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词汇 tailed
释义 tailed 英teɪld美teld 高COCA⁵⁸²³⁰BNC³¹⁶⁶⁰iWeb³³⁰⁶⁰
having a tail of a specified kind; often used in combinationswallow-tailed coat燕尾服white-tailed deer=whitetai…rat-tailed鼠尾状的tail后部swallow-tailed燕尾状的ring-tailed尾部有环纹的…-tailed 表示有…尾巴…bright-eyed眼睛亮晶晶的…fat-tailed sheep肥尾羊long-tailed pair差动放大器long-tailed anchovy凤尾鱼tailed peak拖尾峰one-tailed test单侧检验two-tailed test双尾检验two tailed test正反测验tailed coil端头板直的带卷…boat tailed有流线型尾部的(双尖…bright-eyed and bushy-tailed警觉地准备做某事…
His feeble excuses soontailedoff .他的藉口站不住脚,很快就没词儿了.
Hetailedthe spy to his hotel.他跟踪那间谍到他住的旅馆。
The actor's voicetailedaway as he forgot his lines.那演员忘了台词,说话的声音越来越小了。
A rounded eyelike marking, as on thetailof a peacock.眼状斑点圆形眼状的斑点,如孔雀尾巴上的
Some boystailedafter the parade.有些孩子尾随在游行队伍之后。
Just at that point a devil let him have the feel of histailedwhip and cried: “Move on, you pimp, you can't cash in on women here!”当他这样说时,一个恶鬼用鞭子抽打他,说道:“滚吧,王八蛋!这里没有女人替你赚钱。” A black- tailed prairie dog perks up outside his burrow in South Dakota.
在南达科他州的草原上,一只黑尾巴的土拨鼠昂首站在洞穴外面。 yeeyan

And Oregon, the Beaver State, borrows its nickname from the large, flat- tailed rodent that uses trees to build dams.
俄勒冈州别名“海狸州”,该州取名自海狸这种大型、平尾啮齿类、在树下筑坝的动物。 tingvoa

However, farmers are more concerned by the reintroduction of the only bigger British bird, the white- tailed eagle.
农场主门更担心的是白尾雕的重新引进,这种雕是英国唯一比金雕体型更大的鸟类了。 yeeyan

In this photo, a two- week- old ring- tailed lemur clings on to its mother at the Singapore Zoo.

The other is a pair of rocky islets, black- tailed gulls wheeling around the crags.
要么是一对岩石岛礁,黑尾巴海鸥围着陡峭的岩石盘旋。 ecocn

The red wolf diet consists mainly of white- tailed deer and small mammals such as marsh rabbits, raccoons and nutria.
红狼以白尾鹿或者其他的一些小的哺乳动物为食,比如沼泽兔子,浣熊以及海狸鼠。 yeeyan

While driving, Davis was tailed by two men for more than two hoursthe timeline given by Pakistani officials.
戴维斯在开车时被两个男人尾随了两个多小时巴基斯坦官方数据。 yeeyan

Golden eagles are native to Scotland. However, farmers are more concerned by the reintroduction of the only bigger British bird, the white- tailed eagle.
苏格兰当地本来就分布有金雕。农场主门更担心的是白尾雕的重新引进,这种雕是英国唯一比金雕体型更大的鸟类了。 yeeyan

Gray wolves often find good hunting in the intertidal zone, where they swim after black- tailed deer, fish snout-first for salmon in shallow creeks, consume seals, and scavenge herring eggs.
灰狼通常会在潮间带中找到很多不错的猎物,它们会游泳追逐黑尾鹿,在浅滩中寻找鲑鱼,捕猎海豹,甚至以鲱鱼卵为食。 yeeyan

Her attention is fixed on the wedge- tailed eagle flying above.
它的注意力集中在上方飞过的楔尾鹰。 ebigear

If summers keep sizzling, there may come a time when white- tailed kites overhead are no longer unbelievable.
如果夏天的温度继续上升,白尾鸢飞过人们头顶的事情将变得十分平常。 yeeyan

In Han esoteric texts, the nine- tailed fox is not a man- eating beast, but rather an auspicious omen.
汉代的神秘文献中,九尾狐不是吃人的野兽,而是吉祥的征兆。 yeeyan

Instead of an old book, they found the now dead, balding, short- tailed rat, which they summarily removed.
房间没有老书,她们发现了已经死掉、秃毛断尾的老鼠,并很快做了处理。 fortunechina

It also has acres of preserved land where bald eagles, wild turkeys, and white- tailed deer have been seen.
小镇还有几亩受到保护的土地,人们曾经在那里看到过秃鹰、野火鸡和白尾鹿。 yeeyan

Its western range now extends to Oregon, but in the eastern United States the white- tailed kite remains a bird of the South. Normally, South Carolina marks its northern limit.
这种鸟的活动范围现在向西拓展到了俄勒冈州;在美国东部,这种白尾鸢仅现于南方,一般而言,其活动的最北端在南卡罗来纳州。 ecocn

Leaf- tailed geckos cling to the trees, cloaked in green.
叶尾壁虎趴在树上,披着绿色的外衣。 yeeyan

Raptors like the red- tailed hawktop left are rare victims.
像红尾鹰这样的猛禽是罕见的牺牲品。 yeeyan

Red wolves primarily prey on white- tailed deer, raccoons, rabbits, nutria and other rodents.
红狼通常以白尾鹿,浣熊,野兔,海狸鼠以及其它齧齿动物为食。 yeeyan

The man was tailed by a detective.

The child tailed his kite.

There were nine- tailed Chinese fox-demons, just as in Europe the cat has nine lives and is also associated with magic.
中国有九尾狐,就像欧洲的九命猫也是跟魔力联系在一起。 yeeyan

Thermal infrared image of flying Brazilian free- tailed bats in Texas.
这是德州飞行中的巴西无尾蝙蝠的热红外图。 yeeyan

This refers to random variables that have fat- tailed distributions-- random variables that occasionally give you really big outcomes.
这是指随机变量有后尾分布--那些能够偶尔会给你带来非常大的产出的随机变量。 yeeyan

Those long- tailed, multicolored parrots are a delight to the eye.
那些长尾巴、五彩缤纷的鹦鹉真是好看极了。 kekenet

When Bomka left for work, Emil tailed him to his office.
当博卡离开家上班时,埃米尔尾随着他的车,到了他的办公室。 yeeyan

You can see that the dash distribution I drew has more out in the tails, so we call it fat- tailed.
你们可以看到我画的这条虚线的分布在尾部有多余的部分,所以我们称它为厚尾。 yeeyan




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