

单词 systematized
释义 sys·tem·a·tize·d 英'sɪstəmətaɪz美'sɪstəmətaɪz 高COCA¹⁰¹³⁰²BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺
arrange according to a system or reduce to a system;

systematize our scientific knowledge

近义词 draft草稿arrange整理combine联合set out规划outline大纲dispose清除organize组织classify分类sort out整理mobilize动员structure结构harmonize协调categorize分类systemise系统化regiment军队团systematise = syst…coordinate使协调systemize 使 … 系统化…schematize以图表解释或图式化…

用作动词We must try tosystematizethe way we do the accounts.我们必须力求把记帐方法制度化。
The aim of science is surely to amass andsystematizeknowledge.科学的目的当然是为了积累科学并使之系统化。 A systematized way of analysis should be applied where cases of an object falling from a building are concerned.
对建筑物抛掷物致害应该采用侵权案例的体系化分析方法。 dictall

And finally, on the strategic measure, human resource management is contingency management which uses“the systematized scientific method and people's literature and art skill”.
在战略措施上,现代人力资源管理是运用“系统化科学方法和人文艺术”的权变管理。 cnki

The study on new consumers has made a record of domestic systematized study of new consumers.
本文对新消费者的研究,填补了国内新消费者系统化研究的空白; cnki

An academic discipline approaches maturity when it becomes systematized, but its self- renovation will hence become more difficult.
一个学科体系化的确立,意味着它已趋向成熟,但该学科自身创新的难度也加大了。 cnki

And the Web almost perversely discouraged the kind of systematized, coordinated, focused attention upon which brands are built— the prime, or at least most lucrative, function of media.
而且万维网近乎顽固地抵制品牌打造所需的那种系统化、协同化的专注——那最重要的,或者说至少最赚钱的,媒体的功能。 yeeyan

Both companies simply systematized the service of building IBM compatible PCs and then sold them as a packaged product.
两家公司都是简单地将 IBM公司制造兼容电脑的服务系统化,然后将它们以包装产品形式进行售卖。 yeeyan

Conclusions Strengthening of the systematized management is an effective means to decrease the incidence of hospital infection at surgical intensive care unit.
结论加强系统化管理是降低外科重症监护病房医院感染率的有效措施。 cnki

Development philosophy is the product of era, which is the systematized and theorized view of development formed in the practice process.
发展哲学是时代的产物,是在实践发展过程中形成的系统化、理论化的发展观。 cnki

Enforce systematized teaching of the context and seek vertical and horizontal extension of knowledge.
加强内容的系统化教学,探究知识的纵向和横向延伸; http://dict.cnki.net

If you can convert a high demand service into a scalable, systematized, efficient process and sell it as a packaged deal, the million appears.
如果你能将一个有着高需求的服务转换成一个可扩展的、系统化的、有效的程序,并能以打包形式售卖,那百万美金唾手可得。 yeeyan

In Russia, contract-killing is more systematized.
在俄罗斯,买凶杀人多数已形成了体系。 yeeyan

Its benediction doesn't come to you because you lead a systematized life or follow a particular routine or morality.
因为你过着系统化的生活或者遵循特定的一套例行公事或道德体系,所以它的至福不会来到你身边。 blog.sina.com.cn

Objective: To observe the effect of systematized healthy education in the rehabilitation therapy with dysphagia.
目的:观察系统化健康教育在脑卒中吞咽困难患者康复中的效果。 chemyq

Our government always insists on strictly forbidding prostitution and going whoring and the regulations in new Criminal Law have been systematized.
我国政府一贯坚持严禁卖淫嫖娼的立场,在新刑法中有关禁娼的规定已经体系化。 dictall

Skinner, the representative of new behaviourism, expounded by experiment the reinforcement principle in the learning and acquired behaviour of people and animals and systematized the principle.
新行为主义的代表人物斯金纳通过实验论证了人与动物在学习、获得行为中的强化原理,并对其原理进行了系统化。 cnki

Systematization means all aspects of Simulated Teaching of scene investigation should be ensured to be the whole and systematized.
系统化主要是指确保模拟现场勘查教学诸环节和各个侧面的整体性和系统化; cnki

That is a huge violation to the geek ethic, where you're supposed to be transparent and knowable and systematized.
而对怪咖们来说事情本应是透明的可知的系统化的,这就对怪咖们的行为准则造成了巨大侵犯。 yeeyan

The conflicts are solved by means of standardization of conflicts and selection of invention principle in TRIZ, thus formed the systematized process for conflicts determination and solution.
将冲突标准化,利用冲突矩阵,选择 TRIZ中的发明原理解决冲突。形成了确定冲突及解决冲突的系统化过程。 cnki

The learning and exchanging of the systematized course development based on the working process deepens the understanding of the work of duty.
通过对“基于工作过程系统化课程开发”的学习及交流,加深了对本职工作的理解。 www2.chkd.cnki.net

The theory of judicial notice, which has been systematized in the main Common Law countries, is definitely though simply stipulated by means of legislation.
与其他证据规则相类似,司法认知规则也是源自英美法系国家的证据立法实践。 而且,经过长期发展,有关该规则的理论已呈规范化、系统化的特征。 cnki

This systematized method has been shown to be effective and practical in our experiments.
经初步验证,这是一种比较有效与实用的系统化方法,尚未见国内外报道。 cnki

Through an analysis of the current situation in hospital nursing, the difficult points in implementing the systematized integral nursing are studied.
通过分析护理工作的现状,探讨实施系统化整体护理的难点:一是护理人员的理念不足; cnki

Thus a large part of the work of the CYC project is to formalize common relationships and fill in the gaps between the highly systematized knowledge used by specialists.
所以 CYC很大一部分工作就是格式化一般的关系并填补它与专家使用的高度系统化的知识间的空白。 daxtx

With the development of education industry in China, the theory of educational evaluation is gradually systematized and the practice is institutionalized as well.
随着我国教育事业的发展,我国教育评价理论正逐步系统化,教育评价实践正逐步制度化。 cnki




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