

单词 tabula
释义 tab·u·la AHDˈtabyələ COCA⁶⁵⁷¹³BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
It’s the flip side of China’s Modernist embrace: tabula rasa planning of the sort that also tainted the Modernist movement in Europe and the United States in the postwar years.
中国拥抱现代主义的另一面:白板计划,它曾经引燃了战后欧洲和美国的现代主义运动。 yeeyan

The finitude of Cognition lies in the presupposition of a world already in existence, and in the consequent view of the knowing subject as a tabula Rasa.
认识的有限性在于事先假定了一个业已先在的世界,于是认识的主体就显得是一张白纸。 blog.sina.com.cn

Locke was the first to define the self through a continuity of consciousness. He postulated that the mind was a blank slate or tabula rasa.
洛克是第一个以连续的“意识”来定义自我概念的哲学家,他也提出了心灵是一块“白板”的假设。 dict

Under conditions of a tabula rasa, a wholly new period of prosperity is to begin.
在完全公开下,一个完全信的繁荣时期将要开始。 blog.sina.com.cn

Will photosensitive machine avoid tabula rasa cover, and pull handle the pressure.
将光敏机避光板盖上,并拉动手柄将其压紧。 www.100shop.com




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