场tailing hangover拖尾影踪tailing dam尾矿坝tailing off拖尾mine tailing尾矿tailing auger杂穗推运螺旋…attendant tailing附带拖尾tailing elevator尾矿吊斗,杂穗升运器…
tail-ing动名词⇒n.残渣⁷⁵;嵌入墙中砖石突出部分动词tail的现在分词形式.近义词 shadowing遮蔽
as in.endmost
同义词 at the end,farthest,furthest,hindermost,hindmost,last,lattermost,rearmost,remotestas in.espionage
同义词 intelligencereconnaissance,shadowingsecret service,undercover operations,undercover work,underground activities
endmostadjective furthest away
at the end,farthest,furthest,hindermost,hindmost,last,lattermost,rearmost,remotest
espionagenoun spying
intelligence,reconnaissance,secret service,shadowing,tailing,undercover operations,undercover work,underground activities The cement can meet the standard of Portland cement of42.5R and 32.5R grade in strengths when added to20% and 30% lead-zinc tailing powder respectively.
加入20%尾矿粉后水泥可满足普通水泥42.5R的强度要求,掺加30%尾矿粉后水泥可达到普通水泥32.5R的强度要求。 iciba

The standard of domestic football is tailing off just as the England team is being asked to rise to the challenge of the World Cup.
当人们提出国家队是否有能力获得明年的世界杯冠军之时,英超联赛的国内球员水平就给人一种扶不起的阿斗的感觉。 yeeyan

TO THE alarm of environmentalists and park managers alike, interest in the great outdoors seems to be tailing off among young Americans.
出于环保者和公园管理者的警告,美国年轻人似乎减少了对户外活动的兴趣。 ecocn

After assuring the slope stability, we study the vegetation choice and the recovery vegetation, derive the project procedure and the technical key of recovery vegetation in the tailing- dam.
在边坡稳定性得到保证之后,对边坡的植被选择和复垦技术进行了研究,得出了进行尾矿坝复垦的工程步骤和技术要点。 cnki

Asia enjoyed such a “ demographic dividend”, which began three decades ago and is now tailing off.In Africa it is just starting.
三十年以来,“人口红利”让亚洲获益不少,但现在亚洲能够得到的“人口红利”越来越少,而非洲的“人口红利”才刚刚开始领取。 yeeyan

Assuming no major changes in the period ahead in all these factors, and on the basis of already announced policy changes, we may see some tailing off of inflationary pressures in the next few months.
如果在今后一段时间内所有这些因素都没有重大变化,那么根据已公布的政策变化,我们也许能看到未来几个月通胀压力逐渐缩小。 yeeyan

But in China the low cost of delivery and the high cost of property are feeding an e- tailing frenzy.
但是,在中国,由于低成本的配送和高企的物价使得网购呈现井喷。 yeeyan

But the boom is tailing off.
但是这些繁荣正在逐渐消失。 ecocn

Encouragingly, the number of minors being sent to custody in Britain seems to be tailing off: it fell by nearly a fifth between1997 and2007.
令人欣慰的是英国被囚禁的未成年人的数量似乎在下降,1997年至2007年这一数量下降来近五分之一。 ecocn

Furthermore, business reports pointed to quite a pronounced tailing off in activity.
而且,商业报告指出经济活动正在萎缩的趋势非常明显。 ecocn

Gold mine tailing is one of an important pollution sources.
黄金矿山尾矿是重要的污染源之一。 chemyq

He walks as fast as he can, tailing her as she heads to the backyard.
他尽可能快步上前,跟着她朝后院走去。 ebigear

July2004 report describes how she drove one day into the cul- de- sac where she lived and sped around to confront and photograph cars she believed were tailing her.
一份2004年7月的报告描述,有一天她如何在她居住的 cal- de- sac开车,快速转弯面对她认为是在跟踪她的车并拍下照片。 yeeyan

Last August the Americans finally got a sniff of the al- Qaeda leader's whereabouts by tailing one his couriers.
去年八月,美军通过跟踪本•拉登的一个情报员终于探到了他的行踪。 ecocn

Metal mine waste tailing dumps are a typical degenerated ecosystem.
尾矿废弃地是一种典型的退化生态系统。 cnki

That thing starts fish- tailing and wobbling.

The most obvious response to the growth of e- tailing is for conventional retailers to redouble their own efforts online.
传统零售商应对网络销售最直接的应对措施是进一步加强网络销售力度。 ecocn

The police have been tailing him four blocks.
警方已经尾随他四个街区了。 freekaoyan

There is unquestionably a tailing off of high- frequency sexual activity after the age of50.
50岁之后的高性频率无可置疑地下降。 ecocn

When he leaves his house to go to school, I'm the one carefully tailing him, switching cars every day to make myself look less suspicious.
当他离开家去学校,我就小心地跟着他,每天换着车以使自己看起来不那么可疑。 yeeyan

You really have many abilities, but if you don’t believe you have them, you’ll never use them. And your fear of tailing or being rejected by people can stop you from moving ahead in life.
你其实具有许多能力,但如果自己不相信它们,那你就永远也不会去发挥它们,惧怕失败,担心别人的排斥,会阻止你前进。 ebigear




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