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tablespoons ˈteɪbəlˌspu:nz COCA⁴¹⁸⁷BNC¹⁹⁸⁴⁰ 基本例句 n.大汤匙;大调羹tablespoon的名词复数;一大汤匙的量原型tablespoon的复数 Just add a couple of tablespoons of white vinegar to your plaster mix. It will slow down the hardening process to give you the extra time you need. 加几汤匙白醋在石膏里,这样石膏就会凝固得慢从而让你有足够的时间来打理一切了。 yeeyan Measure6 tablespoons of cold water into another small bowl, sprinkle over the gelatine and set aside. 在另一个小碗里倒入6汤匙冷水,撒入明胶粉,放在一旁。 cri When the wok is hot over medium heat put2 tablespoons of oil and then we would drop the egg into the wok. 锅用中火预热后加入2大汤匙油,然后将打散的鸡蛋倒入锅中。 hxen Add the tofu, white pepper, lime juice, rice wine vinegar and remaining2 tablespoons of soy sauce. 加入豆腐、白胡椒、酸橙汁、白米醋还有剩下的2大汤匙酱油。 yeeyan Before serving, fold in2 tablespoons of sifted powdered sugar and a tablespoon or two of brandy, rum, or sweet liqueur, or a teaspoon or two of vanilla extract. 使用前,用2汤匙筛过的糖粉,或是一到两汤匙白兰地,朗姆酒或甜的利口酒,再或者是一到两茶匙的香草精,翻拌到奶油中去。 yeeyan Believe it or not, you can eat two McDonalds's egg McMuffins and get fewer calories than you would from a bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese. 信不信由你,你吃两个麦当劳鸡蛋松饼得到的卡路里比你吃加了两大汤匙奶油干酪的百吉饼获得的热量少。 yeeyan Chop1 cucumber and puree in a blender with4 tablespoons mint. 切碎1个黄瓜,和4大汤匙薄荷在搅拌机里搅拌成泥。 yeeyan Every morning, on an empty stomach, drink2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with1 teaspoon of maple syrup mixed in12 ounces of warm water. 每天早上,在空腹的情况下,喝两大汤匙由苹果醋和一茶匙的枫叶糖浆混合而成的12盎司温开水。 yeeyan Finally, add a couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce if you'd like. 最后,如果你喜欢蕃茄口味的,加一汤匙注:20毫升番茄酱。 yeeyan I usually eat two tablespoons a day. 我通常一天吃两汤匙。 yeeyan In a separate bowl combine five egg whites and four tablespoons sugar and beat by hand until soft peaks are formed. 在另一个碗里加五个蛋清和四大汤匙糖,用手搅拌至形成软隆起。 yeeyan In a small bowl mix two tablespoons white balsamic vinegar, a teaspoon chopped garlic and an eighth of a teaspoon cayenne pepper. 在一个小碗里放两大汤匙白醋,一茶匙剁碎的大蒜和八分之一茶匙的辣椒粉,搅拌。 yeeyan Layer a6-inch soft corn or flour tortilla with2 tablespoons shredded low-fat cheddar or Monterey Jack cheese. 在6英寸的软玉米或玉米粉薄烙饼上加上层2汤匙的低脂碎片干酪或者蒙特雷杰克奶酪。 yeeyan Meanwhile combine tahini& lemon juice with2 tablespoons water and stir until you have a smooth sauce. 同时在芝麻酱和柠檬汁里混上2汤匙水,搅拌至调料均匀。 yeeyan Or you can use the following to replace one egg: 1/4 cup whipped tofu or1 tablespoon milled flaxseed mixed with3 tablespoons of water. 或者你也可采用以下的方法:用1/4杯糊状的豆腐或者用1汤匙磨碎的亚麻子混合3汤匙的水来替代鸡蛋。 yeeyan Other research has shown that moderate olive oil consumption— defined as2 tablespoons of olive oil per day— can improve your heart health by lowering LDL cholesterol, according to the FDA. 其它研究结果也说明,适量使用橄榄油——适量的定义是每天2汤匙的量——能够通过降低 LDL胆固醇来改善你的心脏健康,据美国食品药品管理局称。 yeeyan Scientists have proven that the antioxidant content found in just two or three tablespoons of cocoa powder is much stronger than those antioxidants found in other foods, such as green tea or red wine. 科学家们已经证明,两三汤匙可可粉中抗氧化剂的含量就要远远高于其它食品,如绿茶或红酒。 yeeyan Since any fat, even a healthy one, is high in calories, experts remind us that we don't need more than about two tablespoons a day. 由于任何油脂,即使它很健康,也含有高卡路里。 因此专家提醒我们,每天摄取不要超过两汤匙。 yeeyan This afternoon, he got a tiny amount from about20 snakes— about3 tablespoons in all. 今天下午,他从约20条蛇嘴里,一共弄出来约3汤匙毒液。 yeeyan To deodorize and inhibit mildew growth on outdoor plastic mesh furniture and patio umbrellas, mix2 cups white vinegar and2 tablespoons liquid dish soap in a bucket of hot water. 为了祛除并阻止木制家具和亭子上有霉菌生长,可以在水桶里兑2杯白醋、2汤匙液体肥皂和一些热水。 yeeyan To test the fruit's ability to protect the skin, ten volunteers were asked to eat five tablespoons of tomato paste mixed with olive oil every day for three months. 为了检验西红柿的护肤功效,研究人员让十位志愿者连续三个月每天食用五汤匙拌有橄榄油的西红柿酱。 foodmate Top a small baked potato with2 tablespoons fat-free plain yogurt and sprinkle with Cajun seasoning. 在上面放上用2汤匙无脂纯酸奶淋过的小烤马铃薯,再撒上阿卡迪亚烹饪风格的调味料。 yeeyan Toss2 tablespoons of the seeds into your oatmeal or stir-fry. Or add them to your post- workout shake for an extra dose of muscle- building protein. 扔两汤匙种籽到你的燕麦片或者炒食中,或者把它们加入到运动后饮料中,来摄取一份额外的肌肉建造蛋白质。 yeeyan Use your favorite biscotti recipe, except substitute three tablespoons of ground jasmine tea for three tablespoons of however much flour is called for. 用你最喜欢的脆饼配方,除了用三大汤匙茉莉花茶粉代替三大汤匙面粉当然足量的面粉是必须的。 yeeyan Using a whisk, slowly mix six tablespoons olive oil into the bowl and season with salt to taste. 用搅拌器慢慢地加入六大汤匙橄榄油,然后加盐调味。 yeeyan While salmon is cooking, in a separate2- quart saucepan, heat2 tablespoons of olive oil. 鲑鱼做好后,在另一个2夸脱深平底锅加热热2汤匙橄榄油。 yeeyan You can also fight dandruff by applying3 tablespoons vinegar onto your hair and massaging into your scalp before you shampoo. 也可以这样来摆脱头皮屑:用洗发水之前,将3大汤匙醋涂抹在头发上,按摩头皮。 kekenet |