

单词 swings
释义 swing·s 英swɪŋ美swɪŋ COCA¹¹⁸⁷⁴BNC¹⁷⁵⁵⁰Economist⁸²⁵⁹
vt. & vi. 使摇摆; 使旋转

move forwards and backwards or in a curve; cause to turn in a curve

a state of steady vigorous action that is characteristic of an activity;

the party went with a swing

it took time to get into the swing of things

mechanical device used as a plaything to support someone swinging back and fortha sweeping blow or stroke;

he took a wild swing at my head

changing location by moving back and fortha style of jazz played by big bands popular in the 1930s; flowing rhythms but less complex than later styles of jazza jaunty rhythm in musicthe act of swinging a golf club at a golf ball and usually hitting itin baseball; a batter's attempt to hit a pitched ball;

he took a vicious cut at the ball

a square dance figure; a pair of dancers join hands and dance around a point between them
move in a curve or arc, usually with the intent of hitting;

He swung his left fist

swing a bat

move or walk in a swinging or swaying manner;

He swung back

change direction with a swinging motion; turn;

swing back

swing forward

influence decisively;

This action swung many votes over to his side

make a big sweeping gesture or movementhang freely;

the ornaments dangled from the tree

The light dropped from the ceiling

hit or aim at with a sweeping arm movement;

The soccer player began to swing at the referee

alternate dramatically between high and low values;

his mood swings

the market is swinging up and down

live in a lively, modern, and relaxed style;

The Woodstock generation attempted to swing freely

have a certain musical rhythm;

The music has to swing

be a social swinger; socialize a lotplay with a subtle and intuitively felt sense of rhythmengage freely in promiscuous sex, often with the husband or wife of one's friends;

There were many swinging couples in the 1960's

swing, brandish, flourish, thrash, wave


swing指有规律地前后、上下摆动,也指不停地转动; brandish强调挥舞某物以示威胁、恐吓; flourish指为了表示炫耀、喜悦或虚张声势而挥动手中的武器、棍棒等物; thrash指猛烈摆动,有时带有响声; wave指没有规律、节奏地波动或拍动。

swing, fluctuate, sway


swing指一边或一头固定在某处而另一边或另一头成弧形摆动; fluctuate指没有规律地上下起伏、波动; sway指灵活或不稳定的东西缓慢地晃动。






用作动词 v.
~+副词swing gently轻轻地摇晃swing gracefully优美地摇摆swing lazily懒散地摇晃swing noiselessly悄悄地摆动swing playfully顽皮地摆动swing recklessly粗心大意地摇晃swing back摆回swing downward下跌swing in with加入swing inward朝里开swing out散射开去swing round船转身,转向,掉头swing up吊运~+介词swing against sb转过来反对某人swing along the street在街上闲逛swing at对准…打去,挥动…打…swing the bat at the ball挥动球棒击球swing for因…而被绞死swing from从…摇过来swing from branch to branch在树枝间荡来荡去swing from right to left从右向左摆动swing out of大摇大摆地走出swing out of the room大摇大摆地走出房间swing through进行巡回选竞swing to向…摇过去swing towards转向…swing with拿着…挥舞
swing around¹ v.+adv.

使…转过 make sb turn around

swing sb ⇔ aroundThe policeman grasped the thief by the shoulder and swung him around.警察抓住了小偷的肩膀使他转过身来。
swing around² v.+prep.

使…转过… make sb/sth turn around (sth)

swing sth around sthHe swung his car around the corner.他把汽车转过街角。
swing at v.+prep.

向…猛打,猛击 aim a heavy blow at (someone or sth)

swing at sb/sthHe swung at the man, but missed, and fell.他抡拳向那人打去,可是没打着,自己跌倒了。
Don't swing at the ball, take careful aim.不要只是猛劲儿地去打那球,要打得准。swing sth at sb/sthJack swung a slow,heavy right hand at Tom.杰克慢慢挥起右手,朝汤姆重重地击了一掌。
swing for v.+prep.

〈非正〉因…受惩罚 to be punished for (a wrong actionWhen your father comes home, you'll swing for it!)等你爸爸回来,你会为这事受惩罚的。

swing from v.+prep.

摇摆 to move forwards and backwards or in a curveThe big ape swung from branch to branch.那只大猿猴在树枝间荡来荡去。

swing round v.+adv.

使…改变观点 make (sb change his opinion)

swing roundIf the wind swings round, we will have to change the sails.如果风向突然变了,我们得换帆。
He swung round at the mention of his name.他听到提及他的名字,猛地转过身来。swing sb ⇔ roundCan you swing him round to our point of view?你能不能让他转向我们的观点?
swing to v.+adv.

自行关上 to close by itself, by its own weight

swing toWhen I heard the door swing to behind me,I knew that I was locked out.当我听见门在我背后自动关上了时,我就知道我被锁在外边了。近义词 swaymove to and fro
S+~+AHis arms swing as he walks.他走路的时候摆动手臂。
The little girl swung higher and higher.小姑娘越悠越高。
The monkey was swinging in the tree.猴子在树上荡来荡去。
The pendulum swings on and on.钟摆不停地来回摆动。
The hammockswings.吊床摇摆。
Weeping willows swing in the wind.垂柳在风中摇摆。
The value of the pound swung downwards.英镑的价值突然下跌。
S+~+ n./pron.The mother swung her baby in the cradle.母亲摇动着摇篮里的婴儿。
We swung the hammock between two trees.我们摇晃着两树之间的吊床。
He was swinging his arms.他在摇摆手臂。
He sat there swinging his legs.他坐在那儿,晃着双腿。
The soldiers marched along, swinging their arms.士兵们挥动手臂向前行进。
The dog began swinging its tail when it saw the boy.那狗一看见男孩就摇起尾巴。
Jack swung the axe and with one blow split open the door.杰克挥动着斧子一下就把门劈开了。
She hopes to swing the voters in her favour.她希望把选民拉过来投她的票。
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.He swung the gate open wide.他把大门打开。





