

单词 swing set
释义 swing set ˈswɪŋset 短语⁴⁸⁷⁶⁰
However, this swivel ladder is like a ladder installed on a swing set, on which the people can hold on to it and rotate.
这种转梯是把一个类似梯子的东西安装在秋千架上,人们可以握住梯子并使它转动。 iciba

I stopped faster than I thought I would and nearly fell over, I grabbed the side of the swing set and spun around to face the back pasture.
由于停得太快,我差点跌到,我抓住秋千的一边转过身看向草地。 enfamily

So they began walking on the driveway of the White House South Lawn while holding hands. First they passed the West Wing, then their children's swing set.
夫妇俩手牵着手走在白宫南草坪的车道上,走过了白宫西翼和孩子们的秋千架。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The backyard is perfect for kids with a swing set, tree house, swimming pool, vegetable garden, lawn area for volleyball, soccer, and other games.
后院秋千,树屋,游泳池,菜园,排球,足球草坪面积,和其他游戏的孩子是完美的。 chineselovelinks

Five years ago, at age71 again in the sweltering Kansas heat, my father spent five hours putting together a swing set for my daughter.
五年前,还是在堪萨斯州的酷热天气下,71岁的父亲花了五个小时给我女儿装好了一个秋千。 blog.sina.com.cn

For all his crowing with glee about leaving home and heading off to college, he seemed reluctant to put behind his swing set and his sandbox.
因为,目前,他即将离开家去上大学了,这几乎凝聚了他所有的兴奋所有的乐趣,所以,他似乎不愿意把他的秋千和沙箱放到后面。 bbs.translators.com.cn

In fact, my bravery on the wooden plank gave him new ideas, like a child-sized lawn mower, and the tallest swing set ever.
事实上,我在木架子上的勇敢让他产生了新的想法,他像一个小孩般在草地上爬,也荡了最高的秋千。 iask.sina.com.cn

The authors manage to get in the Obama family's vegetable garden and swing set, noting that there was also a playground on the White House lawn in 1933 when FDR's grandchildren played there.
作者设法到达奥巴马家庭的蔬菜圆和秋千,注意到1933年当时富兰克林的孙子在玩耍时也有娱乐场在白宫的草坪上。 blog.sina.com.cn

The back had a gravel driveway with a four- car garage, a nice lawn with a swing set, and, on both sides of the driveway, sloping lawns that went down to the street, Circle Drive.
房子后面有一条碎石铺成的车道,一个可停放四辆车的车库,一块漂亮的草坪,草坪上立着秋千架,车道两边则是草坪坡地,一直延伸到环路街上。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Obama family recently added an outdoor playground for their two young daughters. It has a swing set, a climbing section, a slide and a tire for swinging.
奥巴马家最近为他们的两个小女孩增加了一个室外操场,有秋千、攀爬设施、滑梯、秋千轮胎等。 unsv

The rope in the playground was tied at one end to a tree and at the other end to a swing set.
绳子还不是活动的那种,而是一头绑在操场边的树上,另一头绑在秋千上。 abcxp

The invoice said the toy was a plastic swing set.
在发票上,这些撞楼玩具都被写成了塑料秋千组合玩具。 beelink




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