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词汇 swirls
释义 swirl·s 英swɜːl美swɜːrl COCA³⁰⁴²⁸BNC⁴⁴⁷⁵⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
the shape of something rotating rapidly
turn in a twisting or spinning motion;

The leaves swirled in the autumn wind

flow in a circular current, of liquidsswirl error涡旋误差toroidal swirl旋涡流swirl injection涡旋喷注swirl gate离心集渣浇口…swirl crotch涡卷纹swirl motion涡动swirl atomizer旋涡式喷油嘴…swirl nozzle旋涡喷嘴旋流器…swirl vane涡旋叶片swirl grain涡旋纹swirl cone锥形旋流器stream swirl气流涡流swirl skirt漩涡裙swirl injector旋流式喷射器…swirl sprayer旋涡喷嘴swirl chamber涡流室,涡良烧室…swirl plate涡流片
近义词 reel卷eddy漩涡curl卷曲purl反针twist缠绕vortex漩涡wheel方向盘churn搅乳器twiddle玩弄spin使旋转twirl快速转动gurge造成旋涡whirlpool漩涡whirl使 … 旋转gyrate旋涡状的convolution回旋

用作名词It beckons me forward with its colorfulswirl.她召唤我走进她美丽的漩涡。
The car raced roughly along in aswirlof pink dust.汽车在一股粉红色尘土的漩涡中颠簸着快速前进。
Dancers spun in aswirlof skirts.跳舞的人旋转着,裙子也不停地打转。用作动词The hurricane begins toswirlin a clockwise motion.飓风开始顺时针打旋。
The reportersswirledout of the gate of the hall.记者们纷乱地跑出了大厅。
You could lie up there, watching the flakesswirlpast.你可以躺在那儿,看着雪花飘飘。
Long vinesswirlround the tree.长长的藤葛盘绕在树身上。 The core is made up of matter that swirls closer to the black hole and approaches the speed of light, combining with tremendous magnetic fields in the process.
组成核心的物质呈涡旋状靠近黑洞,并在这一过程中与大量磁场结合,且其速度接近光速。 yeeyan

The interior ball holds the clothing and swirls around in all directions to provide a superior clean while the exterior sits in your home looking like a fascinating piece of futuristic art.
衣物装在球里,这个球能各个方向旋转把衣服洗得超干净,而从外表看上去就像家里的一件很酷的理想主义艺术品。 yeeyan

The smooth surfaces of oil slicks act like mirrors, reflecting sunlight to create the bright swirls.
浮油光滑的表面起到了镜面的作用,反射阳光形成明亮的漩涡。 yeeyan

Whipped into gigantic swirls by the Sun's ferocious magnetic fields, the shell of super- hot gas is as beautiful as it is dangerous.
太阳暴烈的磁场搅动出了巨大的涡流,极热气体的外表美艳若花,却又危险至极。 yeeyan

Swirls of trashed plastic litter the seven seas.
破碎的塑料垃圾丢弃在七大洋中。 yeeyan

A translucent white bottle overlaid with swirls of blue and decorated with an undulating white dragon, its carver was clearly a master of the medium.
一个半透明的白色瓶身上满是蓝色波纹,还饰以一条蜿蜒的白龙,那名工匠无疑是个大师级的人物。 yeeyan

Another change is the appearance of a mass of discarded plastic that swirls round in two clots in the Pacific, each as large as the United States.
另一个人为的变化是大量被丢弃的塑料,它们以两大团在太平洋里盘旋,每一个都有美国那么大。 ecocn

At first glance these spectacular swirls of colour may look like clever computer graphics or the result of faulty camera work.
粗看一眼这些壮观的漩涡好似精妙的计算机图形或者是错误的拍摄手法造成的“作品”。 yeeyan

Controversy also swirls around Goldman's“marks”, or the prices at which it valued its mortgage holdings during the crisis.
争论也围绕着高盛的“价签”进行,或者说是金融危机期间它为抵押权估价所依据的价格。 ecocn

Ethereal swirls of grease ice appear turquoise against the midnight blue of the northern Baltic Sea near the Aland Islands red between Finland and Sweden.
轻盈的薄冰形成青绿色漩涡,加上波罗的海的深蓝,共同点缀着位于芬兰和瑞典交界的厄兰岛图中红色处。 yeeyan

Interesting hummocks, swirls and ridges are found on the surface of the landslide.
在山体滑坡的表面,我们能够看到有趣的山包,盘绕的丘陵和悬崖。 yeeyan

Leaders should not only grow a thicker skin but also understand how important they can be to their own team by interpreting both the news and the disinformation that swirls around them.
领导者不仅要有一付更强健的体魄,也要懂得分辨清楚漩涡周遭新闻和假信息中,对自己的团队是多么重要。 ecocn

The incident says much about the volatile mixture of confidence and paranoia that swirls in Tehran these days.
这起事件极大地反映出如今在德黑兰弥漫着的自信和狂妄是何其危险地交织在了一起。 ecocn

The Doppler effect arises as the material swirls around the disk at thousands of kilometers per second.
在漩涡中围绕着黑洞以每秒数千公里的速度旋转的物质,其多普勒效应更为明显。 yeeyan

The force is so powerful that swirls develop inside the trap, further preventing prey from escaping after the trap door quickly shuts.
这种力量是如此的强大,以至于在陷阱阀门里形成了漩涡,诱捕阀门关闭后,进一步阻止猎物出逃。 yeeyan

The piece now towers above the scarlet and gold bougainvillea bushes, the swirls of colored glass rising24 feet high and spanning50 feet in width.
如今,这个作品高高架在红色和金色的叶子花灌木丛上方,彩色玻璃组成的多个漩涡有24英尺高、50英尺宽。 yeeyan

The six- mile-high Chinese dust plume detected by CALIPSO appears as yellow-green swirls in this image.
通过卫星监测到的六米高的羽毛状尘埃云在图片中看似黄绿色的漩涡。 yeeyan

There were no angels visible in the swirls of color, but I knew they were all around.
色彩的漩涡中看不到有天使的存在,但是我知道,他们无处不在。 putclub

These swirls of light, called optical vortices, could have implications for future laser devices, the physicists said.
这些光线的漩涡,称为光学旋涡,可能对未来的激光装置产生影响,物理学家说。 yeeyan

This wind is likely generated as surrounding gas is accelerated and heated as it swirls toward the black hole.
这股强风可能是由于环绕气体在盘旋着落入黑洞的过程中被加速和加热而产生出来的。 yeeyan

Tiny packets of smoke released near a flying locust showed air swirls similar to swirls predicted by the model.
在飞行蝗虫周围释放的小范围烟雾表明,实际气旋类似于模型预言的气旋。 yeeyan

With few buyers, all the other economic activity that swirls around real estate— remodeling, appliance and furniture sales, relocation services—is depressed.
而随着买房者的减少,围绕着不动产的其他经济活动就会减缓,如重建、家具购置、装修服务等。 yeeyan

Swirls of green in Hubble's ultraviolet and visible-light view reveal hydrogen and sulfur gas that have been heated and ionized by intense ultraviolet radiation from the Trapezium's stars.
紫外线成像显示出的绿色漩涡以及可见光形成的图像揭示了氢和硫磺气体的存在,它们受发自四边形的强紫外线的辐射而变热并形成等离子体。 yeeyan




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