

单词 Swissie
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The dollar is also weak, while the euro is mixed-to- weak, as the bulk of long positions flow into the safe havens of the Swissie and the yen.
美元同样走软,而欧元则是涨跌互见或疲软,原因在于大量多头涌进避险的瑞郎及日元。 blog.sina.com.cn

The dollar index is lower today, while the Swiss franc is fairly stable, however the Swissie is likely to remain supported amidst all of the uncertainty coming up next month.
美元指数今天下跌,而瑞郎保持平稳,但在接下来一个月不确定性诸多的环境中,瑞郎可能继续受到支撑。 blog.sina.com.cn

Elsewhere, Swiss GDP was weaker than expected for Q1, although the Swissie was weaker due to the return to risk appetite to the markets.
其它方面,瑞士一季度 GDP弱于预期,但瑞郎走软的原因是冒险情绪回归。 blog.sina.com.cn

In this environment the dollar and the Swissie are likely to perform well.
在这样的环境中,美元及瑞郎可能表现优异。 blog.sina.com.cn

Reports in the weekend press said that the Swiss government would hold a meeting this week with key business leaders about the strength of the Swissie.
周末有新闻报告称,瑞士政府本周将召开会议,与商界领袖会晤并讨论瑞郎走强的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn

The floor is currently1.20, but speculation is rising that the SNB may raise this to 1.25 to further limit Swissie strength.
底线目前为1.20,但有关瑞士央行可能将其上调至1.25以进一步限制瑞郎上涨空间的传言正在升温。 blog.sina.com.cn

The SNB conducted a costly round of FX intervention in 2009 to try and depress the Swissie to little effect, so it is unlikely they will do so again.
瑞士央行2009年发起一场代价高昂的汇市干预,但打压瑞郎涨势的成效甚微,所以,央行将不会再这么做。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Swiss franc and Japanese yen are also ending the year on a highfor the Swissie a record high against the greenback and the euro.
瑞郎及日元兑美元和欧元同样有望高收瑞郎收于历史高点。 blog.sina.com.cn

This had the desired effect of taking the Swissie off its highs.
这起到带动瑞郎高点回落的作用。 blog.sina.com.cn

This highlights one of the biggest risks of long Swissie positions after the currency experiences a big move since the Central Bank is active in trying to talk down the currency.
既然瑞士央行正积极口头推低瑞郎,这也突显出在瑞郎大幅上涨后瑞郎多头面临的其中一个重大风险。 blog.sina.com.cn

Today's data has also boosted safe haven assets and the Swissie and the yen are both stronger, interestingly, gold is following other commodities lower today as the dollar finds its feet.
今天的数据同样提振避险资产,瑞郎及日元双双走高。有意思的是,因为美元企稳,黄金跟随其它商品走软。 blog.sina.com.cn




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