

单词 tail fin
释义 tail·fin 英ˈteɪlˌfɪn美ˈtelˌfɪnAHDtālʹfĭn' 短语⁵⁷³⁴⁶

a stabilizer that is part of the vertical tail structure of an airplaneone of a pair of decorations projecting above the rear fenders of an automobilethe tail of fishes and some other aquatic vertebrates近义词 fin鳍tailfin尾鳍caudal fin尾鳍vertical fin垂直安定面vertical stabilizer垂直稳定翼
用作名词The fish uses its tail fins for propulsion through the water.鱼靠尾鳍在水中前进。
The lower lobe of the deeply forked caudal fin is longer than the upper lobe.尾鳍深叉型,下叶比上叶长。 The yawing can apparently attenuate the angular displacement of both the tail and the attack angle of tail fin.
艏摇的存在会明显的衰减尾柄主臂和尾鳍攻角的角位移。 jukuu

The tail fin is significant because it is a major structural component, whose failure has contributed to past crashes.
尾翼意义重大的原因在于它是一个主要的结构部件,过去许多坠机事件都与尾翼失灵有关。 iciba

A tail fin with the red and white national colors of Poland stuck up from the debris.
涂有波兰国旗颜色红白两色的尾翼在废墟中显得很突兀。 yeeyan

Add a propeller and a tail fin and it looks exactly like a little plane.
装上螺旋桨和尾翼之后,看起来极像小飞机。 yeeyan

Based on observation and analysis of vorticity, the flows field structure of2-DOF tail fin propellers and the thrust formation reason are studied.
在观测和分析尾鳍流场的基础上,研究了2自由度尾鳍推进器的流场结构和推力形成原因; cnki

Brazilian and French navy ships navigated through a sea of floating debris Monday, collecting bodies and parts of Air France Flight447, including its tail fin.
西和法国海军舰船周一驶过满是残骸的海域,打捞法国航空公司 Air France447班机上的遇难者遗体和飞机部件,其中包括飞机的尾翼。 iciba

Brazilian officials declined to identify what parts of the plane had been recovered, but distributed photographs showing divers next to what appears to be the plane's tail fin.
巴西官员拒绝透露已经找到了飞机的哪些部件,但从分发的照片上看,潜水员身边的物体看上去像是飞机尾翼。 iciba

Finally they tied ropes to the shark's tail fin and behind its pectoral fin, and attached these ties to the rescue vessel, which towed the shark out through the harbour estuary.
最后他们用绳子绑在鲨鱼尾鳍和胸鳍后面,把绳子绑在救援船上,将鲨鱼拖出港口。 yeeyan

Space shuttle Discovery's tail fin clears the hangar door of Orbiter Processing Facility-2 at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
佛罗里达周 NASA肯尼迪航天中心,发现号航天飞机的垂直尾翼正通过 OPF-2机库大门。 yeeyan

The entire fuselage and cabin are developed at Airbus Hamburg, while the Stade plant makes the vertical tail fin and large wing components.
整个机身和客舱是在空中客车汉堡工厂开发的,而垂直尾翼和大型机翼部件的生产是在施塔德工厂完成的。 www.frponline.com.cn




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