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词汇 Swede
释义 Swede 英swiːd美swidAHDswēd
n. 瑞典人n. 植芜菁甘蓝

a native or inhabitant of Swedena cruciferous plant with a thick bulbous edible yellow rootthe large yellow root of a rutabaga plant used as food来自中古低地德语 Swede,瑞典人,可能来自 Proto-Germanic*sweba,自由,自由人。Swedish瑞典人…近义词 Swedish turnip芸苔turnip cabbage球茎甘蓝rutabaga黄色蔓菁的一种…

用作名词A story is told about aSwedewho wanted to join Napoleon's Grand Army.有一篇故事讲的是一个要参加拿破仑的瑞典人的事。
TheSwedewas warned that the great man would probably ask him some questions.他们提醒那个瑞典人,那位大人物很可能问他一些问题。 A former leading Chinese player, Jiang is back to being her primary coach after she parted ways with Thomas Hogstedt, a Swede who is now employed by Maria Sharapova.
江是前中国队主力,在瑞典人托马斯赫格斯泰德离开受雇于玛利亚莎拉波娃之后,回来成为她的主教练。 yeeyan

And the Swede was keen to bury once and for all the suggestion that he and Nadal do not get on, following an acrimonious match at Wimbledon three years ago.
瑞典人同时也一次澄清了他和纳达尔关系不好的传言,这起于三年前在温布尔顿的一场艰苦的比赛。 yeeyan

Having spent five years as England manager from2001, the Swede had10 turbulent months as Mexico's coach, ending in April this year.
从2001年开始,这位瑞典人执掌英国兰国家队教鞭长达五年,之后又在墨西哥国家队帅位上度过了如履薄冰的十个月时间,最终于今年四月份离职。 yeeyan

The swede could not possibly remember all these words and so his friends decided to teach him only the answers in their proper order.
瑞典人不可能记住这些话,所以他的朋友们就决定只教他按顺序学会这些问题的答语。 hotdic

The Swede has become notorious for meek efforts outside Serie A and presented no danger when Manchester United eliminated his club last season.
瑞典人在意甲联赛之外无能的表现已经声名狼藉,在曼联上赛季淘汰他的球队的比赛中毫无作为。 yeeyan

“ Twenty-three, sir” said the Swede clearly and well.
“二十三,先生”那个瑞典人回答得既清楚又好听。 iciba

And some cuddly Swede.
还有一些赏心悦目的瑞典人。 kekenet

At the first stop light, he caught sight of the Swede standing at the junction with the penguins in a row behind him, waiting on the light.
在第一个信号灯的地方,他看到瑞典人站在路口等红灯,企鹅在他身后排成一排。 yeeyan

Both have benefited from working with foreign coaches of their own choosing, Zheng bringing the renowned American Nick Bollettieri and Li working with Swede Thomas Hogstedt.
她们两人都从与她们自己选择的外籍教练的合作中受益了,郑洁带来了著名的美国人 Nick Bollerrieri 而李娜师从瑞典人 Thomas Hogstedt. yeeyan

Finland has an estimated population of5 million. About93.4% of the population are Finns and 5.5% Swede.
据估计芬兰人口约有5百万,大约93.4%是芬兰人,5.5%是瑞典人。 ebigear

First was the decision to appoint a Swede, Tomas Alfredson, to direct.
首先是该片被委任给瑞典人托马斯·阿尔弗莱德森来执导的决定。 ecocn

In the seventh game, the Swede was facing two set points when a rasping Federer forehand flew past him.
在第七场比赛中,索德林在面对费德勒强劲的正手击球的压力下痛失两个盘点。 yeeyan

Italian Fabio Capello is contracted to be England coach until2012 and is the FA's second overseas appointment after Swede Sven-Goran Eriksson.
意大利人卡佩罗的合同将至2012年,他也是继瑞典人埃里克森后第二位海外教练。 yeeyan

Seymour“ Swede” Levov mourns the skills that were lost when he moved all his production offshore: the art of table- cutting, the twists and turns where finger crotches were sewed.
当 Seymour“ Swede” Levov将他所有的生产线搬到近海处时,他哀悼手套制造技艺的失传:桌式切磨工艺,指套之间连接处的缝合。 ecocn

Since parting ways with Swede Peter Lundgren in December2003, Federer has opted not to work with a full-time trainer.
自从2003年12月与瑞典人 Peter Lundgren分道扬镳后,费德勒就选择不请全职教练。 yeeyan

Stephen Odell, recently appointed as the first non- Swede to run Volvo, insists that the only thing on his mind is returning the firm to profitability.
近期任命的 Stephen Odell先生——首位非瑞典裔沃尔沃管理者——强调他唯一担心的事就是使公司重现盈利。 ecocn

The company was started by a Swede and a Dane who contracted out much of their work to computer programmers in Estonia.
这家公司最初由一个瑞典人和一个丹麦人发起设立,他们把许多工作外包给爱沙尼亚的计算机程序员。 ecocn

The first patient to receive a fully implantable artificial pacemaker was a43-year-old Swede called Arne Larsson.
第一位接受完全植入式人工心率调整器的病人是四十三岁的瑞典人阿恩拉森。 ecocn

The Swede was warned that the great man would probably ask him some questions.

The Swede led Manchester City to wins in his opening three Premier League games, without conceding a goal.
这位瑞典人带领曼彻斯特城队赢得了开季的三场联赛,没有一个失球。 iciba

There was widespread speculation in the Scandinavian and British media Sunday that the bomber was a28-year-old Swede of Iraqi origin, who had attended a British university.
上周星期天,斯堪的纳维亚和英国媒体都大肆推测说,造成两起爆炸的元凶是一位28岁的出身于伊拉克的瑞典人。 这名男子曾就读于英国一所大学。 putclub

Three- quarters of Swede belong to the country's official church, but only15 percent believe in Jesus.
在瑞典,有3/4的民众是瑞典官方教堂的成员,但其中只有15%的人信奉基督教。 yeeyan

Weekend reports suggested the Swede, who is at Milan on loan from Barcelona, was City's latest high-profile target.
周刊报道,从巴塞罗那租借到米兰的瑞典人是曼城俱乐部最新的目标。 yeeyan

What it really means: Well, that is good news especially for someone like me, who's a Swede, living and working in the UK.
好消息背后:唔,听起来的确不错,对于像我这样在英国生活和工作的瑞典人那尤其如此。 yeeyan




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