

单词 Bayesian
释义 bayes·ian 英'beɪzɪən美'beʒən 高iWeb²³⁶¹⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

of or relating to statistical methods based on Bayes' theorem The goal of this thesis is to gain better understanding how the Bayesian network method works and hopefully to appropriately apply Bayesian network to solve practical problems.
本文的目的是希望读者能够更清楚地了解贝氏网路如何运作, 也能适当地应用贝氏网路来解决实际的问题。

The prevalence of high- and low- intensity infection and associated95% credible intervalsCrIs were predicted using Bayesian geostatistical models.
利用贝叶斯地理统计模型预测重度和轻度感染的流行程度以及相关的95%置信区间。 who

But because of their philosophical training in the rigours of Pascal's method, the Bayesian bolt- on does not come easily to scientists.
但是,由于贝伊斯式的保守派接受的是帕斯卡严格的哲学方式,因此他们想成为科学家并非易事。 ecocn

But when models are built, it is almost impossible to avoid including Bayesian- style prior assumptions in them.
但是模型建立起来后,几乎不可避免地把贝叶斯的预先假定理论也纳入了模型中。 ecocn

By combining the operators? experience and the sample data, this paper presented how to build the model of customer fraudulent with Bayesian network based on the data mining.
将电信业务人员的经验知识和样本数据相结合,在数据挖掘技术的基础上,提出了一种基于贝叶斯网络的电信话费欺诈建模方法。 iciba

Classical methods are narrow, testing only a single hypothesis, but Bayesian methods can evaluate a whole set of scenarios and figure out which is the most likely.
传统方法的适用范围计较狭窄,只能检测一种假说,但是贝叶斯过滤法可以同时检测一系列假说,并找出可能性最大的一个。 yeeyan

I decided to look into how well a much more starkly limited model space would work for a Bayesian spam filter.
我决定研究一下,对于贝叶斯垃圾邮件过滤器,一个绝对有限的模型空间究竟工作得有多好。 ibm

Introduces an improved Bayesian classifier, which uses the skipping window technology to reform the reaction time and facilitate the control of the intrusion detection system.
介绍了一个改进的贝叶斯分类器,其中利用了滑动窗口技术改善入侵检测的实时性能和可控制性能。 cnki

Psychologically, people tend to be Bayesian—to the extent of often making false connections.
从心理学的角度来讲,人们倾向于贝伊斯的思维—从某种程度来讲,也就是做出一些错误的关联。 ecocn

Techniques such as Bayesian networks or neural networks use highly expressive models, which try to produce a non- biased classifier in order to“ describe” a corpus of documents.
Bayesian网络或神经网络等技术使用表达能力非常强的模型,力求生成无偏向的分类器来“描述”文档集。 ibm

The method, called Bayesian phylogeny, depends on having a computer draw a large number of possible trees and sampling them to find the most probable.
这一方法,被称为贝叶斯发展论,依赖于使用计算机画出大量可能的树形并从中找到最可能的。 yeeyan

This paper puts forward a method based on decision theory and Bayesian networks to handle this kind of problems, and points out the benefit of applying this technique in the field of instruments.
提出了基于决策理论和贝叶斯网络推理模型的设备故障诊断与维修支持方法,并指出在仪器仪表领域中应用该方法的巨大效益。 cnki

This approach is superior to the apparently “ complex” methods such as Bayesian networks or neural networks.
这种方式倾向于“复杂的”方法,比如 Bayesian网络或神经网络。 ibm

Variable correlation is expressed with consequence graph in Bayesian NetworksBN, analysis of failure mode and effect of complex system is realized.
贝叶斯网络用因果关系图的形式表达变量间相互关系,实现复杂系统的故障模式和效应分析。 www.bgzdh.com.cn

Bayesian filtering is plenty useful.
贝叶斯滤波十分的有用。 yeeyan

Bayesian model averaging was used to combine the results across models and to provide a measure of uncertainty that reflects the choice of model and the sampling variability.
贝叶斯模型平均法用来综合各模型的结果并提供一种反映模型选择和抽样变异性的不确定性度量。 who

Bayesian network is one of the most efficient models in the uncertain knowledge and reasoning field.
贝叶斯网络是目前不确定知识和推理领域最有效的理论模型之一。 cnki

Bayesian networks are today's standard method for handling uncertainty in computer systems, processing thousands of variables and millions of observations.
贝叶斯网络是如今处理计算机系统,处理成千上万个变量和无数个观察的标准方法。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

Bayesian techniques built on a word model work rather well.
贝叶斯技术建立在单词模型上,其工作良好。 ibm

The Bayesian spam filtering technique works by comparing“ spam” words with“ normal” words.
Bayesian垃圾邮件过滤技术通过将“垃圾邮件”单词与“正常”单词进行比较来实现过滤任务。 ibm




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