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词汇 Swedes
释义 Swedes swi:dz Economist¹⁰⁸¹⁶
n.瑞典人¹⁰⁰原型swede的复数 A similar pattern applies to health care. In1950, Swedes lived an average of2.6 years longer than Americans. Over the next half- century, Sweden and the U. S. diverged politically.
类似的模式也适用于医疗保健,1950年瑞典人的平均寿命比美国人多2.6年,在接下来的半个世纪当中,瑞典和美国在政治上分道而行。 yeeyan

The ever- sensible Swedes may smooth off some of the directive’s rougher edges, but it is just luck that they are in charge of the EU at the moment.

There was basically no change in the life expectancy gap. Swedes now live2.7 years longer.
期望寿命的差距基本上没有什么改变,瑞典人现在多活2.7年。 yeeyan

Also a century ago, many Swedes decided to remain in Sweden. They’ve done well there, too.
还是在一个世纪之前,许多瑞典人决定留在瑞典,他们在那里干得也不错。 yeeyan

As it is the four Swedes have promised to appeal to Sweden’s highest courts.
事实上,这四名瑞典人已承诺将向瑞典的最高法院提出上诉。 yeeyan

As such, the Swedes know the importance of getting out in the sunshine, when it finally arrives.
因此,瑞典人知道外出享受阳光的重要性,尤其当它到来时。 yeeyan

But that is not Sweden’s plan, says Mr Odell: Swedes believe that consensus is the best way to take long-term decisions that all can live with.
但欧戴尔说,瑞典不打算这样做:瑞典人认为要做出所有人都能接受的长期决定,最好的办法是求得一致意见。 ecocn

But why Swedes should have more freedom in matters of sex than Americans but less economic freedom is a considerable puzzle, although I shall attempt an explanation.
虽然我试图给出解释,但是,为什么瑞典人在性的问题上要比美国人有更多的自由,而更少经济的自由,这是一个相当大的难题。 yeeyan

By this measure, Sweden is less equal than Britain, since fewer Swedes have private pensions.
采用这种测量,瑞典比英国更不平等,因为更少的瑞典人有私人退休金。 ecocn

Having betrayed Peter, Mazeppa was anxious to link up with the Swedes before his treason was discovered.
在背叛了彼得之后,马泽帕一直急切盼望在他的叛国行为被发现之前与瑞典人会师。 yeeyan

He may have hoped that news just arrived from Poland might oblige the Swedes to withdraw.
他可能还希望过从波兰来的消息能迫使瑞典人撤军。 yeeyan

He remained at the furniture plant until it was purchased by a consortium of Germans and Swedes.
他一直在家具厂工作,直到它被一个由德国人和瑞典人组成的财团收购。 yeeyan

If other Europeans aged between55 and64 were as industrious as older Swedes, the continent could reduce the gap in hours with America by almost a quarter, according to the MGI.
据 MGI计算,如果欧洲其它国家介乎55到64岁之间的老人象瑞典人一样辛勤工作,那么整个欧洲与美国的工作时间差额将减少四分之一。 yeeyan

In hard times Swedes’ natural centre-left instincts tend to come to the fore.
瑞典人在困难时期的天生中间偏左的本能往往脱颖而出。 ecocn

More than13,600 Swedes have developed brain tumours in the intervening decades.
在这之间的几十年中超过13,600瑞典人得了脑癌。 hjenglish

Most Swedes are weary of listening to foreign claims about the perfection of their society.
多数瑞典人已经对外国人认为他们的社会如何尽善尽美感到厌倦。 ecocn

ON a humid morning in Panama City earlier this year, three Americans, two Swedes, two Portuguese, two Irish and three Israelis sat down together for breakfast.
今年早些时候,在一个闷热潮湿的上午,巴拿马城里有三个美国人,两个瑞典人,两个葡萄牙人,两个爱尔兰人和三个以色列人坐在一起用早餐。 yeeyan

One good excuse for serving schnapps, vodka, and beer at the event: Swedes believe alcohol aids in digesting the fatty fish.
鳗鱼是在活动中上杜松子酒、伏特加和啤酒的一个好借口:瑞典人认为烈性酒有助于消化多脂的鱼。 yeeyan

Outsourcing firms offer labour arbitrage, using cheap Indians to enter data rather than expensive Swedes. They can offer economies of scale, too.
外包公司提供劳动力套利,通过雇用廉价的印度人而不是昂贵的瑞典人来输入数据,他们也可以提供规模经济。 ecocn

Roughly a century ago, many Swedes immigrated to America. They’ve done very well here.
差不多在一个世纪以前,许多瑞典人移民到了美国,他们在这里干得非常不错。 yeeyan

So why are the Swedes thinking of voting out the ruling Social Democrats next weekend?
那何以瑞典人正考虑在下周末将执政的社会民主党选下台呢? ecocn

Some Swedes worry that if things do not go well, Mr Li may cut costs by moving more production to China.
一些瑞典人担心如果进展不顺利,李先生会把更多的生产转移到中国以削减成本。 ecocn

That seems to have spooked some Swedes.
这好像吓坏了一些瑞典人。 yeeyan

Then he headed north to meet the Swedes, before flying across to Norway.
而接下来,他一路往南与瑞典人会面,再飞往挪威。 ecocn

This may explain why Swedes complain less about high taxes than the inhabitants of a country of immigrants such as America.
这也许解释了为什么瑞典人对高税收的抱怨比像美国等国家移民的非居民少. ecocn

Very few Finns, Swedes and Danes complain about the green space in their countries, while more than one in three is unsatisfied with the access to green space in Italy and Turkey.
芬兰人、瑞典人以及丹麦人很少会抱怨本国的绿色地带,而超过三分之一的意大利和土耳其人则对绿色地带通道表示不满。 ecocn

When two economists calculated Swedish poverty rates according to the American standard, they found that6.7 percent of the Swedes in Sweden were living in poverty.
有两个经济学家根据美国的标准来计算瑞典的贫困率,他们发现在瑞典有6.7%的瑞典人生活在贫困之中。 yeeyan




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