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tahiri 基本例句 塔希里 The Junior Jedi Knights series, with books by Nancy Richardson and Rebecca Moesta, chronicled Anakin's studies at the Jedi Academy and his meeting with Tahiri. 由南希·理查森和丽贝卡·默斯塔创作的《小绝地武士》系列,记叙了阿纳金在绝地学院学习,并遇见塔希丽的经历。 starwarsfans.cn The mission was nearly cut short when Ben was intercepted by Tahiri Veila on Coruscant and taken away for interrogation. 本在科洛桑遭塔希丽·韦拉拦截,然后被带去受审,这几乎导致任务中止。 starwarschina In his rescue of Tahiri, the two young friends discovered affectionate feelings for one another within their hearts. 在营救塔希丽时,这两位年轻人在彼此的心里播下了爱的种子。 starwarsfans.cn In the schism that followed, opportunistic Imperial offs tried to take advantage of the sudden assassination of Pellaeon's by Solo's apprentice, Tahiri Veila. 在随之而来的分裂中,投机的帝国总督们企图从索洛之徒塔希丽·韦拉对佩雷昂的突然刺杀中牟利。 starwarsfans The Mandalorians stormed the ship, trapping the Moffs and Tahiri in the command center. 曼达洛人冲入战舰,在指挥中心诱捕星区总督和塔希丽。 starwarsfans They were unable to capture Tahiri, who escaped when Jacen Solo arrived to rescue. 他们没能抓住塔希丽,她趁杰森·索洛赶到时逃走了。 starwarsfans |