

单词 sweet pepper
释义 sweet pepper ˌswiːtˈpepər ☆☆☆☆☆高短语¹⁰⁶¹⁰⁰⁺

plant bearing large mild thick-walled usually bell-shaped fruits; the principal salad pepperslarge mild crisp thick-walled capsicum peppers usually bell-shaped or somewhat oblong; commonly used in salads近义词 pimiento甘椒pimento多香果bell pepper青椒paprika红灯笼辣椒
Green pepper is the main ingredient of the dish.甜椒是这道菜最主要的原料。
Clam andsweet peppercooked with Pesto sauce and steamed clam soup.以蒸煮出的蛤蛎汤汁做成鲜味青酱,并拌甜椒增加味觉层次。 In order to study the effect of fertigation with different fertilizers on the yield of sweet pepper and soil nitrate in the greenhouse, the experiment was carried out.
进行常规施肥沟灌、无肥滴灌和不同肥料用量的滴灌施肥,研究其对塑料大棚栽培甜椒果实产量与土壤硝酸盐的影响。 dictall

The extraction of red pigment from red sweet pepper with methanol was reported. Effect of the PH value, heat and sunlight on the stability were researched in depth.
本文报道了采用甲醇从红甜椒中提取甜椒红色素的工艺,并对 P H值、光、热等因素对其稳定性的影响,作了较深的研究。 chemyq

The oil in the pan out of all, garlic stir fragrance, sweet pepper silk fries slightly under.
把锅里的油全部倒出,下蒜末煸出香味,下甜椒丝稍炒。 witmart

We researched the effects of N, P and K on quality of sweet Pepper by means of the “311- A” optimization compound design.
以彩色甜椒为试验材料,采用“311- A”最优混合设计,研究氮磷钾对彩色甜椒品质的效应。 cnki

China plunged into GM crops in the late 1990s, when it allowed commercial planting of four transgenic species: cotton, petunia, tomato, and sweet pepper.
中国在世纪九十年代开始跳入转基因农作物潮流,当时允许商业种植的有四种植物:棉花、矮牵牛花、西红柿和柿子椒。 www.2250s.com

Comprehensive cultivating and controlling technology of sweet pepper was demonstrated which ensured the industry of drying vegetable and the production of sweet pepper in Ningxia province.
制定甜椒综合栽培技术,进行示范推广,为解决宁夏甜椒种植技术问题、发展脱水蔬菜产业提供了技术保障。 fabiao

Cultivation with film- mulching increased fertilizer supply ability of soils and promoted nutrient absorption by sweet pepper plants.
地膜覆盖栽培提高了土壤的供肥能力,促进了甜椒对养分的吸收。 cnki

In this experiment, the effects of different mixing reed residue sediment substrates on sweet pepper seedlings culture were investigated.
以石英砂为对照,研究了以芦苇末基质为主要成分的不同配比基质在甜椒育苗上的应用效果。 dictall

Japanese experts to test the data showed that the tumor suppressor role: sweet potato, cauliflower, water spinach, cauliflower, celery, eggplant, sweet pepper, such as doing well.
日本专家的测试资料表明,就抑癌作用而言:红薯、花椰菜、空心菜、花菜、芹菜、茄子、甜椒等表现不俗。 hxen

Onion, sweet pepper, mushrooms, olives with tomato sauce & mozzarella cheese.
洋葱,甜椒,蘑菇,番茄,橄榄,芝士,番茄汁。 exue

Tap water CK and magnetized water were applied to irrigate sweet pepper respectively in the experimentation.
本试验采用自来水对照和磁化活水对甜椒分别进行浇灌。 dictall

Sweet pepper cultivar-Zhongjiao NO. 4 was used as material to study the effect of different concentration of PP333 on the growth and development of sweet pepper in greenhouse.
以青椒品种中椒4号为试材,研究了多效唑 PP333不同浓度对温室青椒植株生长发育的影响。 cnki

Sweet pepper seedling should have such feature as high dry matter content, large root system and proper shoot height.
甜椒穴盘苗壮苗应具备干物质含量高,根系发达,株高适宜等特点。 cnki




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