

单词 symphonies
释义 sym·pho·ny 英'sɪmfəni美'sɪmfəni COCA³⁵⁸⁷⁵BNC¹⁹⁷¹³
C 交响乐,交响曲

a piece of music for an orchestra, usually having four main parts

a long and complex sonata for symphony orchestraa large orchestra; can perform symphonies;

we heard the Vienna symphony

直接源自古法语的simphonie,意为交响乐;最初源自拉丁语的symphonia,意为和谐symphony orchestra交响乐团pastoral symphony田园交响曲
近义词 music音乐recital背诵concert音乐会symphonic music交响乐philharmonic爱好音乐的symphony orchestra交响乐团
用作名词n.His symphony was performed for the first time today.他创作的交响曲今天首次演奏。
Symphonies are played by a symphony orchestra.交响乐由交响乐团演奏。
用作名词The first movement of thesymphonyis beautiful.这部交响乐的第一乐章是很优美的。
I like listening to thesymphony.我喜欢听交响乐。noun.band
同义词 concert,music,orchestraharmony For that reason, Orpheus does not play the big Mahler, Bruckner or Tchaikovsky symphonies.
正式处于这个原因,奥菲斯从不演奏马勒、布鲁克纳或是柴可夫斯基等人的大型交响曲。 ecocn

In the future, my meals will be little intermissions throughout the day. Overtures, not full symphonies.
只要病情稍有好转,我就又可以吃东西了,将来我的一日三餐也不会中断,是序曲而非完整的交响曲。 yeeyan

Beethoven was a brilliant musician who could have undoubtedly created music that would have been accepted by his contemporaries— he did so in his first two symphonies.
他的天才无疑可以让他创作出更多获得当时社会广泛认可的音乐—他的最早两首交响曲正是基于这样的理念创作的。 yeeyan

He also made many exuberant piano transcriptions of operas, famous symphonies, Paganini Caprices, and Schubert Lieder.
他还为歌剧、著名的交响曲、帕格尼尼随想曲和舒伯特抒情曲谱写钢琴曲。 iciba

He had actually written a couple of symphonies by this time.
事实上他当时已经写了两部交响曲了。 v.163.com

He had in addition written six symphonies by the time he was20, and also much chamber music, piano sonatas, church music, and operas.
此外,他20岁时,就已经创作了六部交响曲,而且还创作了很多室内乐、钢琴奏鸣曲、教堂音乐和歌剧。 iciba

Hey, Beethoven: Get a full-time job, a part-time business, a spouse, a few kids, and a menagerie of pets and wait till you see how many symphonies you can crank out!
嘿,贝多芬:找到一个全职工作,兼职经商,一个配偶,几个孩子,和一个动物园的宠物,然后等待看你能够制造出多少交响乐。 yeeyan

How One Man and Ten Symphonies Changed the World. By Norman Lebrecht.
一个男人以及十部交响曲是怎样改变世界的。 ecocn

I am able to compose magnificent symphonies, paint majestic drawings, and write excellent articles.
我能谱写出宏伟的交响乐,画出壮丽的画卷,写出好文章。 iask.edu.sina.com.cn

I didn’t think I would like symphonies, operas, or ballets but I do.
我以前不知道我喜欢交响乐、戏剧和芭蕾。 yeeyan

It is the centre of gravity in all his symphonies, operas and ballets.
这种感知力是他所有交响曲、歌剧和芭蕾舞曲的重心。 dict

It's an important part of the community to have community symphonies.
它是社团举行社团交响乐的重要组成部分。 hjenglish

More immediately, the symphonies inspired the first substantial body of written analysis of contemporary music.
更直接的结果是,贝多芬的交响乐催生了第一个实质性的现代音乐评论群体。 yeeyan

One should be able to sense the beauty of this rhythm of life, to appreciate, as we do in grand symphonies, its main theme, its strains of conflict and the final resolution.
人们当学会感受生命韵律之美,像听交响乐一样,欣赏其主旋律、激昂的高潮和舒缓的尾声。 hjenglish

So one of his symphonies could be years in the making, but each of them packed a tremendous punch.
所以他的每一部交响乐都可能需要几年的时间进行创作,但是这十部作品每一个都给人极大地震撼。 ecocn

So, unless you are Mozart who had written several symphonies before the age of12, you NEED a coach.
所以,如果你不是在12岁之前就能写多首交响曲的 Mozart,你就需要一个教练。 cnbeta

The accompanying Symphonies26 and32 are very well played, with the Concertgebouw Orchestra.
随附交响曲26和32是非常好发挥,与音乐厅管弦乐团。 tubebbs

We should appreciate that great symphonies were written from only seven simple notes that God gave the entire universe.
我们应该明白,伟大的交响乐是用上帝给予全世界的七个简单的音符谱写成的。 ebigear

We sleep in soft beds and have immediate access to virtual experiences from pornography to classical symphonies.
我们睡于高床软枕之上,并立即可享受到从色情读物到古典交响乐的虚拟体验。 ebigear

When I am in the humour I can compose grand symphonies, and paint magnificent pictures.
如果我有兴致的话,我可以谱写出宏伟的交响乐,描绘出壮丽的画卷。 ebigear

Write books or symphonies or laws?
写小说、谱交响乐曲、编写法律? yeeyan




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