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词汇 bays
释义 bays 英beɪz美beɪz COCA²²³²⁵BNC¹⁷⁰⁷¹Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
名词 bay:
an indentation of a shoreline larger than a cove but smaller than a gulfthe sound of a hound on the scentsmall Mediterranean evergreen tree with small blackish berries and glossy aromatic leaves used for flavoring in cooking; also used by ancient Greeks to crown victorsa compartment on a ship between decks; often used as a hospitala compartment in an aircraft used for some specific purposea small recess opening off a larger rooma horse of a moderate reddish-brown color
动词 bay:
utter in deep prolonged tonesbark with prolonged noises, of dogsunitized bays统一机架
In the library, the books on history are all kept in onebay.在图书馆里,历史方面的书都放在同一隔间里。 It would be informative to compare precise differences between the radar cross-sections of the F-15SE, with its conformal weapons bays, and the F-35.
精确的比较加挂了保形武器舱的 F-15SE和 F-35之间在雷达横截面上的不同之处是很有情报价值的。 yeeyan

Mimo, the owner, was a high-maintenance price-haggler, and I wasn’t surprised when he pulled right into the bays without a ticket.
那车的车主叫米姆,是个经常来修车,并且喜欢讨价还价的人。当他没有预约就开车进了修理区时,我并不感到惊讶。 yeeyan

The structural upgrade consisted of converting the multiple arch to basically a gravity structure by partially infilling the arch bays with conventional concrete.
这座大坝的改造升级,采用方法是用普通水泥浇筑拱槽,把基本上是重力结构的大坝部分改建为多拱大坝。 yeeyan

The bay length is5 km. Samara is the only city on the Volga bank where bays belong to recreational zones.
萨马拉湾绵延5公里,是伏尔加河岸唯一属于疗养区的港湾。 yeeyan

The stinking air will blow away at last, the bays flow clean.
污浊的空气终将被吹走,海湾终将被涤清。 yeeyan

The upgrading seems rather attractive. The wide bays are mere presents for citizens of those times. River transport is the most widely spread and cheap travel mode.
改造后的港湾看起来格外迷人。宽阔的湾岸是当时居民仅有的休闲场地,河道运输也成为了当地最便宜也最受欢迎的交通方式。 yeeyan

The waters swamped low-lying suburbs, tore ferries from their moorings and cars from their parking bays, and turned Brisbane’s business district into a ghost town.
洪水淹没了低洼的郊区,撕裂了停泊在码头的渡轮以及停靠在停车场的汽车,把布里斯班的商业区变成一片废墟。 ecocn

The wide bays are mere presents for citizens of those times. River transport is the most widely spread and cheap travel mode.
宽阔的湾岸是当时居民仅有的休闲场地,河道运输也成为了当地最便宜也最受欢迎的交通方式。 yeeyan

Alas, its cycling experts were unable to design precisely the system they wanted, as many bike bays were refused planning permission by London’s local councils.
唉,因为许多伦敦当地政府拒绝批准设立自行车停靠点,自行车专家们不能设计出跟他们想要的完全一致的系统。 ecocn

As opposed to earthquakes that last, at worst, a few minutes, tsunamis can flood coastlines for several hours, particularly inside closed bays or harbors.
与地震的持续性不同,最凶猛的海啸可以在短短几分钟之内将海岸,特别是近海的海湾或港口吞没长达几个小时。 yeeyan

Boats glide on twinkling bays. A peninsula is blanketed with cherry trees and vineyards.
游船在波光粼粼的港湾荡漾,整个半岛为郁郁葱葱的樱桃树和葡萄园所环绕。 ecocn

But often, you may not have any free drive bays in your case this is particularly true of laptops, which typically only allow one internal hard drive.
但常见的情况是,机器中可能没有任何可用的驱动器托架笔记本电脑更是如此,它通常仅允许一个内置硬盘驱动器。 ibm

Everywhere there are unkempt but charming villages, linked by twisting roads revealing spectacular views of bays and coves by the coast and rugged landscapes of palm trees inland.
你在任何地方,都能看到不发达但景色迷人的村庄,它们与曲折的道路相连,折射出海湾的美景和内陆错落有致的棕榈树景观。 ebigear

From Detroit's grey streets to the lovely bays along the Great Lakes, it teems with plans for future prosperity.
从底特律灰色的街道到大湖区美丽的湖湾,都充斥着实现未来繁荣的规划。 ecocn

It had projections and angles and black holes, the lower sides of roofs, bays, and promontories.
它有一些凸角和凹角,一些黑洞和斜顶,一些港湾和地岬。 ebigear

It is already short of parking bays for its aircraft, and was looking for an alternative.
该公司飞机已经缺少泊机位,正在寻找可供选择的地方。 ecocn

Mary Ann had to buy a separate coffeemaker for the bays just to keep him out of the lobby, where he got fingerprints everywhere, and swore and farted as he pleased.
玛丽安不得不另买了一个咖啡机放在修理区,就是为了不让他到营业室里去掺和。 只要他一进去,就会把脏手印留得到处都是,而且满嘴脏话,随意放屁。 yeeyan

Nick came back out to the bays but Mary Ann continued watching me, and for a panicked moment I thought she might continue the conversation.
尼克回到了修理区,但玛丽安还在继续看着我。我心里掠过一丝惊慌,以为她还会继续跟我谈论刚才的事情。 yeeyan

Numerous bays along the indented coastline of the islands provide good harbours.
沿着犬牙交错的岛屿海岸线的无数海湾,形成了天然良港。 ebigear

Oyster biostromes are forming in the bays of the modern Mississippi delta.
在现代密西西比三角洲的海湾中正形成着牡蛎生物丘。 jukuu

The city spreads out across various peninsulas surrounding Tamaki Strait and other bays and inlets.
这座城市延伸至众多围绕 Tamaki海峡和其他海湾的半岛。 yeeyan

The long wings carry the plane’s fuel, and the bulbous nose is one of the payload bays, which house the science instruments.
它的一对长翼携带有飞机燃料,蒜头状的鼻部是多个酬载舱之一,用于安置科研仪器。 yeeyan

Three days were spent in examining portions of this spacious harbor, and in exploring a few of its innumerable bays.
他们花了三天时间,部分勘察了这个巨大的海港,也勘察了无数小海湾中的几个。 yeeyan

Very possibly no one had ever glimpsed those trees or bays before.
此前,很可能还未尝有谁曾一睹这些树木或水湾的面目。 ecocn

When you sail south you don’t exactly find the Antarctic continent. Rather, it gathers round you in the shape of icebergs, islands, coves and bays.
当船只朝南航行时,你不会很确切地发现南极大陆,而是在四周看见冰山、岛屿、海岬和海湾。 yeeyan

Yet Baudin sailed into the very bays which had already been mapped out, gave them French names, and took to himself the honour of their discovery.
但布当进入了一些已经标注在地图上的海湾,取了法国地名,把发现它们的功劳捞在自己头上。 yeeyan




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