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词汇 Bc
释义 Bc. ˌbi: 'si:
A Greek playwright back in500 BC.
公元前500年时的希腊剧作家。 yeeyan

Conflict followed conflict, with those from the Delta eventually being conquered by the people from the south and, just before3000 BC, Egypt was united.
年复一年,连绵不断的冲突,最终三角洲一带的部落被业自南方的人所征服了,于是古埃及大概于公元前3000年左右统一起来。 yeeyan

In the late feudal period 4th Century BC there is pictorial evidencefrom the Chinese state of Chu of a horse with a wooden chest yoke.
春秋战国晚期公元前4世纪有套有木制胸轧的马的画卷楚国文物。 yeeyan

In447 BC, he committed the new empire and its wealth to its construction.
公元前447年,他全力建设新帝国,由聚敛财富到兴建土木。 ebigear

Oman constituted one of the Satrapies of the Persian Empire around563 BC.
它是由大约公元前563年波斯王国总督所辖地构成。 ebigear

The stone monument is believed to be erected near2500 BC though there is no concrete proof the origin.
尽管没有充分的证据,但人们相信这座石碑在公元前2500左右就被竖立起来了。 yeeyan

The Chinese developed a lodestone compass to indicate direction sometime in the4th century BC.
公元前4世纪,中国人造出了一个天然磁石罗盘来提示方向。 yeeyan

Women were even barred as spectators, not for sexual reasons, but for from720 BC the male athletes were usually naked down to their bare feet when they participated.
这并非性别的原因,而是因为从公元前720年开始,男运动员在参加比赛时常常从头到脚都是赤裸的。 ebigear

About3000 BC, the inhabitant of the island has entered the Bronze Ware Period.
约在公元前3000年,克里特岛上的居民已经进入青铜器时代。 yeeyan

Archaeological excavations of the Tollense Valley in northern Germany unearthed fractured skulls, wooden clubs and horse remains dating from around1200 BC.
在德国北部托伦瑟河谷的考古发掘中出土的骨折头骨、木棍和马的遗骸,可以追溯至大约公元前1200年。 yeeyan

Around the year59 BC, Julius Caesar established a settlement for his veteran troops in the fertile river valley of the Arno.
大约在公元前59年,凯撒为他的部队里的老兵在富饶的亚诺河谷建立了殖民地。 yeeyan

As the principal component in glass, silicon dioxide was used as early as5000 BC.
作为玻璃的主要成分,二氧化硅早在公元前5000年就被使用。 yeeyan

But there’s less dispute about the meaning of Babylonian clay-tablet writing, which was clearly used to record stores of grain and of beer, circa2500 BC.
但对于巴比伦泥板上文字的含义并没有太大争论。这是大约在公元前2500年,用来记录谷物、啤酒的储藏量的。 yeeyan

By the6th century BC, athletes began to specialize in particular sports, and even began to hire coaches.
到了公元前6世纪,运动员开始专攻个别项目,甚至开始雇佣教练。 ebigear

By500 BC, they had also developed the first forms of what we might reasonably call science.
在公元前500年的时候,他们也发展了我们可以称作科学的雏形。 yeeyan

By800 BC, the Greek city-states began to gain dominance over European civilization.
到了公元前800年,希腊的城邦制开始在欧洲文明中成为主导。 yeeyan

Chinese farmers were using seed drills as early as the2nd Century BC.
早在公元前2世纪中国农民就已经在使用播种机。 yeeyan

Egypt has been a territorial state since the first pharaoh in3150 BC, but it has never once in five millennia experimented with democracy.
自公元前3150年第一个法老开始,埃及就已经是一个领土政权了,但五千年来它却从未民主过。 yeeyan

First occupied around100 BC, it flourished from about600 to700 AD, and what a glorious century that was.
该城于公元前100年左右被首次占领,在约公元600-700年间繁荣昌盛,在那个世纪显赫荣耀。 hjenglish

From508 to502 BC, he began to develop a series of major reforms, leading to the formation of Athenian Democracy.
从公元前508年到公元前502年,他开始进行了一些列的改革,形成了雅典民主制的基本框架。 yeeyan

Greek playwright back in500 BC. Many historians consider him the father of Greek tragedies.
公元前500年时的希腊剧作家。许多历史学家认为他是希腊悲剧之父。 yeeyan

Iran traces its national origin to Persia, an empire that emerged in the6th century BC under the Achaemenid dynasty.
伊朗的起源可以追溯到波斯,一个形成于公元前6世纪在契美尼德王统治下的古老王朝。 ebigear

Iran has been a state since the creation of the Persian Empire in the6th century BC.
伊拉克自公元前6世纪建立波斯帝国以来就一直是一个政权。 yeeyan

Scientific wagers date back to Greece in the5th or6th century BC and were often a rhetorical device for thinking about a subject.
科学家打赌的历史可以追溯到公元前5、6世纪的希腊,那时打赌是一种用来刺激人们思考的手段。 yeeyan

The Antikythera mechanism has been discovered to be a mechanical computer of an accuracy thought impossible in80 BC, when the ship that carried it sunk.
人们发现安提基特拉机械是一种机械计算机,这种精确的思路对公元前80年,该船沉没的年代,的人类而言是不可能做到的。 yeeyan

The first significant civilizations of Europe formed in the second millennium BC.
欧洲第一个重要的文明出现在公元前第二世纪。 yeeyan

The Julian calendar began in45 BC as a reform of the Roman calendar by Julius Caesar.
儒略历在公元前45年开始被使用,它是被凯撒大帝改良的罗马历。 ebigear




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