

单词 swirl
释义 swirl 英swɜːl美swɝlAHDswûrl ★☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝八TCOCA⁸³³⁷BNC³⁴⁴²¹iWeb¹⁰⁶⁷¹Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺

the shape of something rotating rapidly
turn in a twisting or spinning motion;

The leaves swirled in the autumn wind

flow in a circular current, of liquids可能来自辅音丛 sw-,弯,转,摇摆,摇晃,比较 swing,sway,sweep,swipe.引申诸相关词义。swirl error涡旋误差toroidal swirl旋涡流swirl injection涡旋喷注swirl gate离心集渣浇口…swirl crotch涡卷纹swirl motion涡动swirl atomizer旋涡式喷油嘴…swirl nozzle旋涡喷嘴旋流器…swirl vane涡旋叶片swirl grain涡旋纹swirl cone锥形旋流器stream swirl气流涡流swirl skirt漩涡裙swirl injector旋流式喷射器…swirl sprayer旋涡喷嘴swirl chamber涡流室,涡良烧室…swirl plate涡流片
词根记忆s + wirl转⇒旋转近义词 reel卷eddy漩涡curl卷曲purl反针twist缠绕vortex漩涡wheel方向盘churn搅乳器twiddle玩弄spin使旋转twirl快速转动gurge造成旋涡whirlpool漩涡whirl使 … 旋转gyrate旋涡状的convolution回旋

用作名词It beckons me forward with its colorfulswirl.她召唤我走进她美丽的漩涡。
The car raced roughly along in aswirlof pink dust.汽车在一股粉红色尘土的漩涡中颠簸着快速前进。
Dancers spun in aswirlof skirts.跳舞的人旋转着,裙子也不停地打转。用作动词The hurricane begins toswirlin a clockwise motion.飓风开始顺时针打旋。
The reportersswirledout of the gate of the hall.记者们纷乱地跑出了大厅。
You could lie up there, watching the flakesswirlpast.你可以躺在那儿,看着雪花飘飘。
Long vinesswirlround the tree.长长的藤葛盘绕在树身上。verb.spin around
同义词 boil,churn,roil,twirl,whirlagitate,coil,crimp,crisp,curl,eddy,purl,roll,snake,surge,swoosh,whirlpool,whorl,wriggle
反义词 straighten
blewverb blast, rush of air, wind
departed,hit the road,split,took a hike,took a powder,went
blowverb(of airmove)
churnverb mix up, beat
agitate,boil,bubble,convulse,ferment,foam,froth,jolt,moil,seethe,simmer,stir up,swirl,toss
convolutionnoun loop, spiral
crimpverb fold or curl
curlnoun loop, ringlet, curve
coil,crimp,crispation,curlicue,flourish,frizz,kink,quirk,spiral,swirl,twist,wave,whorl A swirl of anticipation, uncertainty, and desire converged into an instant of bliss.
期待、不确定和欲望仿佛漩涡一样,汇聚成了瞬间的幸福。 yeeyan

A swirl of first impressions raced through Malone’s mind.
第一印象的漩涡冲过马龙的思维。 yeeyan

And this is another view that gives you an idea of the donor and then the swirl of matter, and then it swirls in and ends up here on the neutron star.

Now I want to revisit the situation that you are on the end of my string and I'm going to swirl you around.

The ordered swirl of houses and streets from this high angle sprang at her now with the same unexpected, astonishing clarity as the circuit card had.

The stellar halo is debris that surrounds our familiar white swirl of stars.
银晕其实就是环绕在我们熟悉的白色漩涡外的星星碎片。 yeeyan

Tiny purple fish swirl around them.
紫色的小鱼在他们的身边打着旋儿。 yeeyan

“ If I was a leaf, I would fly clear across the world,” Tommy thought and then ran out into the yard among the swirl of colors.
“如果我是一片叶子,我会飞遍全世界的,”汤米想着,跑到了前院的那个欢乐的漩涡中。 yeeyan

A counter- swirl had caught Farquhar and turned him half round; he was again looking into the forest on the bank opposite the fort.
一个反向的漩涡抓住了法夸尔,他的身体旋转了半圈;他再一次向要塞对面河岸边的森林望去。 yeeyan

