

单词 Bayeux
释义 Ba·yeux 英baɪˈjuː, beɪ-, bɑːˈjɜː美baɪˈju, be-, bɑˈjɝAHDbī-y›“, bā-, bä-y÷“ 高Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
n.巴约在法国;西经 0º42' 北纬 49º16'
What does the Bayeux Tapestry show?

Caen, Rouen, Bayeux, Honfleur, Deauville and Monet's Giverny are where the tourists go.
卡昂,鲁昂,贝叶,翁弗勒尔,多维尔和莫奈吉维尼都是游客喜欢去的地方。 yeeyan

Client- server communication is achieved through the Bayeux protocol.
客户端和服务器之间的通信是通过 Bayeux协议实现的。 ibm

Cultural advantages: the golden quadrangle tourist region belongs to the Bayeux cultural circle, most of the populations share a common Buddhist faith.
文化优势。金四角旅游区属贝叶文化圈,大部分人口都有着共同的佛教信仰。 blog.sina.com.cn

Halley's Comet is likely the most famous comet in the world, even depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry that chronicled the Battle of Hastings of1066.
哈雷彗星恐怕是世界上最著名的彗星了,它甚至在记述1066年赫斯廷斯战役的贝叶挂毯中被描述过。 yeeyan

Nevertheless, it's an interesting exercise to read the Bayeux specification and learn about a more formalized event- exchange protocol.
然而,阅读 Bayeux规范并了解更加规范化的事件交互协议是一个有趣的实践。 ibm

On the client side, you can use a standardized API such as Bayeux to support this.
在客户端,您可以使用标准的 API比如 Bayeux来支持这一功能。 ibm

The Vikings built ships with high bows and a projecting stem bearing a menacing figurehead, similar to the ships of William I the Conqueror as seen in the Bayeux Tapestry.
维京人建造的船只,其船首较高,伸出的船首有着吓人的装饰物,与拜约挂毯上所见到征服者威廉一世的船只类似。 tdict

The Bayeux tapestry shows the funeral procession of King Edward winding to the abbey.
贝叶挂毯表现了前往教堂为爱德华国王送葬的蜿蜒队列。 yeeyan

Bayeux implementations support a specific HTTP method called long polling.
Bayeux实现支持一种名为长轮询的特定 HTTP方法。 ibm

Bayeux protocol is a protocol for transporting asynchronous messages primarily over HTTP with low latency between a Web server and Web clients.
Bayeux协议是一个在 Web服务器和 Web客户机之间以低延迟传输异步消息的协议主要通过 HTTP。 ibm




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