

单词 bawling
释义 bawl·ing 英bɔːl美bɔːl COCA⁴⁰⁰¹⁵BNC⁴⁸⁹²⁶Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
shout loudly and without restraintmake a raucous noisecry loudly;

Don't bawl in public!

bawl out大声斥责bawl at斥责
近义词 cry哭sob抽泣wail痛哭howl长嚎weep流泪yell大叫roar吼叫shout呼喊holler叫喊shriek尖叫moan呻吟声bark狗吠squall狂风bellow吼叫blubber哭号scream尖叫声yawp大声叫嚷

用作动词Hebawlsat me across the street.他在街道的另一边冲我大声喊。
Don't bawl like that, I can hear you.那别样大喊大叫了,我能听见。
The sergeantbawledout a command to his men.那个中士向士兵大声发令。用作名词noun.cry
同义词 bellowing,blubbering,crying,groan,lament,lamentation,plaint,sobbing,wailing,weeping
blubberingnoun cry
criesnoun weeping and making sad sounds
crynoun weeping and making sad sounds
bawl,bawling,bewailing,blubber,blubbering,howl,howling,keening,lament,lamentation,mourning,shedding tears,snivel,snivelling,sob,sobbing,sorrowing,tears,the blues,wailing,weeping,whimpering,yowl
sobbingnoun cry
bawl,bawling,bewailing,blubber,blubbering,howl,howling,keening,lament,lamentation,mourning,shedding tears,snivel,snivelling,sob,sorrowing,tear,tears,the blues,wailing,weep,weeping,whimpering,yowl
tearfuladjective crying, very upset
bawling,blubbering,blubbery,distressed,dolorous,in tears,lachrymose,lamentable,lamenting,moist,mournful,pathetic,pitiable,pitiful,poignant,sad,sniveling,sobbing,sorrowful,teary,watery,weeping,weepy,wet,whimpering,woeful
tearyadjective tearful
bawling,blubbering,blubbery,distressed,dolorous,in tears,lachrymose,lamentable,lamenting,moist,mournful,pathetic,pitiable,pitiful,poignant,sad,sniveling,sobbing,sorrowful,watery,weeping,weepy,wet,whimpering,woeful He returned a few minutes later, and the horse was bawling his eyes out.
几分钟后,那匹马已经嚎啕大哭起来了,眼睛都哭肿了。 yeeyan

The didn't get the traditional Army bawling-out from him, but they did get the gate.
他们不会像在传统军队里那样被他痛骂一顿,但他们会被调离。 kcpt.cidp.edu.cn

When I went around to take up the tickets the child was bawling.
我巡回收票时,那小孩子正嚎啕大哭。 kuenglish

I knew I was in trouble the night I called off work because I was bawling for no apparent reason.
我知道麻烦出现了,因为那天晚上我陌名的喊叫,但其实我一点也没有这样做的理由。 yeeyan

I mean, I might ask the woman bawling her eyes out behind me in church what’s wrong or if I can help her, but I’m certainly not going to invite her to dinner.
我的意思是,在教堂里,我也许会问身后那个大哭大叫的女人‘怎么了’或‘是否需要帮忙’,但我肯定不会邀请她去吃饭。 yeeyan

I ran from the dining room bawling. Up in my room I threw myself on the bed and sobbed.

I'll start bawling like a toddler who dropped their ice cream on the sidewalk.
我会像个在人行道上弄掉了冰淇淋的小小孩那样号啕大哭。 anetcity

That baby has been bawling for hours.
那婴儿已经大声哭叫了几小时。 chinabaike

The baby was bawling all night.

The babies were bawling in the nursery.

Then I sat down where the phone had fallen and curled up in the corner, bawling.
然后坐在电话摔落的地方,瘫坐在那个角落,放声大哭。 yeeyan

Then came the voice of another newsboy selling the “Stop- press News, ” bawling as he ran past.
接着又来了第二个卖“快报”的带喊带跑的声音。 bab

They lurched onto the tundra like bawling infants.
他们像啼哭的婴儿蹒跚地迈上冻原。 yizitong.cn

They quarreled over it. I couldn't stand it another second. Iran from the dining room bawling. Up in my room I threw myself on the bad and sobbed.
他们为此争吵起来,我再也无法忍受了,哭着跑出餐厅,到楼上我的房间,扑倒在床上抽泣起来。 csfls

Turns out they just wanted directions to an ice cream shop for their daughters, who were now bawling their eyes out.
没想到他们只是想问雪糕店在哪,他们要买雪糕给他们正嚎啕大哭的女儿们。 fml001.com

Two seconds, you're bawling like a baby.
两秒钟,你像个婴儿一样号啕大哭。 hicoo

You look like you've been bawling.
你好像哭了很久。 dushu




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