

单词 tacks
释义 tack·s 英tæk美tæk COCA³⁹³⁰⁶BNC³⁹⁰⁷²Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
vt. 固定

fasten with small flat-headed nails; attach

vt. 粗缝,假缝

fasten with long, loose stitches; baste

the heading or position of a vessel relative to the trim of its sailsa short nail with a sharp point and a large headgear for a horsenautical a line rope or chain that regulates the angle at which a sail is set in relation to the windnautical the act of changing tacksailing a zigzag course
fasten with tacks;

tack the notice on the board

turn into the wind;

The sailors decided to tack the boat

The boat tacked

create by putting components or members together;

She pieced a quilt

He tacked together some verses

They set up a committee

sew together loosely, with large stitches;

baste a hem

fix to; attach;

append a charm to the necklace

reverse a direction, attitude, or course of action
用作动词 v.
~+名词tack carpet钉地毯tack clothes缝衣服tack map钉地图tack notice贴通知tack pictures钉图画tack pockets缝衣袋tack sleeve缝袖子~+副词tack about抢风转向tack down用平头钉钉住; 用粗针缝住tack on用平头钉钉上; 用粗针缝上; 添加,附加; 紧跟在后tack up a notice贴出通知~+介词tack into把…钉起来tack over在…上钉tack mosquito-netting over a window在窗上钉网眼纱tack with the wind顺风转舵
tack down v.+adv.

用粗针缝住 sew down with tacking stitches

tack on v.+adv.

紧跟在后 follow closely

tack sth ⇔ onHe tacked the sheets of paper on as carefully as possible.他尽量小心地把纸张钉上去。
He tacked the notice on.他把通知钉上了。
We are going to tack the map on.我们打算把这张地图钉上。tack sth ⇔ onShe tacked the pockets on.她用粗针脚缝上衣袋。
Tack the sleeves on and then sew them up.先把袖子用粗针脚缝上,然后再细细缝好。tack sth ⇔ onShe tacked a few words on to the letter her sister had written.她在她妹妹写好的信的末尾加了几句话。
After negotiation, they tacked two new clauses on to the end of the contract.通过协商,他们在合同末尾处又加上了两项新条款。
The customers often tack on a couple of dollars for the tip to the waiter.顾客们经常多给服务员一两美元小费。
Another clause was tacked on to the bill.该法案附加了一条新条款。
The bit about help for poorer countries had obviously just been tacked on as an afterthought.关于帮助贫穷国家的那段话显然是事后的想法后来加上去的。tack on to sbI thought you wouldn't mind me tacking on to you.我紧跟着你,我想你不会反对吧。近义词 add加line线flip掷piece件join连接nail钉子path路线clasp扣子screw螺钉track轨道sheet被单baste疏缝attach附上fasten拴紧append附加tactic战略heel脚后跟tag on接近shroud寿衣switch转换set up建立affix使附于bearing轴承hang on抓紧tack on添加add on附加物stick on粘上throw in扔进fastener扣件approach靠近assemble集合saddlery马具direction方向technique技术deflect使偏斜tacking定位焊alternate交替interchange交换flip-flop夹趾拖鞋pin别针大头针…put together合在一起mainsheet大桅帆操纵索…
S+~+ n./pron.He spent the afternoon tacking the pictures.他花了一个下午的时间用图钉固定那些图片。
Where shall I tack the map?我该把这张地图钉在哪儿?
He tacked mosquito-netting over the windows.他在窗上钉纱窗。
The seamstress tacked the two pieces of cloth.女裁缝把那两块布粗缝了起来。



