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taihu 基本例句 太湖 On the Taihu Lake, mists and waves stretch far into the distance. 太湖之上,烟波浩淼。《新英汉大辞典》 The possibility of Taihu Lake silt applied for the sheet molding compound filler was studied from the silt chemical and physical properties and its structure. 为了将太湖淤泥用作片状模塑料复合材料的填料,从淤泥物化性能和结构特征对太湖淤泥进行了表征和分析。 dictall The integrated water resource plan system of Taihu Basin is a digital system over the basin, which included pollution load model and the water quality model coupling basin and the lake. 太湖流域水资源综合规划系统是一个覆盖全流域的,包括污染负荷模型、河网湖泊相耦合的水量水质模型的数字流域系统。 cnki What's more, the investment management strategy of Taihu Basin improvement was presented, also the corresponding measure for strategy actualization and strategy control. 论文还提出了太湖流域治理的投资管理策略以及保证战略实施与控制的应对措施。 cnki A large bloom of blue-green algae in Taihu Lake caused water quality to deteriorate severely. 太湖蓝藻大面积爆发,造成饮用水源地水质恶化。 iciba A geo- statistic method in combination with GIS was applied to characterize and map the spatial- temporal variability of soil pH in the typical area of Taihu Lake Region. 以第二次土壤普查资料和近期采样分析数据为基础,运用地统计学方法研究了太湖流域典型区域土壤酸度的时空变异特征。 dictall Here in Wuxi's“ Utopia”, there are awesome cliffs and beautiful gardens, but what is most appealing about this place is its superior vantage point overlooking Taihu Lake. 这个无锡的“桃花源”,有悬崖峭壁,有秀美园林,但更加吸引人的是其中观赏太湖的绝佳位置。 myechinese In spite of ten years of treatment costing billions of yuan, the pollution in Taihu Lake continues to worsen. 对太湖污染的治理已经用去了数十年,耗资数十亿,情况却日渐恶化。 kdnet In Wuxi, we went to Yuantouzhu, and we took boat, the view of Taihu lake was beautiful! 在无锡,我们去了鼋头渚风景区,我们乘船游览了太湖美景。 blog.sina.com.cn Lake Lihu is a part of Lake Taihu. 蠡湖是太湖的一部分。 iciba Located on the eastern shore of Taihu Lake, just18 kilometers11 miles from Suzhou City, Tongli town is63 square kilometers24 square miles in area and has a population of over33 thousand. 坐落在东部海岸的太湖之滨,距离苏州市区只有18公里11英里。同里面积6324平方英里平方公里,人口超过33万。 ebigear Rockeries near Shanghai and Soochow are mostly built of rocks from the Taihu Lake, bearing marks of former sea waves. 上海和苏州附近的假山多数是用太湖的石头来建筑的,石上有着从前给海浪冲击过的痕迹。 iciba The rock serves as a decoration and it was transported from Taihu Lake in Jiangsu Province, so it is called Taihu Rock. 这块巨石是作装饰用的。它是从江苏省太湖运来的,所以叫太湖石。 iciba Work was energetically carried forward to improve the water environment of Taihu Lake and prevent and control water pollution in the Liao, Huai and Songhua rivers and other key water basins. 太湖水环境综合治理和松花江、淮河、辽河等重点流域水污染防治工作积极推进。 hjenglish Wuxi Taihu in the west coast city, Su, Zhejiang, Anhui provinces junction. 位于无锡市西部的太湖之滨,苏、浙、皖三省交界处。 iciba |