

单词 tahoe
释义 Ta·hoe 英ˈtɑːhəʊ美ˈtɑhoAHDtäʹhō COCA¹⁹²¹⁷BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹
Lake Tahoe 塔霍湖美国湖泊
Filters near Lake Tahoe in the mountains of eastern California“ are the darkest that we've seen” outside smoggy urban areas, said Steven S.
加州东部山脉中塔霍湖旁的探测器“是我们在烟雾弥漫的城市之外所见过最脏的”。 iciba

In March2006, chip Lambert happened to meet a guy named Peter Hackett at a ski resort in Lake Tahoe, California.
2006年3月,在加州滑雪胜地塔霍湖畔,齐普·兰伯特偶然遇到一个名叫彼得·哈科特的小伙子。 yeeyan

Muir Woods and Mount Tamalpais are just across the Golden Gate Bridge and Redwood National Park, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite are each under a five- hour drive away.
红木国家公园和塔玛派斯山就在金门大桥对面,而到塔霍湖和约塞米蒂国家公园都不到五小时的车程。 yeeyan

The area you currently call Grimes Point, near Lake Tahoe, Nevada is one of these.
你们目前所称的格里姆斯这个地方就是其中之一。 blog.sina.com.cn

They have crossed San Francisco's iconic Golden Gate Bridge, negotiated the city's famous sloping streets, driven between Google offices, and made it around Lake Tahoe in one piece.
无人驾驶汽车顺利通过旧金山地标金门大桥以及该城市有名的斜坡街道,顺利往返于谷歌办公室之间并顺利完成环绕塔霍湖的任务。 yeeyan

They’ve driven down Lombard Street, crossed the Golden Gate bridge, navigated the Pacific Coast Highway, and even made it all the way around Lake Tahoe.
驾车到过伦巴第街、穿行过金门大桥、航行在太平洋海岸公路、甚至塔霍湖附近的所有道路。 yeeyan

Things are still sunny at Vail Resorts, which operates five ski and snowboard slopes in Colorado and Lake Tahoe, Nev.
韦尔度假村里阳光普照,它在科罗拉多州和塔霍湖内华达州拥有5个滑雪场和滑雪斜坡。 yeeyan

To read more, see A World of Change: Seasons in Lake Tahoe.
读得越多你就可以看到世界的改变:四季塔霍湖。 yeeyan

Bobbie uses a walker to get around and Gene hopes to get her a scooter when she is well enough to go grocery shopping or to their cottage in Lake Tahoe.
博比现在用的是步行器,吉恩希望买一个电动车给她,等她病情好转后可以去商店买东西或去他们在太浩湖的小屋。 yeeyan

Convenient day-long or weekend trips may be made to Yosemite National Park, the Sierra Gold Country, Lake Tahoe, Monterey Bay and Carmel, and to the Napa Valley and Sonoma County wineries.
方便的为期一天的或周末,可向约塞米蒂国家公园旅行,塞拉利昂黄金国,太浩湖,蒙特利湾和卡梅尔,并在纳帕谷和索诺玛县酿酒厂。 www.029lx.com

Fadell was building an energy-efficient home near Lake Tahoe.
法德尔曾在塔霍湖畔修建了一幢节能房屋。 fortunechina

Few natural wonders are as accessible and as beautiful as Lake Tahoe.
很少自然奇观像太浩湖这样极富于美丽又触手可得。 yeeyan

Finally, once a police car has the Tahoe in view and the road ahead is clear, a second signal slows the engine down.
最后,只要它进入警车的视线内,并且前方道路通畅,第二个信号就会让它的引擎慢下来。 ecocn

He took her on a trip to Lake Tahoe, and as the clock struck midnight, he gave her a huge diamond and asked her to be his wife.
他把她带到塔霍湖,在午夜钟声敲响时拿出一颗硕大钻石向她求婚。 jheasy

I brought my kids from South Lake Tahoe and we figured that this would be something that they could do.
我把孩子从南塔荷湖带了过来,我们觉得他们可以做些力所能及的事。 hjenglish

Last month, a costly fire swept around Lake Tahoe, on the border of Nevada and California.
上个月,一场损失巨大的火灾席卷了内华达和加州边境的泰和湖区。 ecocn

Mountain Bike the Tahoe Rim Trail.
山地自行车塔荷边缘小径。 mflady

Nobody had spotted Jaycee Lee Dugard since she was abducted near a bus stop in 1991 in South Lake Tahoe, Calif.
自从杰西·李加德1991年在加州南塔霍湖一个公车站旁被诱拐以来,再也没有人见过她。 yeeyan

Some of the tricks used by EN-Vs come from systems developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, who used a modified GM Chevrolet Tahoe to win the2007 Urban Challenge.
所用的一些窍门来自卡耐基梅隆大学研究人员所开发的系统,该大学用改装的通用汽车公司雪佛兰塔荷赢得了2007年城市挑战赛。 ecocn

Soon after being reported stolen, the Tahoe is located by an operator who interrogates its satellite- navigation device.
报告被偷之后,这辆塔荷被一家监控其卫星导航设备的运营商定位。 ecocn

Thank Tahoe, Gene, they brought me to China and arranged a meeting with my dear friend, Ding!
谢谢太浩湖,基因,他们把我带到中国,并安排我亲爱的朋友一次会议上,丁! sgou

The FAA said in response to Wednesday's incident at the Reno- Tahoe International Airport that it would add controllers at27 towers.
美国联邦航空局在回应本周三雷诺机场的一起类似事故时称,将在27座指挥塔上增加空管员。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

There may have been more snow, as the amount of precipitation that falls as snow around Lake Tahoe has been decreasing from52 percent to 37 percent since1910.
有更多的雪,降水量,如雪的降水塔霍湖区已经减少从52%,自1910年占37%。 yeeyan

These changes in snowfall and snowmelt have happened because temperatures have climbed in the Tahoe region.
这些变化已经发生,因为下雪,雪水温度已经爬上了塔霍湖地区。 yeeyan

This pimped-up Chevrolet Tahoe is now, officially, the cleverest car in the world.
看看这辆花里胡哨的雪夫兰太浩,它现在正式成为世界上最聪明的汽车。 ecocn

Williams' inspiration to create Gowalla came during a trip to Lake Tahoe, where he snapped a camera phone picture of a low- hanging cloud and wanted to share it with his dad.
威廉姆斯是在太浩湖旅游时,产生了创建 Gowalla的灵感。当时他用手机拍摄了一张低空云团的照片,希望与他的父亲分享。 fortunechina

Lake Tahoe in California, and even some of the resorts near Denver which rely less on airborne customers, are in better shape to weather the frigid economic conditions.
加利福尼亚的塔霍湖Lake Tahoe,甚至靠近丹佛的一些不那么依赖坐飞机的乘客的滑雪胜地,情况好一点,能够挺过这个严酷的经济情况。 ecocn




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