用作名词Joe hammered atackinto the wall to hang a picture.乔用锤子把一只大头钉敲进墙中用来挂一幅画。
It would be unwise to changetacknow.现在改变方针是不明智的。
It was a brave decision to changetackin the middle of the project.在项目进行过程当中改变方针是个大胆的决定。
The speaker suddenly changedtackand left us all rather confused.演讲人突然改变了论调,把我们都搞糊涂了。用作动词My mothertackedthe sleeves on before sewing them.我妈妈在把袖子缝好之前,先用大针脚把它缝好。
They decided totackan amendment to the bill.他们决定在议案中附加一个修正案。 Over the past one plus years since his graduation, he’s tried different tacks, ranging from an insurance seller to a home tutor.
毕业一年多来,他做过销售,卖过保险,还当过家教。 ecocn

The brass tacks, showed that the chair was built to be strong.
黄铜钉表明椅子造得很坚固。 hxen

The carpet was fastened to the floor with tacks.
地毯被大头钉钉在了地板上。 blog.sina.com.cn

With banks restricted from lending, businesses are taking different tacks to raise money.
银行信贷紧缩,企业则采取不同的办法生钱。 yeeyan

A more energy- efficient approach would be to head straight into the current as long as possible and then turn, much as a sailboat tacks in the wind.
一个更节约能源的方法是:尽可能的沿着水流的方向前进,然后再转向,就像帆船在风中行驶那样。 yeeyan

And it tacks new services onto a bright, cluttered homepage.
而它会将新业务添补到一个艳丽炫目、杂乱无章的主页上。 ecocn

Brass tacks were used around the bottom part of the chair.
黄铜钉用于椅子底部周围部分。 tingvoa

Brass tacks along his work table helped him measure the exact amount.
沿着工作台上的一溜铜钉可以帮助店主测量布料的准确长度。 hxen

But after a little practice he found that he was becoming very skilled and soon he was making some of the finest tacks.
然而,仅仅经过很短的练习,他便发现自己非常熟练起来,很快他就做出了最好的鞋钉。 ebigear

But this would not be correct. He could get an exact measure only by laying the material down along the brass tacks.
但这个估计的长度可能不太准确,他只能通过铜钉测量才能得到一个准确长度。 tingvoa

I knocked over a jar full of tacks but when I went to pick them up I was overcome with vertigo and I had to leave.
我打翻了一个装满大头钉的瓶子,但当我要把它们拣起来时,我承受不住眩晕,不得不离开。 yeeyan

Now, let's adjust the tacks exposure.
现在,让我们调整鞋钉曝光。 cgcow

Other drugs take different tacks.
其他药物有不同的针对方向。 ecocn

Prudential and its rival Aviva, both on the lookout for new markets at the end of the last century, decided on different tacks: Pru went into Asia, and Aviva into continental Europe.
上世纪末,信诚人寿和它的竞争对手中英人寿都在寻找新的市场,但是有不同的方向:信诚瞄准亚洲市场,而中英则进入欧洲大陆。 yeeyan

So everything has to be rearranged and checked, like tables, chairs, mean tacks, podium, audio and visual equipments and even the lunch menu.
所以每样东西都要重新安排和检查,像桌子,椅子,不起眼的大头针,讲台,视听设备,甚至是午餐菜单。 hxen

Students were given a candle, box of tacks and matches, and were told to construct a way to attach the candle to the wall, so that wax would not drip on the floor.
学生们得到蜡烛,一盒大头针和火柴,并被告知需要构思一种方法把蜡烛接到墙上,从而使蜡不至于滴落到地板上。 yeeyan

Such as emptying the box of tacks, hot waxing the candle to the box and then tacking the box to the wall.
例如清空装大头钉的盒子,利用热蜡把蜡烛固定在盒子里然后把盒子用大头钉钉在墙上。 yeeyan

They clean the bottom of a boat. When they have removed all the dirt, they are down to the brass tacks, the copper pieces that hold the boat together.
他们清理掉船底污垢之后,就能看到把船的各部分连接在一起的铜钉了。 hjenglish

This means, to get down to brass tacks, that it could hit Alaska.
这意味着须认真对待的基本事实:它可以打击阿拉斯加。 yeeyan




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