

单词 symbolise
释义 symbolise 英'sɪmbəlaɪz美'sɪmbəlaɪz ●○○○○高四八BNC³³³³³iWeb²¹⁰⁶⁵Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
represent or identify by using a symbol; use symbols;

The poet symbolizes love in this poem

These painters believed that artists should symbolize

express indirectly by an image, form, or model; be a symbol;

What does the Statue of Liberty symbolize?

symbol-ise表动词⇒vt.象征⁹⁵;以符号表示=symbolize近义词 symbolize象征stand for代表represent表现typify作为某人或某物的典型…

用作及物动词In buddhism theysymbolisewisdom.而在佛教中,孔雀则象征着智慧。
Whatever the holy sites of Bethlehemsymbolise, it is not a world free of pain.不论伯利恒的神圣地点象征着什么,这个世界终究尚未脱离苦海。 His restoration will be largely symbolic, since he never let power shift out of his hands. But it does, nevertheless, symbolise a reversal, rather than a forward movement.
复位有着重大的象征意义,尽管普京从不让权力流出他的掌心,但无独有偶,权力还是会外流,而这象征的不是进步而是后退。 ecocn

Mr Ball is wary of easy conclusions, but he is clear that the images of Plato, Euclid and Pythagoras that adorn the entrance are not there to symbolise unknowability.
巴尔不妄自揣测,但他十分清楚装饰着讲堂入口的柏拉图,欧几里德,毕达哥拉斯绝非用来象征愚昧。 ecocn

The completion of the M25 now seems to symbolise the high-water mark of Thatcherism.
现在看来 M25公路的完工似乎标志着撒切尔主义的鼎盛记忆。 yeeyan

The freeing of trade and capital flows and the deregulation of domestic industry and finance have both spurred globalisation and come to symbolise it.
贸易和资本流动的自由、解除国内工业和金融管制促进了全球化,并且成为全球化的标志。 ecocn

The rematch renews a battle that began in1984 in an epic series of world title games that lasted five months and came to symbolise the competing forces then at play in the Soviet Union.
两人的再次对决让人回想起了1984年的那场史诗般的棋王争霸赛,那场比赛耗时五个月,并象征着随后在苏联内部上演的各股势力之间的明争暗斗。 yeeyan

A fashion show saw girls invited to wear Muslim headscarves, or not: one teenager wore half a scarf to symbolise indecision.
在一个时装表演中,女孩们戴着穆斯林头巾出场;此外,一个十几岁的女孩半戴着头巾,以示其犹豫不决。 ecocn.org

An army of toy soldiers set up to symbolise the Hungarian army outside parliament in Budapest, ahead of a rally this week by supporters of the country's military.
匈牙利布达佩斯,一群象征国家军队的玩具士兵安置在国会外面,模拟这周即将举行的游行,游行是被了国家的支持。 yeeyan

Both events symbolise the fact that our actions have implications. That political decisions have consequences. That history is shaped not by fatality, but by what we do.
这两件事都象征着我们的行动会造成影响。政治决定总会造成一些后果,决定历史的不是天命,而是我们的所作所为。 yeeyan

But it does, nevertheless, symbolise a reversal, rather than a forward movement.
但是,他的复辟无可争议的代表了一次倒退,而不是前进。 ecocn

COULD anything symbolise America’s loss of economic supremacy more clearly than for its favourite beer to fall into foreign hands?
还有什么能比其最钟爱的啤酒落入外国人手中更能清楚地说明美国经济优势地位的丧失呢? yeeyan

Critics even complain that McDonald's, whose golden arches symbolise calorie excess, should not have been allowed to sponsor the World Cup.
评论家门甚至抱怨到有着代表超高热量金色拱形标志的麦当劳不应该被允许赞助世界杯。 ecocn

GM found a buyer for its Hummer sport-utility vehicle brand, which came to symbolise the company’s fondness for gas-guzzling cars.
通用公司为其多功能运动型汽车品牌悍马找好买家,悍马代表了通用公司对耗油汽车的偏爱。 ecocn

Harry Potter star Daniel Radcliffe joins the9 per cent who sported an aquiline nose, said to symbolise a cool tactician with a business mind.
《哈利•波特》影星丹尼尔•雷德克里夫长着一只鹰钩鼻,这类人占到9%。 鹰钩鼻被认为象征着有商业头脑的冷静谋士。 voa365

He has marshalled small armies of20-somethings to stand in continuous rotas in front of the Supreme Court to symbolise the helplessness of the aborted child.
他集结了一群20岁左右的人,组成一个小部队,轮流站在最高法院前面,象征着被流产的孩子的无助。 ecocn

If a company known for selling indulgence wants to reinvent itself to symbolise wellness, does that not send mixed messages to the consumer?
如果一个以推销放纵著称的公司将自己重塑为推销健康的公司,消费者就不会收到好坏混合的信息吗? ecocn

In the Middle Ages, men wore them to symbolise their courage and virility.
中世纪,男人们佩戴钻石,作为勇敢和刚强的象征。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

In that case, the term social entrepreneur, whatever it means, will no longer be necessary— but its disappearance from the dictionary will symbolise its triumph.
在那样的情况下,社会企业家不管是什么意思这个词就没有存在的必要了。然而,从字典中被抹去正好昭示了它的胜利。 yeeyan

Instead, the salary rises in Guangdong this week symbolise a broader shift in favour of labour that has accelerated in recent months and is likely to carry on for several years.
相反,本周从广东传来的加薪消息,标志着整体格局向有利于劳工的方向转变,这一趋势在近几个月加速,并很可能持续多年。 tingroom

Irises symbolise friendship, surrounded by a halo of ivy, which stands for endurance and dependence.
鸢尾花象征友谊,围绕着常春藤——象征忍耐和依赖。 ebigear

Kasparov's eventual victory came to symbolise the triumph of youthful energy over the creaking Soviet empire.
卡斯帕罗夫的最终胜利象征着年轻人的活力战胜了疲态尽显的苏联帝国。 yeeyan

Now her long swan- like neck and exquisite features have come to symbolise the join between ancient and modern ideas of feminine beauty.
如今,他修长如鹅颈的脖子与精致姣好的面容已经成为古、现代女性美丽结合的化身。 yeeyan

The flag then, appears to symbolise both independence and unity.
这个其实之后逐步当做象征独立和统一的象征。 yeeyan

The mushroom shaped cap on the gourd, which men carry to symbolise their connection with the womb, is a sign of his accumulated thought.
葫芦上的蘑菇状头,是男性携带以象征其与子宫的联系,是他深思熟虑的标志。 yeeyan

Their lone efforts symbolise the best hope for indigenous Australia's future.
他们唯一的努力象征着澳大利亚未来的最好希望。 yeeyan

Whatever the holy sites of Bethlehem symbolise, it is not a world free of pain.
不论伯利恒的神圣地点象征着什么,这个世界终究尚未脱离苦海。 ecocn

Whatever the university comes to symbolise, it must first be built.
无论这个大学将会代表什么,它必须首先要建造好。 ecocn




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