

单词 Taihu Lake
释义 Taihu Lake 英ˈtaɪ ˈhu:美ˈtaɪ ˈhu 短语⁷⁹⁹⁷⁸⁺
Covering an area of2,400 square kilometers in east China, Taihu Lake is a major source of drinking water for people living in Shanghai and east China's Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.
太湖占据了中国东部2400平方公里的面积,是生活在上海,江苏,浙江一带人们的主要水源。 kdnet

The next day, Fan's shoes and clothes were found on the bank of Taihu Lake. So everyone thought that he drowned himself in the lake.
第二天有人在太湖边发现范蠡的外衣,大家以为他投湖自尽了。 ryedu

The removal of algal cells and turbidity from the raw water of Taihu Lake, the laboratory culture of marine algae and synthetic seawater using a novel red mud amelioration were studied.
研究了一种新型赤泥复合剂对太湖夏季水华原水、实验室培养海洋赤潮藻及模拟海水的絮凝除藻降浊性能。 www.cjee.ac.cn

A geo- statistic method in combination with GIS was applied to characterize and map the spatial- temporal variability of soil pH in the typical area of Taihu Lake Region.
以第二次土壤普查资料和近期采样分析数据为基础,运用地统计学方法研究了太湖流域典型区域土壤酸度的时空变异特征。 dictall

Exceptionally hard rain occurring between spring and summer in1991 in Jiangsu and Anhui provinces caused serious flood calamities in Huaihe River and Taihu Lake basins.
1991年春夏之交,江淮地区发生罕见的暴雨,酿成淮河、太湖流域严重洪涝炎害。 cnki

Finally, the primary productivity of Taihu Lake is calculated with bio- optical model.
最后,利用生物-光模式,计算了太湖的初级生产力。 cnki

Finally, this article studied about the response relation between the water quality of control area in Taihu Lake and the contamination quantity of the discharging river.
此外,本文还对不同风速风向下太湖主要控制断面的水质与主要排污口排污量的响应关系进行了研究。 cnki

In Wuxi, we went to Yuantouzhu, and we took boat, the view of Taihu lake was beautiful!
在无锡,我们去了鼋头渚风景区,我们乘船游览了太湖美景。 blog.sina.com.cn

North of Yangtze River, east to Shanghai, south of Wuxi Taihu Lake. convenient Location and beautiful environment. the expressway network extending in all directions.
地理位置优越,环境优美。北靠长江,东临上海,南连无锡太湖。高速公路网四通八达。 jypljx

Officials promised swift steps on Friday to clean up Taihu Lake, China's third-largest, after a bloom of thick, oily green algae made water undrinkable in the city of Wuxi.
周五中国政府官员表示尽快采取措施治理太湖蓝绿色水藻污染。太湖是中国第三大湖,这一污染已使无锡市自来水无法饮用。 chinadialogue

The results showed that excellent effects on algae and turbidity removal were achieved. For the raw water of Taihu Lake, 97.3% of freshwater algae and 95% of turbidity were removed.
结果表明,赤泥复合剂具有良好的除藻降浊效果,对太湖水华藻去除率为97.3%,原水浊度去除率为95%; www.cjee.ac.cn

The remaining ones were analyzed to calculate water- leaving radiance and reflectance of water in Taihu Lake.
利用实测的高光谱数据分析计算太湖水体的离水辐亮度和遥感反射比; cnki

The3R theory was explained in this study, and testified using two typical examples of controlling agricultural nonpoint source pollution in Taihu Lake and Dianchi Lake watersheds, respectively.
在阐述了该理论后,从太湖流域和滇池流域典型区域农业面源污染控制的实践案例进行验证。 tcsae

This study is conducted on3 different sites in the Taihu Lake valley for4 years,6 repeats and184 treatments.
本文报导了在太湖流域的3个不同地点进行为期4年、重夏6次、184个处理的试验。 cnki

Water diversion project from Changjiang River to Taihu Lake was carried out right away to ensure water storage and storage capacity of Taihu Lake and meet water demand of lower areas.
为确保太湖的蓄水量和调蓄能力,及时启动了“引江济太”调水工程,引长江水补充太湖,满足了下游地区的用水量需要。 dictall

Work was energetically carried forward to improve the water environment of Taihu Lake and prevent and control water pollution in the Liao, Huai and Songhua rivers and other key water basins.
太湖水环境综合治理和松花江、淮河、辽河等重点流域水污染防治工作积极推进。 hjenglish

Taihu Lake Basin and the Hangzhou Bay region is estimated that Ma Bang culture is created by this group of people.
太湖流域和杭州湾地区的马家浜文化估计就是这个族群创造的。 cutpic

Taihu Lake is a large shallow lake, located in the Delta of the Yangtze River.
太湖是位于长江下游的一个大型浅水湖泊。 cnki




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