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词汇 taboo
释义 ta·bu 英təˈbuː, tæ-美təˈbu, tæ-AHDtə-b›“, tă- ★☆☆☆☆高四研GIMT宝八COCA¹⁶⁹⁰⁶BNC²⁶²⁷⁹iWeb¹⁶⁹⁹⁵Economist⁸⁰⁸⁹

a prejudice especially in Polynesia and other South Pacific islands that prohibits the use or mention of something because of its sacred naturean inhibition or ban resulting from social custom or emotional aversion
excluded from use or mention;

forbidden fruit

in our house dancing and playing cards were out

a taboo subject

forbidden to profane use especially in South Pacific islands
declare as sacred and forbidden来自澳洲岛国汤加土著语言tapu或者tabu,表示“被禁止的、神圣的、不允许的”等含义。实际上,这个词汇广泛存在于南太平洋波利尼西亚群岛包括夏威夷、斐济和毛利在内的土著语中。1777年,探险家詹姆斯·库克船长第一次将该词记录在自己的航海日志中。不过在汤加,taboo一词更多意味着“神圣”而不是“被禁止”,比如汤加王国首都所在的岛屿叫Tongatapu,意思就是Sacred South神圣的南方。由于神圣之物常常也是被禁止入内或不得随意谈论之物,所以taboo衍生出“禁忌”的含义。taboo words禁忌语taboo term禁忌词
GRE红宝书读: 他不, 他不能这样, 因为忌讳
GRE难词记忆taboo 音“太不”→太不应该违反禁忌谐音记忆taboo音“太不”⇒太不应该违反禁忌近义词 out出ban禁止bar酒吧tabu禁忌forbid禁止inhibit抑制banned禁止的prohibit禁止interdict禁止proscribe禁止prohibition禁止obstruction障碍restriction限制proscription禁止verboten被禁止的forbidden被禁止的prohibited被禁止的offensive令人不快的unthinkable不可能的unmentionable说不出口的outlaw被剥夺法律保护的人…proscribed动词proscribe的…

用作名词Cannibalism is perhaps the ultimate culturaltaboo.同类相食也许是人类文化的最高禁忌。
There's atabooon smoking in this office.在这个办公室里一向是都不吸烟的。
Among Hindus there is atabooagainst killing cows.印度教徒有禁止杀牛的戒律。
Any mention of politics istabooin his house.在他家里一提政治就犯忌。用作形容词Sex is no longer thetaboosubject it used to be.现在不再像过去那样把性的问题视为禁区。
Mr Fryer is prepared to test even the mosttabooproposition.他准备去探索一系列包括最为禁忌的争议论题。用作及物动词A man shouldtaboobad hobbies, and cultivate good habits.作为男人应该避讳不良嗜好,培养良好的习惯。adj.not allowed, permitted
同义词 banned,outlawed,prohibited,tabu,unthinkabledisapproved,forbidden,proscribed,reserved,restricted,unmentionablebeyond the pale,frowned on,illegal,off-limits,out of bounds,ruled out,unacceptable
反义词 OK,acceptable,allowedmentionablenoun.something not allowed, permitted
同义词 anathema,inhibition,no-no,prohibition,stricture,superstitionban,disapproval,forbiddance,interdict,law,limitation,proscription,regulation,reservation,restraint,restriction,sanctiondon't,religious convention,social convention,thou-shalt-not
反义词 freedom,lawlessness,releaseallowancementionable
anathemanoun denouncement
bannoun official forbiddance
a thou-shalt-not,boycott,censorship,don't,embargo,injunction,interdiction,limitation,no-no,off-limits,out of bounds,prohibition,proscription,refusal,restriction,stoppage,suppression,taboo
bannedadjective outlawed
contrabandadjective black-market;unlawful
banned,black-market,bootleg,bootlegged,disapproved,excluded,forbidden,hot,illegal,illicit,interdicted,prohibited,proscribed,shut out,smuggled,taboo,unauthorized,verboten
denyverb disagree, renounce, decline
abjure,abnegate,ban,begrudge,call on,contradict,contravene,controvert,curb,disacknowledge,disallow,disavow,disbelieve,discard,disclaim,discredit,disown,disprove,doubt,enjoin from,eschew,exclude,forbid,forgo,forsake,gainsay,hold back,keep back,negate,negative,not buy,nullify,oppose,rebuff,rebut,recant,refuse,refute,reject,repudiate,restrain,revoke,sacrifice,say no to,spurn,taboo,take exception to,turn down,turn thumbs down,veto,withhold
disallowverb reject, prohibit
abjure,cancel,censor,debar,deny,disacknowledge,disavow,disclaim,dismiss,disown,embargo,exclude,forbid,keep back,kill,nix,pass on,proscribe,put down,rebuff,refuse,repudiate,shut out,taboo,veto,withhold,zing The biggest taboo is the estrangement between a mother and her daughter.
最大的禁忌是一个母亲和她的女儿之间的隔阂。 yeeyan

