

单词 synergistic
释义 syn·er·gis·tic 英ˌsɪnəˈdʒɪstɪk美ˌsɪnɚˈdʒɪstɪkAHDsĭn'ər-jĭsʹtĭk 高COCA⁴⁰⁰⁰⁵BNC⁴⁸⁰⁵⁹iWeb¹⁹⁹⁸³
used especially of drugs or muscles that work together so the total effect is greater than the sum of the two or moreof or relating to the theological doctrine of synergismworking together; used especially of groups, as subsidiaries of a corporation, cooperating for an enhanced effect;

a synergistic effect

synergistic action医 协同作用…synergistic effect协合效应,协效作用…synergistic infection协同性感染synergistic antioxidant多效防老剂synergistic system协同萃取体系…synergistic inhibition协同抑制synergistic muscles协作肌synergistic muscle协同酌肌synergistic enhancement协合增强系数…
syn-共同erg-麦角ist-ic…的⇒adj.协同的⁵⁸;协作的⁴²adj.协同作用的;增加效用的;神人协作的;互相作用的;互相促进的;增进另一药剂的作用的近义词 joint联合的connected相关的synergetic协作的interactive相互作用的反义词 antagonistic对抗性的

用作形容词The importance ofsynergisticeffect on inhibition in acid solutions is summarized.摘要概述了酸洗缓蚀协同的重要性。
Synergistic Antinociceptive Effect of Amitriptyline and Morphine in the Rat Orofacial Formalin Test Luccarini P, et al.阿米替林和吗啡在大鼠口面部福尔马林试验中协同的抗伤害作用。adj.cooperative
同义词 collegial,harmonious,interdependent,symbioticagreeing,coacting,coactive,coadjuvant,coefficient,collaborating,collaborative,collective,collusive,combined,combining,common,concerted,concurring,coordinated,hand in glove,in league,joining,participating,reciprocal,shared,synergetic,synergic,team,united,uniting
collaborativeadjective cooperative
concomitantadjective contributing, accompanying
accessory,adjuvant,agreeing,ancillary,associated with,associative,attendant,attending,belonging,coefficient,coetaneous,coeval,coexistent,coincident,coincidental,collateral,complementary,concordant,concurrent,conjoined,conjoined with,connected,contemporaneous,contemporary,coordinate,corollary,coterminous,coupled with,fellow,in tempo,in time,incident,isochronal,isochronous,joint,satellite,synchronal,synchronous,synergetic,synergistic
synergeticadjective cooperative
agreeing,coacting,coactive,coadjuvant,coefficient,collaborating,collaborative,collective,collegial,collusive,combined,combining,common,concerted,concurring,coordinated,hand in glove,harmonious,in league,interdependent,joining,participating,reciprocal,shared,symbiotic,synergic,synergistic,team,united,uniting
synergicadjective cooperative
agreeing,coacting,coactive,coadjuvant,coefficient,collaborating,collaborative,collective,collegial,collusive,combined,combining,common,concerted,concurring,coordinated,hand in glove,harmonious,in league,interdependent,joining,participating,reciprocal,shared,symbiotic,synergetic,synergistic,team,united,uniting Not that any of this wasn't happening in any of our teams a year ago; it is the synergistic nature of all these points coming together in every single team that was missing then.
一年前,我们团队中也不是完全没有这些;只是当初很多都错过了,而现在每个团队都能做到所有这些。 infoq

The resulting paper describes a damaging synergistic effect between drought and expected climate changes.
科学家据此写出的论文描述了干旱和预期的气候变化之间破坏性的协同效应。 yeeyan

The applicability of apparent viscosity in the investigation of synergistic interaction between two different polymers was studied.
本文研究了表观粘度法作为食用高分子复配增效作用鉴别判据的适用性。 iciba

The cash element of any alternative bid would be of key interest, as would the synergistic and strategic potential if equity were proposed as part of the offer.
任何其它报价中的现金部分将是关键所在,如果股票作为报价的一部分,协同效应和战略潜力也会发挥作用。 iciba

The mechanism of the synergistic effect of this combination technology was suggested, and its purification efficiency for odorous gas was valued by pilot test in sewage treatment pump station.
同时还对这一复合技术产生协同效应的机理进行了分析,并在污水处理泵站实地考查了这种复合技术对臭气的净化效果。 cnki

“ The two interventions are likely to have important synergistic effects, ” they concluded.
“这两种干预可能会产生重要的协同效果”,他们最后总结。 dxy

An example of how this synergistic platform can be utilized comes from Gary, he describes a recent situation where he had to contact the companies VP of advertising with a high- priority issue.
这个协作平台如何别利用的一个例子来自 Gary,他描述了最近一个情况,因为一件高优先业务他必须联系公司广告业务副总裁。 yeeyan