As these seeds fall to the ground, their wing causes them to swirl and spin in a process called autorotation, similar to man-made helicopters.
当这些种子降落到地面的过程中,它们的翅膀会使得种子旋转并产生自转,与人造的直升机功能相仿。 yeeyan

Behind him swirl smoke and soldiers.
烟雾和士兵们在其身后盘绕。 yeeyan

Clouds swirl on Saturn, the second largest planet in our solar system.
云层在土星上打漩涡,土星是太阳系中第二个大行星。 yeeyan

Darkness settles over Jordan Pond in Maine's Acadia National Park as northern lights swirl above.
当北面的光线盘旋而上的时候,夜幕降临在缅因州阿卡迪亚国家公园的乔丹湖上。 kekenet

Earthquakes and tsunamis that resulted from the collision could have wrought havoc on the sedimentary record, causing discrete strata to swirl together and completely scrambling time lines.
由于撞击造成的地震和海啸可能对沉积层造成严重的破坏,使得离散的岩层旋转混合在一起并完全打乱地质时间线。 yeeyan

Here is a great effect, usable for all kind of graphics such as flyers, splash-screens, wallpapers etc. Here you will learn how to create a colored light swirl.

Here you will learn how to create a colored light swirl.
在这儿您将学习如何创建一束彩色旋转光束。 yeeyan

I think my mother really only wanted to see the pretty colors all swirl together while she smoked dope in secret.
我想我母亲在偷偷抽大烟的时候是真的很喜欢看到漂亮的颜色缠绕盘旋在一起。 yeeyan

In the top image, the Mississippi Delta is at image centre, and the oil slick is a silvery swirl to the right.
图像的上部,密西西比三角洲位于正中。浮油似银色的漩涡流向右边。 yeeyan

Lester blew on it, and, just as I’d heard the factory boys tell it, the powder rose in a swirl, casting off into the air and disappearing.
莱斯特吹了吹它,正如我听工厂男孩们说的那样,粉末升起变成了一个旋儿,消失在空气中不见了。 yeeyan

Oenophiles have long gotten the best out of their reds by giving their glasses a swirl before sipping.
品酒师一直能通过在抿一口酒之前晃酒杯使酒产生漩涡得到最好的红酒。 yeeyan

Offshore, a phytoplankton bloom forms a bright green swirl in the ocean water, proof of the productivity that triggers the deadly eruptions.
离岸远些,茂盛的浮游生物在海水中形成碧绿色的涡状形,这就是海洋生物生产力触发致命喷发的证据。 yeeyan

The sun is just a dimly glowing patch of cloud across which flurries of snowflakes swirl and eddy, dark patterns against the glow.
太阳只是一朵朦胧发光的云,穿越了疾风飞雪的漩涡,光亮衬托出深黑的外形轮廓。 yeeyan

The Tagish meteor formed the same way all the asteroids and meteors in the solar system formed: accreting out of the primordial swirl of gas and dust that also gave rise to the sun and planets.
这块塔吉什湖的陨石与太阳系内其他陨石以及小行星形成过程完全相同,即:通过空间中的气体和尘埃涡旋积累形成这同样是太阳和各个行星的形成过程。 yeeyan

To the degree we understand BV appropriately, it can act as a guidepost in this swirl of change.
根据我们对业务价值的理解程度,它就像这变化的漩涡中的一个恒定的标杆。 infoq

We enjoy tasting a wine from the first sip to the last and it will get plenty of air in those big glasses while we swirl.
我们喜欢一口口把酒喝完,那么葡萄酒在大杯中打旋的过程能接触到充足的空气,用不着换瓶醒酒。 hxen

When growing bacterial cultures, biologists often mix cells in with nutrients in one big jar, then swirl, much like an aficionado over the latest vintage.
当作细菌培养时,生物学家通常将细胞和营养物质混合在一个大的广口瓶里,然后打旋,就像最近葡萄收获期的那些葡萄酒发烧友一样。 yeeyan




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