

单词 swelling
释义 swell·ing 英ˈswelɪŋ美ˈswɛlɪŋAHDswĕlʹĭng ★☆☆☆☆牛ICOCA¹⁴⁴⁴⁹BNC²¹⁵⁵⁶iWeb⁷⁹⁵³Economist⁹⁹³⁴
an abnormal protuberance or localized enlargementsomething that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings;

the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge

the hump of a camel

he stood on the rocky prominence

the occipital protuberance was well developed

the bony excrescence between its horns

the increase in volume of certain substances when they are heated often accompanied by release of waterswell,膨胀,肿胀,-ing,动名词后缀。soil swelling土壤膨胀flagellar swelling鞭毛膨大区swelling test膨胀试验edematous swelling医 水肿性肿胀…clay swelling粘土膨胀swelling pressure膨胀压力,膨润压力,…swelling agent溶胀剂swelling ground冻胀土,膨胀性地基…swelling capacity泡胀度,溶胀度,膨胀…scrotal swelling阴囊隆突,阴囊突…white swelling白色肿swelling soil膨胀土cloudy swelling浊肿,混浊肿胀…intermicellar swelling微胞间溶胀,胶束间溶…swelling rock膨胀岩石nuclear swelling核肿胀swelling index膨胀指数equilibrium swelling平衡溶胀high-swelling自负的swell使膨胀
非常记忆swell肿胀〖熟词〗+ing鹰〖谐音〗⇒身体肿胀的鹰飞不起来swell大-ing动名词⇒n.肿胀物¹;膨胀动词swell的现在分词.近义词 lump块jut突出boil沸腾bump碰撞knob旋钮welt鞭痕hump驼背bulge膨胀pimple丘疹blister气泡abscess脓肿bunion拇囊炎puffiness虚胖growthU增长accession到达extrusion挤出gibbosity隆起protuberance瘤distension膨胀enlargement扩大inflammation发炎exaggeration夸张cumulative累积的protrusion隆起物prominence突出物intumescency膨胀intumescence肿大excrescence赘生物engorgement暴饮暴食gibbousnessgibbous的名词形式…

用作名词Theswellinghas gone down a little.肿块已小了一些。
He probed theswellinganxiously with his finger.他很担心地用手指触摸肿处。
Theswellingon her finger was caused by a foreign body in it.她的手指肿胀是手指内有异物引起的。
No pleasing drama in subtle averted eyes,theswellingfermata as the chord dies.微妙交错的眼神不是一出愉快的喜剧,在无尽膨胀的延长音里,两人的合唱已死去。
Theswellingor shrinkage with changes in moisture content is known as movement.木材随含水量变化发生膨胀或收缩,这种现象称为胀缩。noun.physical growth;lump
同义词 abscess,blister,bruise,bump,contusion,inflammation,injury,nodule,sore,tumor,weltboil,bulge,bunion,carbuncle,corn,dilation,distention,enlargement,hump,increase,knob,node,pimple,pock,protuberance,puff,puffiness,pustule,ridge,tumescence,wale,wart,wealknurl
反义词 decrease,depression
augmentationnoun making greater;improving
accession,accretion,addition,amplification,beefing up,boost,buildup,development,enhancement,enlargement,enrichment,expansion,extension,fleshing out,growth,heightening,hike,increase,increment,inflation,intensification,magnification,multiplication,raise,reinforcement,rise,strengthening,up,upping
billowyadjective surging
bouncing,bouncy,bulgy,distended,ebbing and flowing,heaving,puffyrippledrippling,rising,rising and falling,rolling,swelling,swirling,swollen,undulating,waving,wavy
bravadonoun boastfulness
blowing,bluff,bluster,boasting,bombast,braggadocio,bragging,bullying,crowing,fancy talk,fanfaronade,fuming,gasconade,grandiosity,guts,hot air,pomposity,pretension,raging,railing,rant,selfglorification,storming,swaggering,swelling,talk,tall talk
bruisenoun black and blue mark under skin
black eye,black mark,blemish,boo-boo,contusion,discoloration,injury,mark,mouse,swelling,wale,wound
bulbnoun globular object
bulgenoun swollen object
blob,bump,bunchbunchingconvexity,dilation,distention,excess,excrescence,gibbosity,growth,hump,intumescence,jut,lump,nodulation,nodule,outgrowth,outthrust,pouch,projection,prominence,promontory,protrusion,protuberance,sac,sagging,salience,superfluity,swelling,tuberosity,tumefaction,tumor,wart In most cases, symptoms are absent or mild, but can include fever, headache, enlarged lymph glands, pallor, muscle pain, difficulty in breathing, swelling and abdominal or chest pain.
多数病例无症状或症状温和,但可包括发热、头痛、淋巴结肿大、脸色苍白、肌肉疼痛、呼吸困难、肿胀以及腹部或胸部疼痛。 who

The excess hormone causes swelling, skin thickening, tissue growth and bone enlargement, especially in your face, hands and feet.
多余的生长激素导致肿胀、皮肤变厚、组织生长和骨膨大,尤其是面部、双手和双脚。 yeeyan

The stress of surgery, lack of sleep and recuperation that often includes pain, fatigue and swelling causes most to experience some degree of depression.
手术的压力、睡眠不足、术后恢复经常会伴随着疼痛、疲惫和肿胀,这些症状都让人感到很沮丧。 yeeyan

The swelling on her leg was dispersed by cold compresses.

