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释义 B/DEconomist⁵¹⁸⁵
At the top of the list, Ireland only accounts for a tiny fraction of Libya's oil exports. Italy is by far the biggest importer: in 2010 it took 376,000 b/d from its former colony.
名单顶端的爱尔兰仅仅是利比亚石油出口中的冰山一角,意大利远不是最大的进口国:2010年,意大利从它的前殖民地上日进口37.6万桶原油。 ecocn

In its latest estimate, the International Energy Agency puts production at 200,000 b/d— but all output has probably ceased.
国际能源署最新的一份报告估计其石油产量为日产20万桶—但可能所有的生产都已经停止了。 ecocn

Of that, some1m b/d is sold at subsidised prices at home or to regional allies, leaving just 1.25m b/d for full-price exports.
还有,每日约100万桶石油在国内或区域联盟国中以优惠价格卖出,因此每日只剩下125万桶石油是以全价出口。 ecocn

That blocked off about 300,000 barrels of oil a day b/d the rebels hoped would give them a vital and steady source of income.
反对派希望每天30万桶石油产出能够给他们带来重要而稳定的收入来源,但政府军的此次行动让反对派的此种愿景化为泡影。 ecocn

That should rise to1m b/d within four or five months, he says, reaching pre-war levels of1.6m late next year.
他还说,产量应在四至五个月内达到每天100万桶,明年年底达到战前每天160万桶的水平。 ecocn

Within a few years Uganda could be producing100,000-150,000 barrels a day b/d.
几年内乌干达就有望日产100,000到150,000桶油。 ecocn.org

And if the raids on oil installations in previous elections in Nigeria are anything to go by, the next one, in April, may threaten another1m b/d of supplies from west Africa.
如果之前尼日利亚的选举期间对石油设施的破坏可以忽视,那么4月西非选举时若再受袭将会威胁到再多一个每日100万桶的供应。 ecocn

Average extractions costs there will increase from just over $12 a barrel in 2011 to more than$15 in 2035, as production increases by more than17m b/d.
随着每天增加1700万桶产量,石油平均榨取成本从2011年的12美元每桶上升到2035年的超过15美元每桶。 ecocn

Back in1990, China consumed just2.4m b/d, leaving400,000 b/d of domestic production for its oil firms to export.
回首1990年,中国的石油消费只有一天240万桶,还为其石油企业留下每天40万桶用于出口。 ecocn

But it is naturally reluctant to continue to develop new fields when it already has4.5m b/d of capacity sitting idle.
然而由于闲置产能已经高达450万桶/天,该公司自然不愿继续开发新油田。 ecocn

But last month the project, which would cost C$5.5 billion and carry 525,000 b/d of oil, ran into opposition too.
这个项目将耗资55亿加元,每日能够输送52.5万桶石油。但上个月这个项目也遭遇反对。 ecocn

By 2020 Petrobras, the country’s government- controlled oil firm, will be pumping4m b/d in Brazil, double today’s amount— if all continues to go well.
如果一切都进展顺利的话,到2020年,巴西政府控股石油公司 Petrobras的石油日产量会达到400万桶,是现在产量的两倍。 ecocn

In particular, it expects production outside OPEC to grow by about500,000 b/d both years—a marked increase from the near stagnation of recent years.
尤其是,它预测 OPEC之外的产油量今明两年将可达到日产量增加50万桶的水平,这堪称近年石油产量停滞不前之后的一次飞跃。 ecocn

In the area Colonel Qaddafi controls, the Zawiya refinery near Tripoli may still process some oil, though much less than the plant’s capacity of120,000 b/d.
在卡扎菲控制的地区,邻近的黎波里 Tripoli的 zawiya炼油厂可能仍在加工一些石油,尽管其产量已远不如该厂日产12万桶原油的能力。 ecocn

Leonid Fedun, a vice- president of Lukoil, a local oil firm, says Russia's production will never top 10m b/d.
俄罗斯卢克石油公司副总裁 Leonid Fedun说,俄罗斯石油产量不会达到日产量10万桶的水平。 ecocn

Oil traders are preparing for a lengthy absence from world markets of much of Libya's exports of 1.4m barrels a day b/d.
石油交易商正在准备面对失去利比亚140万桶/天石油出口量的全球市场。 koolearn

Others expected OPEC to agree to pump up to 30.5m b/d to tame prices.
另一些人则期望欧佩克同意日产3050万桶石油来控制油价。 ecocn

The latest, from a panel of government and independent scientists which benefited from new measurements of the pressure within the top hat, puts the flow at between35,000 and 60,000 b/d.
最近,来自政府工作小组以及从高帽子新措施受益的独立科学们,表示每日漏油量在3万5千桶到6万桶之间。 ecocn

The International Energy Agency IEA reckons that around1m b/d has stopped flowing as a result of fighting that shows no signs of abating.
据国际能源总署推测,随着内战不断进行,且没有消退的迹象,每天已经约有100万桶停止流动。 ecocn

This and other assaults could knock out another500,000 b/d from the world’s fuel supplies.
这个和其他突袭可能会使世界燃料供应减少一个每日50万桶。 ecocn

Venezuela has to add400, 000 b/d of new annual production capacity just to keep output stable, according to Mazhar al- Shereidah, an academic.
据经济学家 Mazhar al- Shereidah介绍,为了保持产量的稳定,委内瑞拉不得不增加400000桶/天的年产量。 ecocn




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