

单词 syrups
释义 syrups 英'sɪrəps美'sɪrəps COCA⁶⁶⁰⁵⁰BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
名词 syrup:
a thick sweet sticky liquid It does, however, allow the infant to receive drops and syrups vitamins, minerals and medicines.
但是,允许婴儿服用滴剂和糖浆维生素、矿物质和药物。 who

It occurs in fruits, honey, syrups especially corn syrup, and certain vegetables, usually along with its isomer glucose.
与葡萄糖共存于果汁、蜂蜜、糖浆尤其是玉米糖浆及某些蔬菜。 chinafanyi

Primarily, he believed that the main cause of obesity is eating refined carbohydrates, particularly sugar, flour, and high- fructose corn syrups.
他认为导致肥胖的主要原因是食用精制碳水化合物,尤其是糖、面粉和高果糖玉米糖浆。 yeeyan

The principle of using bulk concentrated syrups instead of bulk dilute RTD product allows for many practical advantages, such as reduction of bulk storage tank sizes and tank storage areas.
使用浓缩糖浆而不是稀释后的饮料成品有许多好处,比如说能减少存贮桶的数量面积。 www.168ee.com.cn

Added sugars are sugars and syrups added to foods during processing, preparation, or at the table.
添加糖指在食品生产加工过程中或烹制过程中加入的糖和糖浆。 dxy

Concentrated further, various syrups can be added to foods as diverse as pancakes and ice cream.
若再进一步浓缩便可制成各种糖浆,从薄煎饼到冰淇淋都可添加使用。 kekenet

Fruit- flavored yogurts that may be labeled low-fat are often high in sugar, because they get their sweetness from HFCS and concentrated fruit syrups.
常常标榜自己是“低脂”的水果味酸奶,其实也是糖分潜入身体的载体,因为这些酸奶中的甜味就是来自 HFCS和浓厚的水果糖浆。 yeeyan

Hot water is used to heat the syrups and dry them out.
热水用来加热这种液体,使其变干。 yeeyan

In addition, high- Brix syrups offer greater resistance to microbiological spoilage on standing.
此外,高白利度的糖浆能抵抗存储中微生物腐败。 www.168ee.com.cn

It is also worth steering clear of ones that contain lots of cream or sugary fruit syrups as these tend to be higher in calories.
与此同时,还必须要注意那些加入大量奶油或含糖水果糖浆的饮料,因为这些饮料通常都含有很高的热量。 hxen

Meantime, Pharmacia had already licensed Refined Syrups and Sugars Corp. , whose product would probably be bottled by the Abbott and Cutter Laboratories.
同时,法玛西亚也已经授权产品能被雅培和刀具实验室控制的精制糖浆和糖公司。 ausbio

Metoclopramide is available in a variety of formulations including tablets, syrups and injections.
甲氧氯普胺可有多种制剂,包括:片剂、糖浆和注射液。 dxy

Most if not all carbonated soft drinksCSDs operations are based on the principle of blending concentrated syrups with treated water at the filling machines.
大多数的碳酸软饮料的制造是在充装机将浓缩的糖浆与处理过的水进行混合。 www.168ee.com.cn

Most restaurants and bars have ditched their fresh- fruit recipes in favor of viscous syrups made mostly from high fructose corn syrup and thickening agents.
大多数的餐馆和酒吧都推荐新鲜水果所酿的果汁,并且其中添加了许多的增甜剂和增稠剂。 yeeyan

Most restaurants and bars have ditched their fresh fruit recipes in favor of viscous syrups made mostly from high fructose corn syrup and thickening agents.
大多数的餐馆和酒吧都推举新颖生果所酿的果汁,并且其中添加了许多的增甜剂和增稠剂。 dfdmglass

NREL uses syrupy liquids which contain salty desiccants to soak up the humidity. Hot water is used to heat the syrups and dry them out.
NREL使用含有干燥剂的浆状液体来降低空气湿度,然后利用热水加热浆状液体并使其干燥。 ecocn

Results: The unqualified items included the content, capsule dose to dissolve and granary degree of the dry syrups.
结果:不合格的项目有含量、胶囊剂溶出度、干糖浆粒度。 cnki

The only other refreshments are mint and strawberry syrups.
其他的活力饮料是蜜桃或草莓汤。 taskcn

The range of Syrups and Oral Solutions for Kids is destined to be a great success with parents and children alike.
这个感冒止咳灵无论是对孩子的父母还是对宝宝来说,都是很成功的。 xiazaiquan.com

There are no suitable combination drugs—medicines that have two or more active ingredients, thus reducing the number of pills needed— no soluble tablets and very few syrups, he adds.
但是却没有合适的合成制剂即含有两种或多种有效成分的药物,速溶片没有,糖浆也很少。 ecocn

This method is used to spin filaments from syrups.
这种方法用于把糖浆拔丝。 blog.sina.com.cn

Use nonfat milk or nonfat half and half, especially in milk- heavy drinks like lattes and cappuccinos, and avoid flavored syrups and sugar all together.
加脱脂奶或一半脱脂一半含脂尤其是喝象拿铁&卡布奇诺这样重牛奶的咖啡时,别加任何糖浆或糖就行了。 blog.sina.com.cn

You may ask why final syrups of the same product should vary in their Brix values.
你可能会问什么同样的产品糖浆的白利度的值会不一样。 www.168ee.com.cn




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