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Sydow 基本例句 n.赛多¹⁰⁰ MrSydowreckons thateventually about 5% of his clients' nurses will come from an externalpool.据Sydow估计,他的客户医院中5%的护士都是临时工。 Regarding this location, Li Zhangzhu's appraisal is: “the overall facility is very good, but possibly recently hit compared to aSydowpoint, felt that the sod has a point to be not too smooth.对于这块场地,李章洙的评价是:“总体设施还是非常不错的,但可能最近打的比赛多了一点,感觉草皮有一点不太平整。” Occurrence and chemical control of Peronospora astragalinaSydow黄芪霜霉病发生与药剂防治 Study on teliospore formation of Phakopsora pachyrhiziSydow大豆锈菌冬孢子形成研究 VonSydowMax马克思·冯赛多 |