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switches off短语¹⁶⁸⁸⁵ 基本例句 na.不收听某一广播;🌏关上;关掉 The use of hypnotherapy is like a button that switches off that automatic reaction, something which tells your brain everything is normal and there is no need to feel provoked. 催眠术疗法的使用就像一个按钮,可以关掉,自动感应这件事,告诉你的大脑一切正常,没有必要感到激怒。 dlzycf A long day has ended and father is happy when the time comes to relax and, perfectly satisfied, he switches off his beloved little15W Tungsten lamp with its warm and peaceful light. 长长的一天结束了,可以放松了,父亲很高兴,也很满足,他关掉了他那温暖的、光线柔和的、可爱的15瓦小钨灯。 emuch.net Brown fat helps produce a protein that switches off little cellular units called mitochondria, which are the cells' power plants: they help turn nutrients into energy. 褐色脂肪有助于产生一种能截断被称为“线粒体”的小细胞单位的蛋白质。这种蛋白质是细胞的能源工厂:它们有助于将营养转变为能量。 yeeyan In some evening, when I put the book the head of a bed, switches off music, the turning over preparation sleeps, I glimpse outside the window that to wipe the moonlight. 在某一个晚上,当我把书放到床头,关掉音乐,翻身准备睡觉的时候,我瞥见了窗外那抹月光。307876069.qzone.qq.com It automatically switches off the sound and puts itself into vibration mode. 它会自动关闭声音,进入振动模式。 yeeyan Once a child has used up their daily allowance gained through exercise, the television automatically switches off. 一旦孩子用完通过锻炼而获得的每天看电视时间的限值,电视机就会自动关闭。 www.1x1y.com.cn The Nook cleverly splits the difference: it has an E Ink screen to display text, and a smaller LCD touch-screen below it for navigation, which switches off when not in use to save energy. 而 Nook则聪明地加以折中:它有个显示文本的电子墨水屏,其下则是个导航用的 LCD小触摸屏,不用时就关掉省电。 ecocn They believe these findings could pave the way for a cream which “ switches off” wrinkles, doing away with the perceived need for collagen injections or plastic surgery. 研究人员认为这些新发现可为“去皱霜”的研制开辟新道路,同时打消人们注射胶原蛋白、做整形手术的念头。 cri This process is finely adjusted, so in Sweden the plant switches off the gene later than one of the same species in southern England. 这个过程会随着节气精细进行调整,因此,同一种属的植物,在瑞典就会比在英格兰南部要关闭的晚。 yeeyan Within milliseconds of an impact, it also activates the seat belt tensioners, switches off the fuel pump, opens the central locking and turns on the hazard warning lights. 事故发生后的一毫秒以内,该系统将启动座椅安全带张紧装置,关闭燃油泵,开启中央锁定功能并且发出紧急危险信号。 tdict |