

单词 symbolising
释义 symbolising 英'sɪmbəlaɪzɪŋ美'sɪmbəlaɪzɪŋ BNC⁴⁵⁹⁸⁴Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
the act of representing something with a symbol近义词 symbolizing动词symbolize的…
用作名词The front end is dominated by highlights in design clearlysymbolisingthe car's dynamic orientation to the road.前端为主亮点设计清楚象征汽车的动态方向的道路。
Berlin, the country's largest city, has once again become the capital of a united Germany, the Brandenburg Gatesymbolisingthis re-unification.柏林作为这个国家最大的城市,再次成为统一后德国的首都,勃兰登堡门是此次重新统一的象征。 It is feted by the consumption of mooncakes, the roundness of the sweet pastry symbolising the union of family members.
人们庆祝的方式是吃月饼,这种甜点圆圆的形状象征着家人团聚。 blog.onlycollege.com.cn

The compass in which every direction points north from the centre, symbolising the principle and virtue of Chaos.
从中心向四周发散,每个方向都指向北方,象征着混沌世界的英勇与道义。 kaitaola.com

The logo of the line was the cooking glove, symbolising the home made food's attribute.
标志是个烹饪手套,象征着家庭食物的属性。 dowelldesign

The women wore white, symbolising pure intentions, and carried gladioli, a single stem each.
妇女们身着白色衣裙,象征着纯净的意图,每人手执一根剑兰支干。 ecocn

At that time the roof was constructed with blue, yellow and green glazed tiles symbolising Heaven, Earth and the mortal world.
在那时屋顶是用蓝、绿、黄三色的琉璃彩釉建造,分别代表着天、地、人。 beijingguide2008

Called Gimpo Art Hall, the design is inspired by the image of a tree, symbolising the area's agricultural history.
所谓的金浦艺术厅,设计灵感来自树的形象,象征着该地区的农业史。 arting365

The ' Evil Eye', symbolising good luck and protection sparkles brilliantly.
璀璨夺目的邪恶之眼,是幸运与趋吉避凶的象征。 ylijk

The choice of Asian destinations was seen as symbolising the Obama administration's determination to give the region new prominence in American diplomacy.
选择这几个亚洲国家,象征着奥巴马政府决心在该地区重建美国外交的声望。 ecocn

Though able, Mr Hammond and Ms Greening are seen as symbolising the victory of managerialism over passion, or of government over party.
仅管哈蒙德和格林宁具备才能,但是,他俩被视作体现了管理主义对热血激情的胜利,或政府对政党的胜利。 ecocn

Three people wearing floppy Basque berets and white silk masks with small eyeholes sat at a table in front of flags symbolising the independent country they want to create.
三名武装人员头戴松软的巴斯克贝雷帽,脸上罩着只露出两只眼睛的白丝面具,他们坐在一张桌子前,身后的旗帜象征着他们意图建立的独立国家。 ecocn

Traditionally Easter eggs, dyed and decorated or made of chocolate, are given as presents symbolising new life and the coming of spring.
人们习惯互相赠送复活节鸡蛋。这些染色的,以巧克力装饰或者用巧克力做的鸡蛋象征着新的生命和春天的来临。 blog.sina.com.cn

Whatever the history, the olive branch is a part of many modern flags symbolising peace and unity.
不管是何种历史原因,橄榄枝当今是很多旗帜上图案的一部分,象征着和平及团结。 ryedu

Symbolising energy, power and a certain mysticism, the tiger is also a metaphor for how society obtains its energy and dynamism.
“老虎”——象征着能量,权力和神秘,同样也暗喻着当今社会是如何获得它所需要的力量和活力。 blog.sina.com.cn




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