

单词 SYP
释义 SYP ˈsaɪp BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Society of Young Publishers 青年出版者协会
On6 February2004, the rate of exchange as recorded was49.2427 SYP to the US dollar.
2004年2月6日的汇率是1叙利亚磅对49.2427美元。 ebigear

Results of laboratory experiments showed that SYP-3375 had high control efficacy against apple salsa canker with EC50 value of 1.
室内离体活性测定结果表明丁香菌酯 SYP-3375对苹果树腐烂病具有优异的防治效果,其EC50值为1。 dictall

The operational effect and economical benefit after using SYP obtained by TANGANG et al. enterprises were discussed.
较全面介绍了唐钢等企业应用 SYP烧结增效剂后,所取得的效果和经济效益、社会效益。 chemyq

The act mechanism of SYP sintering promoting agent was presented in this paper.
简要分析了 SYP烧结增效剂的作用机理。 chemyq

The Syrian pound currency code SYP is the form of currency used in Syria.
叙利亚磅货币代码 SYP是叙利亚的货币形式。 ebigear

AIM To observe the effects of safflower yellow pigment SYP on action potential and calcium current in single guinea pig ventricular myocyte.
目的观察红花黄素对豚鼠单个心室肌细胞动作电位和钙电流的影响。 cnki

By contrasting sintering changes and quality index as well as fuel consumption before or after adding SYP synergist, the result shows that SYP synergist is helpful to sintering.
通过分析增效剂添加前后烧结矿产、质量指标及燃耗的变化,说明 SYP对烧结生产有很大帮助。 chemyq

Flumorph and SYP-48 all can restrain later development phase of Daphnia magma's embryo, such as larval curved or unextended shell spine, undeveloped antennae.
氟吗啉与 SYP-48相似,主要是在高浓度影响胚胎发育后期-幼蚤壳刺弯曲或者发育不完全,第二触角的发育也受到抑制; cnki

Objective To explore the mechanism, material fundamental of synapse plasticity and acupuncture's efficacy by watching the alteration of SYP after cerebral infarction and acupuncture treatment.
目的观察大鼠脑梗死及电针干预后突触素 SYP的动态变化,探讨突触可塑性的物质基础、机制及针刺的影响。 cnki

The result showed that the content of chlorophyll and soluble sugar of cucumber leaves treated by SYP-1620 increased, the activity of SOD enzyme increased slightly.
结果表明,经烯肟菌胺处理后,黄瓜叶片中叶绿素与可溶性糖含量提高, SOD酶活性稍有增加。 cnki

The title compound SYP-300 was an experimental herbicide of Shenyang Research Institute of Chemical Industry.
标题化合物 SYP-300是沈阳化工研究院的试验除草剂。 cnki

SYP synergist was on trail to improve the grade of sinter.
为改善烧结矿品质,炼铁新厂在烧结生产中试用了 SYP烧结增效剂。 chemyq

SYP1 is a compounded polyol developed for environmentally safe water base drilling fluids.
在对多元醇作用机理研究的基础上研制了一种新型的复合多元醇 SYP1。 chemyq




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