Also prone to swelling and infection. If you have them by your 30s, it's almost an accomplishment.
同样容易肿大和感染。如果你到30岁还有扁桃体那简直是一个成就。 yeeyan

Ankle sprains are often caused by the twisting or rolling of your ankle and result in swelling and pain above and around the ankle.
脚踝扭伤大多数是由扭动或者转动你的脚踝引起的,并且导致脚踝的周围和上面的肿胀和疼痛。 yeeyan

As you can see here swelling and rupture of cladding, that you have to look at.

But when it comes to hemorrhoids— a painful swelling of the veins in the anal canal that affects half of all Americans— new research suggests that you may want to get your butt off the toilet.
但是说到痔疮,一种影响近一半美国人的肛管静脉的伴随着疼痛的肿胀,新的研究表明,如果你想预防痔疮的话可能就要让你的屁股离开厕所了。 yeeyan

But then an hour or two after the match, it started swelling up and then the pain came.
但是在比赛后的一到两个小时后,膝盖完全肿了起来,开始痛了起来。 yeeyan

For some, the red face is a mere nuisance; for others, it can be accompanied by symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and skin swelling.
对有些人,脸红不过是烦人一点;而对有些人而言,它还可能伴随着心跳急促和皮肤肿胀之类的症状。 yeeyan

Have you noticed any leg swelling?
你是否注意到腿有肿胀感? yeeyan

He's describing orgasm,the orgasm of a woman, the breast filling up, swelling, and then experiencing this explosion.

If the swelling should recur, please take this medicine immediately.

If you are infected, you can pass on these diseases before you see any symptoms, such as a rash or swelling.
如果你被感染,在你看到任何症状之前就可以传播这些疾病,如皮疹和肿胀。 yeeyan

Insect bites cause immediate redness, swelling, and itching.
昆虫叮咬后会立即发红、肿胀和瘙痒。 yeeyan

Loris bites cause a painful swelling, and the toxin is mild and not fatal.
被懒猴咬到会导致一个疼痛的肿胀这个毒素是温和但不致命。 yeeyan

Several studies have found that gingerand turmeric reduces pain and swelling in people with arthritis.
几项研究已经发现姜姜黄能减少关节炎患者的疼痛和肿胀。 yeeyan

She looked down the road for him, the pain in her heart swelling up again.
顺着大路望去,想找到他的影子,这时心里的痛楚又膨胀起来了。 kekenet

Symptoms of rheumatic fever include: fever, pain and swelling of the joints, nausea, stomach cramps and vomiting.
风湿热的症状包括:发烧、关节疼痛和肿胀、恶心、胃痉挛和呕吐。 who

The birds, usually made to swallow food through a tube, end up with livers swelling up to10 times normal size.
这些禽类,通常被迫通过管道吞咽食物,最终能长出膨胀到正常尺寸10倍大的肝脏。 yeeyan

There's a lot of imagery of swelling, of distortion and distention of the body that some critics point to her biography to explain.

They may or may not have noticed your swelling body but either way it’s a good time to get them used to the idea of a brother or sister.
他们可能注意到你肿胀的身体,或许没有注意到,但不管怎么样,现在就是让他们习惯将有一个弟弟或妹妹的想法的最好时机。 yeeyan

This silent killer causes the slow swelling of its victims' internal organs causing their eventual deaths.
这个隐秘的杀手使其患者的内部器官慢慢肿胀,最后导致其死亡。 who

Today, my most obvious issue, a side effect of treatment for head and neck cancer, is chronic facial swelling, also known as moon face.
今天,我最明显的问题,是头和颈部的癌症治疗产生了副作用,脸部慢性肿胀,就是众所周知的月亮脸。 yeeyan

You get bruising and swelling.
你就会变得青紫和肿胀。 yeeyan

Your nose is especially susceptible to alcohol- related swelling following rhinoplasty, so you’ll have to make a choice between your appearance and your buzz.
尤其是鼻子,在鼻部塑形手术后极易被酒精引起肿胀。因此,你需要在保持外形和宣泄情绪之间做一个选择。 blog.sina.com.cn

Your feet and legs may also begin to show signs of varicose veins and swelling.
你的脚和腿可能也会开始表现出静脉曲张和肿胀的迹象。 yeeyan




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