

单词 synagogue
释义 syn·a·gog 英ˈsɪnəˌgɒg, -ˌgɔːg美ˈsɪnəˌgɑg, -ˌgɔgAHDsĭnʹə-gŏg', -gôg' ★☆☆☆☆高八COCA¹¹⁸⁴⁰BNC²¹⁷¹⁶iWeb¹¹⁶³⁷Economist⁹⁰⁴¹
Judaism the place of worship for a Jewish congregation来 自 希 腊 语 synagoge, 集 会 地 , 犹 太 教 堂 , 来 自 syn-, 一 起 , -agog, 引 导 , 词 源 同 demagogue,pedagogue.synagog-ue⇒n.犹太人集会¹²;犹太教会堂²⁰;犹太教⁶⁸n.犹太教堂;犹太教徒的聚会;犹太教徒集会时的宗教仪式近义词 temple神殿church礼拜仪式tabernacle礼拜堂

用作名词The Synagogue provides members an opportunity to meet and develop friendships.犹太教徒的聚会给其成员提供相互认识和建立友谊的机会。
Our first house was near asynagogue.我们的第一所房子在犹太教堂附近。
Many Jews come to thissynagogueon Saturday.星期六的时候,许多犹太人到这所犹太教会堂来。
Some of our neighbors belong to thesynagogue.我们的一些邻居属於犹太教。noun.church
同义词 chapel,house of worship,mosque,parish,shrine,templeabbey,cathedral,tabernaclehouse of God,house of prayer,shul
churchnoun religious institution, building
Lord's house,abbey,basilica,bethel,cathedral,chancel,chantry,chapel,fold,house of God,house of prayer,house of worship,minster,mission,mosque,oratory,parish,sacellum,sanctuary,shrine,tabernacle,temple
house of Godnoun church
bethel,church house,house of prayer,house of worship,meetinghouse,mosque,place of worship,shul,synagogue,tabernacle,temple
house of worshipnoun church
cathedral,holy place,mosque,place of worship,shrine,shul,synagogue,tabernacle,temple
mosquenoun temple
cathedral,chapel,church,holy place,house of God,house of worship,masjid,place of worship,sanctuary,shrine,synagogue,tabernacle
place of worshipnoun religious location
cathedral,church,holy place,house of worship,mosque,shrine,shul,synagogue,tabernacle,temple
templenoun house of worship
cathedral,chapel,church,holy place,house,house of God,house of prayer,mosque,pagoda,pantheon,place of worship,sanctuary,shrine,synagogue,tabernacle And he came to Ephesus, and left them there: but he himself entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.
到了以弗所,保罗就把他们留在那里,自己进了会堂,和犹太人辩论。 ebigear

And he reasoned in the synagogue every sabbath, and persuaded the Jews and the Greeks.
每逢安息日,保罗在会堂里辩论,劝化犹太人和希腊人。 ebigear

And I punished them oft in every synagogue, and compelled them to blaspheme; and being exceedingly mad against them, I persecuted them even unto strange cities.
在各会堂,我屡次用刑,强逼他们说亵渎的话。又分外恼恨他们,甚至追逼他们直到外邦的城邑。 ebigear

He earmarked the money for the restoration of the city's cathedral and the construction of a new synagogue.
指定用这笔钱修缮该市的天主教教堂,并修建一个新的犹太教会堂。 yeeyan

Members of Shanghai’s foreign Jewish community are once again free to pray, chant, and read scripture under the high- domed ceiling of what was once Asia’s largest synagogue.
上海的外国犹太群体再一次能在这个有着高圆顶天花板的,曾是远东最大的犹太教会堂中免费地祈祷,诵扬,阅读经典了。 yeeyan

Something of this size, he reckons, would destroy two rooms in a suburban dwelling. Or a synagogue.
他估计这样的威力足够摧毁两间郊区住宅中的房间或者一个犹太会堂。 ecocn

The Wall Street Synagogue is opening its doors nightly starting this week to accommodate Wall Street people.
华尔街犹太教堂本星期开始每晚开门,为华尔街白领提供服务。 yeeyan

A neo- Nazi can easily identify a synagogue or the Holocaust museum in Washington.
一个新纳粹在华盛顿很容易找到一个犹太教会堂或是大屠杀纪念馆。 ecocn

Four suspected terrorists were arrested in an alleged plot to attack a synagogue and a Jewish centre in New York and simultaneously shoot down military aircraft.
四名疑似恐怖分子被逮捕,他们涉嫌密谋袭击在纽约的犹太教会堂及一个犹太人中心区并击落军事飞机。 ecocn

He cracked Jewish jokes, and put on a suit and kippa to go to synagogue, although the evening would find him in his soutane again.
他机敏地讲着犹太笑话,穿西装戴犹太小帽进出犹太教堂,到晚上你又会发现他一身神父的黑色长袍打扮。 ecocn

If you confess he's the Messiah, you'll be kicked out of the synagogue, that's the basic conflict of the story.

In other words, allegorically speaking, he has to leave the synagogue and, therefore, he becomes a member John's church.

In the village of Jibla, south of Sana’a, locals show the star of David on an ancient synagogue, now a mosque.
在萨那南部的吉布拉村,当地人在古老的祭坛现已成为一座清真寺上展示出戴维德之星犹太民族的象征, 六角星。 ecocn

In Tripoli, a crowd of about30 people picketed outside a hotel to protest an exiled Libyan Jewish man's attempt to restore the capital's main synagogue.
在的黎波里,一群大约30人的民众聚集在一旅馆外抗议一位遭驱逐的尤太裔利比亚人试图复兴首都的主要犹太会堂。 yeeyan

Next to my house was a synagogue, and in the dark I saw the rabbi's finest white shirt hanging to be dried.
挨着我房子的是犹太教会堂,黑暗中我看到教士最好的白色法衣挂在哪里晾干。 kekenet

Perhaps you believe that if you attend church or a synagogue or a mosque, your soul will endure in another realm.
可能你相信,如果去某个基督教堂、犹太教堂,或者穆斯林清真寺,你的灵魂将继续存在于另一个世界中。 yeeyan

Real men occasionally attend church or synagogue.
真正的男人偶尔去教堂或犹太教堂。 yeeyan

Religious leaders and diplomats gathered for a candle-lit memorial service in the city's synagogue.
宗教领袖和外交官聚集在孟买的犹太教堂举行烛光追悼会。 yeeyan

Street, church, synagogue, mosque, temple, prison, just trying to communicate.

Therefore disputed he in the synagogue with the Jews, and with the devout persons, and in the market daily with them that met with him.
于是在会堂里,与犹太人,和虔敬的人,并每日在市上所遇见的人辩论。 ebigear




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