

单词 swimmingly
释义 swim·ming·ly 英ˈswɪmɪŋliː美ˈswɪmɪŋliAHDswĭmʹĭng-lē ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁶⁹¹⁴⁶BNC⁷⁹⁰⁷⁶⁺¹¹iWeb³⁷⁹⁰⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

with no problems or difficulties;

put the plans into effect quickly and smoothly

despite of some mishaps, everything went swimmingly

swimming,游泳,-ly,副词后缀。引申比喻义顺利地。go swimmingly进行顺利
swim-ming-ly像⇒adv.容易地¹⁶;顺利地⁸⁴近义词 well很好地easily容易地smoothly平滑地satisfactorily满意地effortlessly毫不费力地successfully成功地,圆满地…like clockwork规律而准确地…like a house on fire猛烈迅速地

The bride looked beautiful and the whole wedding wentswimmingly.新娘看上去很漂亮,整个婚礼进行得很顺利。
We're getting alongswimmingly.我们进展顺利。adv.very well
同义词 smoothlyas planned,cosily,easily,effectively,effortlessly,favorably,fortunately,happily,like a dream,like clockwork,prosperously,quickly,satisfyingly,successfully,well,with flying colors,with no trouble,without a hitch
反义词 lousy
easilyadverb without difficulty
calmly,comfortably,competently,conveniently,coolly,dexterously,efficiently,effortlessly,evenly,facilely,fluently,freely,hand over fist,handily,hands down,just like that,lightly,like nothing,no sweat,nothing to it,piece of cake,plainly,quickly,readily,regularly,simply,smoothly,steadily,surely,uncomplicatedly,well,with ease,with no effort,without a hitch,without trouble
excellentlyadverb very well
admirably,distinctively,divinely,exquisitely,extremely well,famously,fine,flawlessly,incomparably,ingeniously,magnificently,marvelously,masterfully,nobly,notably,perfectly,remarkably,sensationally,skillfully,splendidly,superbly,supremely,swimmingly,well,wonderfully
favorablyadverb opportunely, advantageously
auspiciously,conveniently,fortunately,happily,profitably,prosperously,satisfyingly,successfully,swimmingly,to one's advantage,well
fortunatelyadverb luckily
auspiciously,by good luck,by happy chance,favorably,happily,in good time,in the nick of time,opportunely,prosperously,providentially,satisfyingly,seasonably,successfully,swimmingly,well
happilyadverb successfully
readilyadverb quickly;effortlessly
at once,at the drop of a hat,cheerfully,eagerly,easily,facilely,freely,gladly,hands down,immediately,in a jiffy,in no time,lightly,no sweat,nothing to it,piece of cake,promptly,quick as a wink,right away,slick as whistle,smoothly,speedily,straight away,swimmingly,unhesitatingly,well,willingly,without delay,without demur,without difficulty,without hesitation“ Now things seem to be proceeding swimmingly, ” said a different high-level health official in the administration, also not authorized to speak by name.
“现在事情看似进行的很顺利”,另外一位同样没有获准发言的健康官员说。 yeeyan

At first the parade goes swimmingly, until the crowd realises the balloon will not fit under a traffic light and handlers desperately attempt to move the reindeer around the obstruction.
起初游行走得很顺畅,直到人群发现气球被一个红绿灯卡住,操作手们拼命想让驯鹿越过障碍物。 hxen

But recently, the development of it has been slowed down because of problems, such as low speed, low level of service. So the bus traffic cannot develop swimmingly.
但是目前常规公交由于速度低、服务水平低等问题,在发展过程中受到了阻碍。 cnki

Drainage: rainwater and sewage are discharged swimmingly.
排水:区内雨水、污水均可顺畅排放。 dictall

Events have not lately been going swimmingly for Mr Bush either on the ground in Iraq or up at the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue.
不管是伊拉克地面动荡不安的局势还是宾夕法尼亚大道对面高高在上的国会山庄,最近的一些事情总是让布什不顺畅。 ecocn

Everything, in short, seemed to be going swimmingly: the euro was pronounced a great success.
一句话,一切看上去都很顺利:欧元被宣布为一项巨大的成功。 yeeyan

I'm blessed with a small extended family, almost all of whom I get along with swimmingly, but not everyone is so lucky.
我是幸运的一个小家族,几乎所有的人我相处顺畅,但不是每个人都那么幸运的拥有品牌包包。 blog.sina.com.cn

In fact, things are going pretty swimmingly across the strait, which is one big thing we don't have to worry about.
事实上,海峡两岸关系的进展颇为顺利,这大大减轻了我们的后顾之忧。 ecocn

In order to guarantee implement of examination procedure swimmingly, the author teases the related system of evidence exchange, of witness appear in court and of expert assessor.
为了保障质证程序的顺畅实施,对证据交换制度、证人出庭作证制度、专家辅助人制度等也进行了相关的梳理。 cnki

In spite of one or two minor mishaps everything was going swimmingly.

Just know that things are going swimmingly and we are working as hard as we can.
事情进展顺利,我们也在尽我们所能了。 awgz

Next I will try my best to review my Japanese, hopefully, I could pass this examination successful and swimmingly!
接下来的时间,我将尽最大努力复习日语,希望我可以成功顺利通过这次考试! blog.sina.com.cn

That’s not to say Gansler thinks contracting is going swimmingly.
这并不是说甘斯勒认为所有的合同都执行得很顺利。 yeeyan

Things are going swimminglyand he is earning lots of cash for the dog until the sister repellent leaks in the classroom.
事情变得顺畅他的狗是赚取大量的现金,直到在课堂妹妹剂泄漏。 quafu

When things go swimmingly, few people seem to mind being run by benevolent autocrats. When things get sticky, they are less obliging.
顺境时,很少有人在意国家是否由仁慈的独裁者统治;危机时,人们就不那么好说话了. ecocn




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