

单词 systemization
释义 sys·tem·iza·tion 英'sɪstɪmaɪz美'sɪstəmˌaɪz COCA¹⁵⁵²²³iWeb⁶⁰³¹⁷
vt. 使…系统化⁵⁰; 使成体系⁵⁰=systematise英名词systemization过去分词systemized现在分词systemizing三单systemizes
arrange according to a system or reduce to a system;

systematize our scientific knowledge

近义词 systemise系统化systematise = syst…systematize使系统化coordinate使协调
同义词 arrangement,classification,design,form,order,orderliness,organization,pattern,plan,planning,purpose,regularity,structure,system,systematization
orderlinessnoun method
systematizationnoun method
theoriesnoun hypothesis, belief
theorynoun hypothesis, belief
approach,argument,assumption,base,basis,code,codification,concept,conditions,conjecture,doctrine,dogma,feeling,formularization,foundation,grounds,guess,guesswork,hunch,idea,ideology,impression,method,outlook,philosophy,plan,position,postulate,premise,presentiment,presumption,proposal,provision,rationale,scheme,shot,speculation,stab,supposal,suppose,supposition,surmise,suspicion,system,systemization,theorem,thesis,understanding Based on the aforementioned analysis, this paper follows a further discussion on the systemization of Dalian University's cultural construction, ie.
论文在分析组织文化基本理论的基础上,对大连大学文化建设的体系结构进行了探讨。 www.591-lw.com

For this reason, it is very necessary to study the normalization and systemization of the stipulating legal documents on ethnic issues and to carry forward the work concerned.
因此,开展规范性民族法律文件的规范化和系统化的研究、整理工作非常必要。 cnki

It was the Theory of Singing by Yan Nanzhi'an in Yuan Dynasty that represented the development of singing and systemization of relating vocal music performance.
其后随着元代燕南芝庵《唱论》的出现,歌唱理论有了较大的发展,而有关声乐表演的论述也就愈加详细而系统化了。 cnki

John R. Searle is an American professor of philosophy, well known for his speech act theory, which is a systemization and development of British philosopher J.
美国语言哲学家约翰·舍尔对英国哲学家奥斯丁的言语行为理论做出了进一步的发展。 cnki

The connotation of the systemization of Logistics is unity, harmony and integrity, which aims to take customers as core and maximizes benefit.
物流系统化的内涵是统一性、协调性和整合性,其目标是“以顾客为核心”,使其效益最大化。 chemyq

The establishment of delegation law, which centers on agency, trust, commission as well as brokerage law systems, will contribute to the systemization and the normalization of civil law.
创建以代理、信托、行纪、居间等法律制度为内容的委托法对民法的规范化、系统化极富价值。 dictall

The presentation comments on the problem of systemization and professionalism for construction risk management in tunnel and underground projects.
报告论述隧道及地下工程建设风险管理的制度化和专业化问题。 stec

The systemization, integrity and coordination are of great importance in audiovisual multimedia teaching of foreign languages.
外语电化教学中语言与言语统一的系统性、完整性和协调性。 cnki

Theory of Hegemonic Stability, Theory of Interdependence and Theory of Global Systemization are the key theories representing contemporary international political economy.
霸权稳定论、相互依存论和世界体系论是代表当代国际政治经济学的主要理论。 cnki

To achieve systemization and legalization of socialist democracy and build the socialist legal country is a long-term and arduous social project.
实现社会主义民主的制度化、法律化,依法治国,建设社会主义法制国家,是一个长期而艰巨的社会工程。 cnki

ESCPP is a kind of systemization method and working system for promoting continuous development of safety culture.
ESCPP是一种有效促进企业安全文化持续发展而建立的系统化方法和工作体系。 cnki

Generally speaking, basis of responsibility system, requirements of systemization evaluation and norms of technical evaluation constitute modern pattern of policy evaluation.
一般说来,政策评估的责任化体制基础、制度化评估要求、技术性评估规范等,共同构成了现代政策评估的基本范式。 cnki

Modern intercourse based on socialized production and modern market economy is an interactional system of generalization, systemization and socialization.
现代交往是建立在社会化大生产与现代市场经济基础上的普遍化、系统化、社会化的交往关系体系。 cnki

Moreover, in some measure the Gnostics were the first theologians, and their systems prompted the systemization of early Christian thought.
此外,在某种程度上,诺斯替派是最先的神学,他们的体系鼓动了早期基督教思想的系统化。 chinaufo.com

New efficient configuration, intuitive operation, and storage and optimization technology combine with new systemization options.
新的有效配置,直观操作,存储、优化技术和新的系统化选择相结合。 www.21csp.com.cn

Part Two employs systems and systemization as a theme.
第二部分员工为主题的系统和系统化。 ccebook.net

Seventh is the low degree of agricultural standardization, weakness base, and not enough systemization and scale, which influence the products quality and competitiveness.
七是农业标准化程度不高,基础还相当薄弱,系统化、规模化不够,直接影响产品质量和产品竞争力; cnki

Socialist democracy is proletarian political system, and socialist legality is the result of unceasing systemization and legalization of socialist democracy.
社会主义民主是无产阶级的政治制度,而社会主义法制是社会主义民主不断制度化、法律化的结果。 cnki

Space interpolation methods are needed in the systemization of geological mine engineering and grade calculation.
地矿工程体系化与品位计算中需要应用空间插值方法。 cnki

The vital characteristic that distinguishes modern and traditional Logistics is systemization.
现代物流区别于传统物流最重要的特性就是系统化。 chemyq

The degree and content of the political systemization basically decide how the political civilization develops, and the political system is the key support for the development.
政治的制度化程度决定着政治文明的程度,政治制度是政治文明基础性的支撑力量。 magsci

Systemization is the inherent requirement of the Civil Code.
体系化与系统化是民法典的内在要求。 cnki




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