

单词 sympathy
释义 sym·pa·thy 英ˈsɪmpəθiː美ˈsɪmpəθiAHDsĭmʹpə-thē ★★★☆☆高四六研IT牛46八COCA⁵⁸⁹¹BNC³⁶²⁷iWeb⁷⁴¹¹Economist⁴⁷⁸⁸

U 同情心

capacity for sharing the feelings of others; feeling of pity and sorrow for sb

P 慰问; 感情上的支持

feeling or expression of sorrow, approval, etc.

an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion;

his sympathies were always with the underdog

I knew I could count on his understanding

sharing the feelings of others especially feelings of sorrow or anguisha relation of affinity or harmony between people; whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other;

the two of them were in close sympathy

sympathy, compassion, mercy, pity

这组词都有“同情”或“可怜”的意思。其区别在于:pity通常只表示内心感到难过或同情,少给予帮助; sympathy指“同情心”或“恻隐之心”,强调共同分担,进而对某种经历或遭遇引起共鸣; compassion指“同情心”,强调由于理解而同情,并主动给予帮助,常常指通过自身痛苦或不幸而同情别人; mercy指“仁慈”或“怜悯”,含有主动救助别人脱离苦难之义。例如:

It is a pity that such an ability as him should be employed about such trifle matters.真可惜,像他这样有才能的人竟然被用来做这类琐事。
Her own experiences had taught her to have compassion for misunderstood children.她自身的遭遇使她认识到应对那些受到误解的孩子予以同情。
The criminal pleaded with the jury for mercy.犯人恳求陪审团宽恕他。
He was moved with sympathy.他动了恻隐之心。pity,mercy,sympathy,compassion






sym-,一起,一致,-path,感觉,词源同 antipathy,empathy.
用作名词 n.
动词+~accept sb's sympathy接受某人的慰问express sympathy表示慰问feel〔show〕 sympathy表示同情get〔win〕 sb's sympathy得到某人的同情形容词+~deep〔great〕 sympathy深切〔巨大〕的同情strong sympathy强烈的同情心介词+~in〔out of〕 sympathy with sb's proposal赞同〔不赞同〕某人的提议letter of sympathy慰问信~+介词sympathy for对…的同情sympathy with sb's cause赞成某人的事业
sym一起+path受苦+y抽象名词后缀→一起受苦,感同身受⇒同情。谐音记忆音“谁怕谁”⇒不和你斗, 我不是怕你,我是同情你词根记忆sym相同+path感情+y→怀有相同的感情→同情词根记忆sym共同+path感觉+y→怀有相同的感觉→同情词根记忆sym相同+path感情+ y→怀有相同的感情→同情词根记忆sym相同+path感情+y→怀有相同的感情→同情词根记忆sym共同+pathy=共同感情=同情近义词 heart心pity怜悯mercy仁慈favor偏爱grace优美warmth温暖support支持backing支持feeling感觉harmony和谐charity慈善kindness仁慈approval同意clemency仁慈agreement同意tolerance宽容compassion怜悯condolence哀悼sensitivity敏感empathy移情作用understanding理解commiseration怜悯consideration考虑fellow feeling同感反义词 antipathy憎恶
用作名词n.I have much sympathy for you.我很同情你。
She pressed my hand insympathy.她同情地紧紧握住我的手。
I eyed Charlotte withsympathy.我同情地望着夏洛蒂。
用作名词I felt muchsympathyfor the blind.我对盲人深感同情。
I have greatsympathyfor people in affliction.我对那些受苦受难的人们充满同情。
The story stirred hersympathy.这故事激起了她的同情心。
You shouldn't trade on hersympathy.你不应该利用她的同情心。
I have a lot ofsympathyfor his opinions.我对他的意见深有同感。
Many people are insympathywith your views.许多人赞同你的看法。
They sent me a letter ofsympathy.他们寄给我一封慰问信。noun.shared feeling
同义词 affinity,compassion,empathy,kindness,sensitivity,tenderness,understanding,unity,warmthaccord,agreement,alliance,attraction,benignancy,commiseration,concord,congeniality,connection,correspondence,feelings,harmony,heart,kindliness,rapport,responsiveness,union,warmheartednessclose relation,fellow feeling,mutual attraction,mutual fondness
反义词 apathy,cruelty,harshness,hatred,meanness,misunderstanding,antagonism,disagreement,discord,divorce,separationcallousness,disdain,incompatibility,indifference,mercilessnessnoun.pity
同义词 cheer,comfort,compassion,condolence,consolation,empathy,encouragement,reassurance,tenderness,understandingaid,commiseration,rue,ruth,solace,thoughtfulness
反义词 annoyance,discouragement,hatred,misunderstandingcallousness,disdain,incompatibility,indifference,mercilessness
accordnoun agreement, mutual understanding(often written)
10-4,accordance,concert,concord,concurrence,conformity,congruence,correspondence,deal,good vibes,good vibrations,harmony,okay,pact,rapport,reconciliation,treaty,unanimity
affinitynoun liking or inclination toward something
affection,attraction,closeness,compatibility,cotton,cup of tea,druthers,fondness,good vibrations,leaning,partiality,rapport,same wavelength,simpatico,sympathy,thing,weakness
agreementnoun concurrence
agreementsnoun concurrence
appreciationnoun recognition of worth
admiration,aesthetic sense,affection,appraisal,assessment,attraction,awareness,cognizance,commendation,comprehension,enjoyment,esteem,estimation,grasp,high regard,knowledge,liking,love,perception,realization,recognition,regard,relish,respect,responsivenesss,sensibility,sensitiveness,sensitivity,sympathy,understanding,valuation
benevolencenoun desire to do good
altruism,benefaction,benignity,charitableness,charity,compassion,generosity,good nature,good will,goodness,goodwill,humaneness,humanism,humanitarianism,kindheartedness,kindliness,kindness,philanthropy,sympathy,tenderness,unselfishness A little attention, however, will convince us that even in these cases our approbation is ultimately founded upon a sympathy or correspondence of this kind.
然而,只要稍稍注意一下你就会发现,即使在这种情况下我们的赞同态度最终还是建立在同情或者一致的基础上。 yeeyan

