

单词 tabloid
释义 tab·loid 英ˈtæbˌlɔɪd美ˈtæbˌlɔɪdAHDtăbʹloid' ★★☆☆☆高GCOCA¹²⁶⁶⁹BNC¹⁸⁹⁸⁷iWeb²⁰³³⁷Economist⁸²⁶⁰
sensationalist journalismnewspaper with half-size pages诞生于19世纪80年代,原本是英国制药公司威康公司新推出的片剂药品的商标名称,后来可以泛指任何一种精炼、压缩后的物品。20世纪初,一些报业公司推出了内容精炼、尺寸较小的报纸,也将其称为tabloid,这就是所谓的“小报”。tabloid television市井电视节目…tabloid journalism市井新闻业
tablet小平板+oid形容词和名词后缀,形如…的→形如小平板之物⇒药片,小报。近义词 paper纸rag破布sheet被单lurid可怕的yellow黄色的newspaper报纸publication出版florid过分装饰的shocking使人震惊的scandalous不体面的tab计算机制表键…yellow journalism黄色新闻sensationalist哲感觉论者…

用作名词I never read thetabloids.我从来不看小报。
Thetabloidpapers are full of smut.这些小报充斥著下流的东西。
As thetabloidhave hit on hard times, the cheque of chequebook journalism have shrink.随着小报纸的不景气,买断独家采访权的金额也跟着缩减了。
The rumor about the famous singer sourced from an article in atabloid.关于那个著名歌手的谣言源自小报上的花边新闻。用作形容词They are printed in atabloidsize.它们以小报的规格印刷。noun.newspaper
同义词 paperrag,sheetscandal sheet
capsuleadjective shortened form
journalnoun chronicle
account,almanac,annals,annual,calendar,chronology,comic book,daily,daybook,diary,gazette,ledger,log,magazine,memento,memoir,minutes,monthly,newspaper,note,observation,organ,paper,periodical,publication,rag,record,register,reminder,reminiscence,review,scandal sheet,statement,tabloid,weekly
newspapernoun regular, continuous publication containing information
biweekly,bulldog,community,daily,extra,gazette,journal,magazine,metropolitan,organ,paper,periodical,press,rag,record,review,scandal sheet,sheet,tabloid,trade,weekly
newspapersnoun regular, continuous publication containing information
biweeklies,bulldogs,communities,dailies,extras,gazettes,journals,magazines,metropolitans,organs,papers,periodicals,presses,rags,records,reviews,scandal sheets,sheets,tabloids,trades,weeklies
scandal sheetnoun gossipy newspaper
extra edition,rag,special edition,tabloid
sensationaladjective startling, exaggerated
X-rated,amazing,arresting,astounding,breathtaking,colored,conspicuous,dramatic,drop-dead,electrifying,emotional,excessive,exciting,extravagant,hair-raising,histrionic,histrionical,horrifying,hotdog,juicy,lurid,marked,melodramatic,noticeable,outstanding,piquant,pointed,prominent,pungent,remarkable,revealing,salient,scandalous,sensationalistic,shocking,signal,spectacular,staggering,stimulating,sultry,tabloid,thrilling,vulgar Putting tabloid hype about Charles and Diana aside, certainly everybody knows that most royal marriages have ended in divorce.
撇开关于查尔斯和戴安娜的小报炒作不谈,大家肯定都知道大多数王室婚姻以离婚收场。 yeeyan

Scorning tabloid bids to paint him as “ Red Ed”, he admits that Labour would be imposing spending cuts if it were in power, and says he will not support“irresponsible” strikes.
在嘲笑那些致力于把他描述成红色爱德的小报的同时,他承认假如工党在位,也会实施削减开支的政策,并表态不支持那些不负责任的罢工。 ecocn

The rest of the story follows in the finest tabloid tradition.
以后的故事按照最好的小报传统延续下去。 yeeyan

This is what Keith Botsford and I had hoped that our “ tabloid for literates” would be.
面向识字者的通俗小报的面貌,我和基斯•伯茨福德曾经期望的就是这样。 ecocn

“ I've come to realise that the nature of the German people are such that war is very abhorrentsic”, he said in an interview with a German tabloid.
“我开始意识到对战争的厌恶情绪植根于德国人民的天性中。”他在接受一家德国小报的采访时如是说到。 ecocn

Her reading consisted of the Daily News, a tabloid; instead of bookshelves, our living room featured a piano, a baby grand.
她的读物是一份叫《每日新闻》的小报。 装点我们起居室的是一架小型平式钢琴,而非书架。 yeeyan

His wife still lives in their Upper East Side home and recently snapped at tabloid photographers as they pursued her on the New York subway.
他的妻子现在还住在他们位于上东区的家中,最近还被小报记者在纽约地铁追拍时拍到。 yeeyan

However practical and just the case for reform, it must overcome political cowardice, the tabloid media and parents' understandable fears.
不过现实和改革的要求必须战胜政治的懦弱、小报消息和家长情有可原的担心。 topsage

Later disclosures lifted the lid on tabloid tactics in the drive to outsell rivals.
之后,小报为在销售量上超过对手而采用的策略被一一揭发。 ecocn

NOT so long ago, hacking into private phone messages to get a juicy news story seemed no big deal— at least as far as some tabloid journalists were concerned.
不久以前,窃听私人电话以获取劲爆新闻不是什么大不了的事情——至少一些小报记者范围内是这么认为的。 ecocn

Now, I know that Ed Miliband is not the“ Red Ed” of tabloid headlines, and is broadly in the centre-ground of social democratic politics.
如今,我明白爱德·米利班德并非刊登在小报头条上的“红色爱德”,大体上属于社会民主政治运动的中间派。 ecocn

Something tells me this trend won’t last and these voices will be swept away in the tabloid tide.
某些事告诉我这种趋势不会持续,这些声音将在小报潮中被扫除。 yeeyan

Thanks largely to some splendid muckraking by the Guardian, it is now clear how one tabloid obtained some of its headlines.
很大程度上由于《卫报》的精彩揭露,现在人们很清楚一份小报如何获取它的头条新闻。 yeeyan

The puppet is quick- witted and charming but also consistently menacing— which reminds us, of course, of Gibson the very bad boyfriend and tabloid star.
提线木偶头脑清醒,可爱,但是经常威胁别人。这让我们想起吉布森是个很糟糕的男朋友以及小报明星。 yeeyan

The relatively small numbers have sent jitters through some marginal constituencies, encouraged by tabloid alarm and opposition calls to“ turn the boats back”.
这一小部分人通过一些小选区传递不安,受到了小报警告新闻的鼓励,反对派呼吁“将这些船只遣返回去”。 yeeyan

Their reluctance early on to pursue leads and notify potential targets aroused suspicions that some at the Met were too close to tabloid journalists.
早前他们并不乐意继续调查、通知潜在的目标,这使得人们怀疑某些警方人员与小报记者联系过于紧密。 ecocn

These stories are tabloid fodder, but they also raise a provocative question. When a marriage is clearly on the skids, is it better to fold or fight for a future together?
这些故事虽然只是小报的花边素材,却向人们提出了一个问题:当婚姻走到尽头,夫妻是该分手离婚还是携手面向未来? yeeyan




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