用作名词Theswingof the ship made many people seasick.船的摇摆使许多人晕船。
The willow branchesswingin the breeze.柳枝迎风摇摆。
I used toswing, but then age and good taste overtook me.我原来喜欢赶时髦,后来随着年龄的增长和审美观的改变便不再那样了。
Tiny changes here can be felt in the backswing and lead to big improvements in the hitswing.这里在后摆时能够感受出来的很小的改变就可以让你在击球摆动上得到很大的进步。
He took aswingat the tree with his axe.他挥斧砍树。
Campaigning is already in fullswing.竞选活动已经是进行得如火如荼。
The children are playing on theswingsin the park.孩子们在公园里荡秋千。用作动词This willswingpublic opinions against the government.这将使公共舆论转而反对政府。
The children wereswingingon a rope.孩子们抓着绳子荡来荡去。
Watch meswingit around my head!看看我是怎样让它在我头上旋转!
Two leaden balls, each at the end of a stiff pendulum,swingfrom a pole.两个铅球,分别处在某个硬杆摆的末端,绕着一根柱子旋转。
Can youswingthem round to my point of view?你能让他们转而支持我的观点吗? It was here, at this psychiatric facility for children and adolescents, that I learned about my mood swings the early indications of bipolar disorder.
就是在这里,为儿童和青少年提供的精神病中心,我了解到我的心境波动是双相情感障碍的早期症状。 yeeyan

What is striking about the history of the past40 years is that these three swings in the value of the dollarranging from a rise of 236% to a fall of90% are huge by previous standards.
在过去让人震惊的40年历史中,美元价值这样的三次波动从升值236%到贬值90%以之前的标准来看是非常大的。 ecocn

“ Reborn” is in some ways less like a normal book and more like a person— it is consistent in its deepest reaches, but subject to enormous mood swings.
《新生》在某些意义上不能说是一本正式的书籍,而更像一个人的画像。 此书触及到作家的内心深处,展现了其内心剧烈的情绪波动。 yeeyan

As recent wild swings in their dollar price amply demonstrated, they are not the most predictable of vehicles.
随着最近美元的价格呈现失控的摇摆状态已详细地说明,他们并不是最可预测的工具。 yeeyan

At school, I had mood swings, sometimes with severe depression and also with periods of much higher mood, but these were put down to growing up and female hormones, and I learnt to live with them.
求学时,我就有心境波动,有时是严重的抑郁,有时是情绪特别高涨的时期,但这些都被归因于成长和雌性荷尔蒙的作用。我学会了忍受和适应它们。 yeeyan

Due to Newton's laws of motion, when an end ball is pulled back and released, the ball at the other end swings outward with the same speed, even though none of the middle balls move.
根据牛顿的运动定律,当最末端的一个球被拉起后再释放后,另一端最后的那个金属球就会以同样的速度向外摆动,而中间那些金属球中没有一个产生过运动。 yeeyan

Early pregnancy symptoms such as fatigue, tender breasts and mood swings sometimes indicate pregnancy.
早孕反应,诸如疲劳、乳房触痛和情绪波动,有时预示着怀孕。 yeeyan

Equities account for less than20% of Chinese households' total financial assets, compared with half in America, so price swings have less impact on spending.
股票资产不到中国家庭总资产的20%,美国则是占到了一半。因此,股价的波动对家庭开支影响也较小。 ecocn

He would warn, as he often did, about“ erratic swings” in the money supply.
就像以前常常做的那样,他会对货币供给的“不稳定波动”发出警告。 yeeyan

Idols of Radha and Krishna are placed on swings and devotees take turns to swing them.
罗陀与克利须那神的神像则被摆放在秋千上,信徒们轮流摇动秋千。 edu.sina.com.cn

If humans are subject to mood swings, the lows of life may thus be most tolerable in an environment in which other humans are unhappy.
如果人类遭受情绪波动,那么在其他人都不快乐的环境下,低水平的生活就会因而变得最可以忍受的了。 hxen

One of the theory's defects is its underlying assumption that power swings back and forth with election results.
这个理论的缺陷之一是它存在一种隐含的设想,即随着选举结果的出炉,权力也会来回地摇摆。 ecocn

She turns to me, quickly enough that the skirt swings out around her legs for a moment before it hangs smooth again.
她朝我转过身来,动作很快,那裙子在她大腿旁瞬间摆动一下,又平整地垂了下去。 yeeyan

The pendulum swings back and forth.
这就像单摆一样来回摆动。 yeeyan

There will be violent swings in the market along the way, but eventually, they will end.
从这个角度来看市场将会有剧烈的波动,但它们最终都会结束。 yeeyan

They have a children’s playground and facilities such as swings, slides, seesaw and skating rink.
他们有儿童操场和各种设施,比如秋千、滑梯、跷跷板和溜冰场。 ebigear

Thus even when family and friends learn to recognize the mood swings as possible bipolar disorder, the person may deny that anything is wrong.
因此,甚至当家人和朋友学习了把心境波动看作可能的双向情感障碍,当事人也会否认事情不对头。 yeeyan

Your feelings of overwhelm are related to the mood swings you endure.
你的抑郁情绪是出于你一直以来不停的摇摆和忍耐。 yeeyan




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