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Sweet corn seed 基本例句 甜玉米 Results showed that sweet corn seed albumins existed in some polymorphism, which made up unique albumin PAGE “fingerprint” for each variety.结果表明,甜玉米种子清蛋白存在一定的多态性,每个品种都有各自独特的清蛋白PAGE“指纹”。 After artificially aged, the sweet corn seeds decrease in vigor, the germination percentage, germination rate decrease with the increasing of the ageing time. The contents of protein and soluble sugar of the sweet corn seeds decrease obviously.经人工老化的甜玉米种子活力下降;发芽势、发芽率也随着老化时间延长而降低;蛋白质、可溶性糖含量亦明显降低. Effect of sowing time on N,P,K and the nutrient accumulation of sweet corn seed不同播期对甜玉米籽粒N,P,K及可溶性糖的积累的影响研究 A New Sweet Corn F1 Hybrid -'Fengtian No.丰甜1号甜玉米的选育。 Effect of seed priming combined with chemical treatment on improving seed vigor of super sweet corn was investigated.本文对改善超甜玉米种子活力的方法进行了探索。 |