The real fear, however, is that once that project goes ahead, the taboo on the downstream construction of dams would be broken.
但是真正的担忧是一旦该计划得以顺利进行,那么下游国家建筑大坝的禁忌就会被打破。 yeeyan

With the taboo: not an optional high- collar style, high in the visual understanding of your highly compressed; also need to avoid thick Evening Dresses.
选搭禁忌:不要选择高领款式的礼服,这种款式让你看起来像是缩在衣领里面一样。 同时,厚重的礼服也应当避免。 yeeyan

“ Sex is a taboo subject in China but people really need to have more access to information about it, ” Lu told the state newspaper China Daily.
“在中国性是一个禁忌的话题,但人们却很需要加强对于这方面信息的了解。”卢经理对国家报纸《中国日报》说。 yeeyan

Affairs when one or both partners are married are still taboo.
一个或者两个合伙人发生办公室恋情的事情还是禁忌。 hxen

Almost all of us have been raised inside of a culture and households in which the subject was verbally taboo.
我们大多数人都生长在这样一种性是被禁止口头谈论的内隐的文化和家庭中。 yeeyan

And that is the one big taboo of our age.
而且这也是我们同龄人的一个大忌讳。 yeeyan

As“ The last taboo” it attracted an ad for Vesta Beef Curry.
因为“最后的禁忌”被维斯塔牛肉咖喱粉选中做广告。 ecocn

But that only makes the subject taboo, paving the path for more awkwardness later on.
但是那样做只会让这个话题成为禁忌,为以后很多尴尬时刻铺平道路。 yeeyan

Custom and taboo could provide the basic stability needed for early development, but were ill suited to contexts marked by high levels of innovation.
习俗和禁忌能为早期社会的发展提供基本的稳定性,但不适用于以高度创新水平为标志的社会。 yeeyan

I come from a remote village, where many villagers consider it a taboo that a man be present when a woman is giving birth to a child, thinking that may bring misfortunes to their families.
我出生于一个偏僻的乡村。在我们家乡,许多村民都有一个忌讳——那就是当一个女人生小孩的时候,男人不可以在场,否则会给她们全家带来厄运。 kekenet

In the past, even mentioning the word“ death” was believed to bring bad luck, and preparing one's own funeral while still alive was a major taboo.
在过去,即便仅仅提到“死”这个词也被认为会带来不好的运气,而在一个人活着的时候便操办他的葬礼更是一个重大的禁忌。 yeeyan

Now that this taboo has been breached, the euro zone should start thinking about how best to arrange the departure of those that cannot, or will not, live by Germanic rules.
既然这项禁忌已经被打破了,欧元区应该开始考虑,如何安排那些不能,或者不愿,按德国规定来行事的国家的退出才算最好。 ecocn

Their basic message is: the taboo is broken; we do not live in the best possible world; we are allowed, obliged even, to think about alternatives.
他们的基本信息是:禁忌被打破了;我们并没有生活在那个可能是最好的世界里;我们被允许,甚至要求,去思考其他的选择。 yeeyan

They are often considered taboo in an application, which many developers consider to be an undeserving distinction, because of the usefulness of having an always available object for use.
它们通常被认为是应用程序的禁忌,因为许多开发人员认为创建一个总是可用的对象用处不大,因此他们并不太注意这一点。 ibm

We know that females avoid mating with their brothers and sons, but now we'll be able to learn whether an incest taboo exists between fathers and daughters as well.
我们知道雌猩猩会避免和兄弟及雄性后代交配,现在我们将能进一步研究父亲和女儿之间是否同样被近亲交配的禁忌所束缚。 yeeyan

We learn which words are taboo and which words are not through our normal childhood development.
在正常的儿童发展过程中,我们学会了那些词是禁忌、哪些不是。 yeeyan

Why should it be taboo to talk about equal pay or a gender balance in the workplace?
为什么在工作场合讨论平等薪资或性别均衡是一件忌讳的事情? yeeyan

Taboo or not these people are part of our society and their contributions over the years cannot be denied.
无论禁忌与否,这些人都是我们这个社会的一部分,在过去的这些年里,他们的贡献是不可否认的。 yeeyan




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