Based on mutual information, the redundancy- synergy coefficient of attribute set, a novel measure for redundancy and synergistic ability of attribute set, is defined.
首先在互信息的基础上定义了一个新的属性子集的冗余性和协同能力度量——属性子集的冗余协同系数; cnki

Collaboration across the enterprise lifecycle is brought to life through shared principles and building blocks, which points to the need for a synergistic and integrated architectural platform.
通过共享原则和构建块,跨企业生命周期的协作变得日益活跃,这直接促进了对协作和集成体系结构平台的需求。 ibm

Collaboration is synergistic.
协作是协同的。 ibm

Conclusion The volatile oil of Bidens pilosa L are also active or synergistic action components.
结论白花鬼针草的挥发油成分也是活性成分或具有协同作用的成分。 iciba

Donated logistic support, if tailored to humanitarian requirements, can empower the agency in synergistic ways.
捐赠的后勤支持,如果针对的是人道主义需要,可以以协同方式赋予该机构能力。 un

For menopause depression, can use estrogen as replacement therapy, or as a synergistic agent.
对于更年期抑郁症,可以使用雌激素作为补充治疗,或作为增效剂。 www.pcep.com.cn

From an organizational perspective, the enterprise needs to leverage the synergistic powers of robust architectural planning and agile business optimization.
从组织的角度来看,企业需要利用健壮构架规划和敏捷业务优化的强大协作功能。 ibm

Further research is warranted to tease out whether mood or medication use is the primary driver of this phenomenon or whether there may be a synergistic effect at play.
进一步的研究是有必要,以此来理清情绪或药物的使用是否是这种现象的的驱动力,以及是否有可能是一个协同效应在起作用。 dxy

His central point is that there must be“ synergistic” progress in all dimensions.
他的中心论点就是,所有方面都必须“协作着”推进。 ecocn

IBM believes that a long-term effective enterprise transformation is assisted by the application of SOA principles to BPM and EA in a synergistic fashion.
IBM相信长期高效的企业转换得益于以协作方式对 BPM和 EA运用 SOA原则。 ibm

In fact, a design philosophy of Scala is that OOP and FP are more synergistic than opposed.
但实际上, Scala的设计哲学是 OOP和 FP应该协同合作而不是对立。 yeeyan

In this article, we explore a communication methodology that takes advantage of these two technologies to create a synergistic developers' dream.
在本文中,我们将探究一种通信方法,这种方法能利用这两个技术来实现协作开发人员的梦想。 ibm

It's a huge synergistic effect of co- fermentation.
因此,共同发酵具有巨大的增效作用。 yeeyan

Many of the nootropic compounds have positive synergy effects with each other, they become synergistic.
许多化合物相互之间具有积极的增效作用,它们具有增效性。 iciba

Mixtures of carotenoids were more effective than the single compounds and this synergistic effect was most pronounced when lycopene or lutein was present.
类胡萝卜素的混合物较单种物质的效果好,并且这种协同效应在有番茄红素和叶黄素时被加强。 dxy

So, all of these techniques have a place, and you might notice a synergistic effect from using them together.
因此,所有这些技术都有自己的价值,将其结合在一起会形成一种增强效应。 ibm

Such an organization creates a synergistic environment in which all members contribute to their maximum potential and the advantages of diversity can be fully realized.
这种组织创造了一种协作的环境,所有成员贡献他们的最大潜能,多样化的优势能充分的实现。 shy-management.nit.edu.cn

The new report concludes that the biggest challenge for Thai health policy makers will be to resist complacency and instead build a synergistic relationship between treatment and prevention.
这份新报告的结论是,泰国卫生政策制定者所面临的最大挑战将是战胜自满,并在治疗和预防二者之间建立有机的联系。 worldbank

This in itself is a dilemma. How well organisations avoid such two-horned dilemmas by finding synergistic solutions determines whether they succeed or not.
这本身也是个难题,组织通过寻找协同解决方式,来避免类似两难处境,不管结果成功与否。 yeeyan

Those in precarious dis- synergistic union accolade dis-achievement of self. The dis- achievement fails to renew self and may render spirit and the energy field.
那些处于非协同的危险联盟会荣曜出真我的失败,失败不能复原真我,也可能会报复灵魂和能量场。 blog.sina.com.cn

While each such domain historically has its own discipline and value proposition, a model- driven enterprise needs to ensure that each domain is synergistic with all the others.
每个域都有自己的规范和价值主张,一个模型驱动企业需要确保每个领域同其他领域是相互促进的。 ibm

You can achieve this goal by applying SOA, BPM, and EA together in a synergistic fashion.
通过协作方式一起应用 SOA、 BPM和 EA可以实现此目标。 ibm




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