Family and friends streamed in and out to offer their sympathy.
家人和朋友们络绎不绝地进进出出,表达他们的慰问。 yeeyan

For these tribulations he deserves a degree of sympathy.
经历了这么多苦难,他值得一些同情。 yeeyan

He was better at teaching artillery than natural philosophy, and was disliked by some cadets for his brusqueness, lack of sympathy and eccentric behavior.
与自然哲学相较,他更擅长教授炮兵战术原则,因为他的直率,缺乏同情以及古怪的行为,一些学员并不喜欢他。 yeeyan

He commands far more sympathy and respect than bureaucrats and politicians.
相比官僚和政客而言,他更值得同情和尊重。 ecocn

He would certainly not have gone to some other part of the world to preach but only to die, alone, without people’s sympathy and tears.
毫无疑问他将去这世界的其他地方去布道,而不是独自死去,他也就没有了人们的同情与眼泪。 tianya

Her feelings were so much excited on the occasion, that she found it indispensable to afford them this relief, even without having the comfort of any audience or sympathy whatever.
在这个场合下她的感情是十分激动的,所以她觉得有必要采用这种方法使它们轻松一下,即使没有任何观众在场,她得不到任何同情的安慰也罢。 kekenet

His problem had already engaged the attention and sympathy of the Florentine; there were too many kings about and not enough kingdoms.
他的问题已经引起了佛罗伦萨人的关注和同情,那里有太多的国王,但是却没有足够多的王国”。 ecocn

I do not think it can be questioned that sympathy is a genuine motive, and that some people at some times are made somewhat uncomfortable by the sufferings of some other people.
我认为同情心作为一种真诚的动机之存在是无可置疑的。若他人遭受痛苦,某些人在某些时候,会感到某种程度上的心理不适。 yeeyan

I applaud him for it, and offer him my sincere sympathy that his beloved grandmother did not live to see this day.
我为他鼓掌喝彩,同时也对他敬爱的外祖母没有活着看到这一天而表示真挚的同情。 hjenglish

I have deep sympathy for your aims, and admiration for your sincerity.
我对您的目标深感赞同,并对您的真诚表示赞赏。 ecocn

If this be the price of the child's sympathy, I cannot pay it.
如果这是换取孩子同情的代价,我是不能支付的。 ebigear

In the Arab world, and among Persians too, they receive notably little sympathy.
在阿拉伯世界和波斯世界里,他们极少得到人们的同情。 ecocn

Please convey my sympathy to your wife.
请向你夫人转达我的慰问。 kekenet

She expressed her sympathy to the bereaved family.

Some Chinese enterprises have offered tents, food, medicine, masks and other supplies to express sympathy and love towards the Pakistani people.
一些中资企业提供了帐篷、粮食、药品、口罩等救援物资,向巴基斯坦人民表达同情和爱心。 www.fmprc.gov.cn

The eighth attribute is“ sympathy and understanding“.
第八个特征是“同情和理解”。 yeeyan

There is, however, some degree of sympathy, even with hunger.
然而,即使是对于饥饿,人们还是有一定程度的同情的。 yeeyan

There seems, however, to be some degree of sympathy even with this passion.
然而,即使是这种激情,似乎也要有一定程度的同情在里面。 yeeyan

They traded on my sympathy.

This film about handicapped people is just playing on people's sympathy.

We must tackle the problem with sympathy and understanding.
我们必须用同情和谅解来处理这个问题. kekenet

What form we seem to them to bear we know not; we know only that we terrify even those whom we most wish to comfort, and from whom we most crave tenderness and sympathy.
我们以什么样的形式让他们承受,我们不得而知;我们只知道,我们会吓坏他们,即便是那些我们想要去安慰的人和我们最想寻求温柔和同情的人。 yeeyan

Yet the body language of this shape was somehow sending out sympathy and encouragement to me.
但我还是能感觉得到这个影像的身体语言中所流露出的对我的同情和鼓励。 ebigear

You and your lack of sympathy.
你们和你们匮乏的同情心。 yeeyan




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