

单词 syncretized
释义 syn·cre·tize·d 英'sɪŋkrɪtaɪz美'sɪŋkrɪˌtaɪz COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺
become fusedunite beliefs or conflicting principles近义词 syncretise = sync…
It reflects the two differing beliefs of Buddhism and Taoism are syncretized in that time.
同窖藏出土的一件道教老子造像,反映了当时佛、道两教融合发展的事实。 cnki

Shandong agricultural university regarded the sample region as carrier, syncretized it with teaching and science research to raise the specialized experiment quality.
该校对如何以作物标本园为载体,实现标本园与教学、科研相结合,提高专业实验质量,作了有益的尝试。 cnki

The broad sense of that is all the estate projects in the tourism zone, which syncretized with local nature and culture features.
广义的旅游景观房产则是当旅游业发展到一定阶段,旅游区域内将该地区自然与人文气息有机融合在一起的所有房地产项目。 fabiao

After that, introducing weight gene, syncretized PID and fuzzy control's outputs by adding weight. At last, the result of fusion was output to object controlled.
之后引入加权因子,采用加权的方法将 PID和模糊控制各自的输出进行融合,将融合的结果最后输出到被控对象上。 cnki

Aiming at the problem of combined precision guidance, a data integration algorithm is presented , and then GPS and INS are syncretized for guidance by the algorithm.
针对复合精确制导问题,提出了一种数据融合算法,该方法是一种可将 GPS和 INS融合制导的技术。 dictall

An experimental study of RCS reduction for a helicopter inlet syncretized with engine cabin was completed in vertical and horizontal polarization ways.
对一种与发动机舱融合设计的直升机进气道在垂直极化方式、水平极化方式下进行了电磁散射特性减缩方案研究。 www.jasp.com.cn

But in modern times, two cultures are syncretized after constant collision in or der to meet the need of times and society, the development of P.
但是,由于时代与社会的需要和体育自身发展的需要,两者通过不断地碰撞,最终融合在了一起。 cnki

General Logic is a pedagogical system syncretized the essence of traditional logic with some fundamental knowledge of mathematical logic.
普通逻辑应以传统逻辑的精华为其主体,适当吸收数理逻辑的基础知识,形成二者融合的教学体系; cnki

Investigative teaching is the teaching fashion syncretized with innovative notion.
研究性教学是一种融入创新教育理念的教学方式。 cnki

It can adopt the intelligent control system strategy syncretized human simulated intelligent control with expert control technique in control strategy.
在控制策略上可采用融合仿人智能控制和专家控制技术的智能控制系统策略。 cnki

The distributed hydrology model and health assessment method are syncretized together, and the quantification method of ecological water demand based on water cycle process is established.
将分布式水文模型和生态系统健康评价方法融合在一起,建立了基于流域水文循环过程的生态需水量化方法。 http://dict.cnki.net

The innovation is that different driver- assist functions are syncretized on one platform which is based on DaVinci technology with dual-core processor.
论文创新点在于考虑将功能不同的驾驶员辅助项目融合到基于达芬奇技术的以双核芯片作为处理器的平台上。 fabiao

Using gaze tracking technique syncretized with head feature, eye feature and surrounding feature to judge drowsiness.
视线跟踪技术,融合头部特征、眼睛特征、环境特征等判断驾驶员疲劳的发生。 cnki




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